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Why do people believe the Universe has no purpose/cause?

Uncle you can keep on going I will keep on disagreeing with you...you need to prove thor is god and you need to prove god doesn't exist this was the original discussion prove and disprove or walk away with BS of science god...what prove does your science have human was an ape and why the current apes stopped to become humans....last you decide are you ape or human.

Nice try next you'll declare youself are thor the actual ape that turned human and declared himself comic god.

But wait first you said there is no god now you believe in thor double minded?

Thank god (pun intended) you got the point finally. Yes, if I say thor is god, I need to prove it. In fact, if anybody claims anyone as god, they need to prove it. So, where is the proof that your god is the only god??? I am NOT saying god doesn't exists (hence I need not prove non-existence of god) . My plain point is that nobody has any proof of any god, till date.
And you are right too. All the instance of religion, it is one person who is claiming to be god/messiah/messenger. How people will believe that claim without any evidence? And no, I don't believe thor. Replace thor with your god and see how argument goes. It was my way to drive the point to you that even you are non believer in god and agree that god doesn't exist in general but take on a fallacy of "special pleading" for "your" god. Which is kind of funny.

You got the concept all wrong.

I made no statement just trying to clear up what he meant, the term literally is life cycle of a star but to take it in the terms of plants or animals would be an error.

So, why did you commit that error in your comment? (part of your comment below and part where you equated starts with plants/animals highlighted)
"there are far more stars and galaxies than humans and animals, they interact continuously too, they are alive, since we talk about the newborn stars and the dead stars, black-holes like graves"
The universe just is. It is ineffable. It is without purpose. Life is without purpose. It just is. It is up to the individual to give purpose to his or her life.
That's a relief. I thought something fishy was going on.
I am not trolling. The probability that we are living in a simulated environment tends to reach 1.
Nick Bostrom is a scientist and his papers were published and are being considered. Nobody has been able to refute his statements yet.
Review of Bostrom's Simulation Argument
The Matrix as Metaphysics
we are result of a failed scientific experiment ! abandoned to survive on its own. ;)
Universe must have a purpose/cause to exist for the one who created the Universe.

We exist because there is Universe, Universe would exist even if we were to become extinct tomorrow. So we might serve a purpose for Universe, as the ones who can admire its size and complexity.

But what purpose Universe has for Humanity? There is None.
@SarthakGanguly: That's interesting. I don't whether to be reassured or not.
If you plot the points and frame the equations (points 1, 2, 3) you will get the probability is close to 1. So yeah, it feels awkward that we can 'cease' to exist by a push of a button ... ie. if the simulator is switched off. We will vanish just as we were created from the Big Bang.

Out of nowhere.

Another argument supporting it is that any non natural creation will have patterns to it. Repeated patterns. Like our codes have loops. Our cars, our washing machines, our dress, our aircraft, our guns, etc etc things that we make all have a set pattern. Because we design them the way we are educated. The Universe should ideally be random and chaotic. Instead we find patterns rising everywhere. But we did not create them. From the snowflakes to the rivers, to the mountains to the Laws of science - all have pattern. The subatomic particles having spins, tilts, orbits (plus 99% space) can easily be expanded to create models of the universe itself where planets orbit the Stars, Stars orbit Galaxies, and galaxies rotate around supermassive blackholes. From the macro to the mini scales - there is always a pattern. :D
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