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Why do people believe the Universe has no purpose/cause?

let me ask you if God sleeps could there be possibility universe will collapse...answer wisely.
Not if he is omnipotent. He can make arrangements so that universe will not collapse when he is sleeping. Offcourse, it is hypothetical question because god's existence is not proven...

Lol a simple google search life of a star and you will see a bunch of sites talking about cycle of stars. As far as life goes the definition is based on living species namely plants and animals. For a star its cycle would be its life in comparative terms.
Thanks for admitting that you are wrong in comparing "life" of star to living things. So, you proved your statements wrong...
The people who believe that the universe has no purpose or cause, generally lack advanced scientific education and knowledge, so they are not really to blame for that, humans in general tend to reject completely what they do not understand and what is beyond their imagination, this question has challenged even the best human minds, but the answer is in understanding many fields of science and relating them together. This might sound simple but the requirements are though.
Lol burden of proof is on the claimant I do not think you Indians grasp this concept. I never said other species pray or not all I said is you cannot possibly know for sure and for you to prove your own logic which you obviously cannot. Anyway I gotta get some sleep.

The burden of proof falls on the Man who chooses to bring doubt where none exist.

It's like saying there may be a huge underground city at the core of our planet. Any rational man would disagree to this assertion. But if someone said 'who knows, it may be a possibility', then the burden of proof falls on him, not on someone who does not wish to see any merit in such an absurd assumption.

Anyways, Good Night mate.:wave:
No they won't. Otherwise give link please. Nobody ever witnessed light (result of star "burning") turning into matter or hydrogen atom...
when a person dies, do you see where his energy and matter goes?
The people who believe that the universe has no purpose or cause, generally lack advanced scientific education and knowledge, so they are not really to blame for that, humans in general tend to reject completely what they do not understand and what is beyond their imagination, this question has challenged even the best human minds, but the answer is in understanding many fields of science and relating them together. This might sound simple but the requirements are though.
Ha ha ha... you made my day, my advanced scientific knowledgeable friend... you know nothing but use so many big words. Wonder if any scientist is interested in conducting experiment on you instead of primates....

when a person dies, do you see where his energy and matter goes?
When somebody dies, they won't have any energy (well duh, that is the meaning of dead, isn't it??). Their matter disperses according to their final resting place.
You are getting personnal, that means you are out of arguments, so, no point even to insult you, life has insulted you by having you as an indian, a laughing stock for the universe.
Why not? Since Thor is omnipotent, he can make anything....

Nope...you failed to answer...I do not recognize thor though...even if there is thor he is human being look at his body tiny hands/arms compared to god.
You are getting personnal, that means you are out of arguments, so, no point even to insult you, life has insulted you by having you as an indian, a laughing stock for the universe.
I believe you said this "The people who believe that the universe has no purpose or cause, generally lack advanced scientific education and knowledge". Universe doesn't laugh. Now crawl back to the cave and go to sleep.

Nope...you failed to answer...I do not recognize thor though...even if there is thor he is human being look at his body tiny hands/arms compared to god.
Why? So, you agree that god doesn't exist.. And from when did god needs human approval???
I believe you said this "The people who believe that the universe has no purpose or cause, generally lack advanced scientific education and knowledge". Universe doesn't laugh. Now crawl back to the cave and go to sleep.

Why? So, you agree that god doesn't exist.. And from when did god needs human approval???

Uncle you can keep on going I will keep on disagreeing with you...you need to prove thor is god and you need to prove god doesn't exist this was the original discussion prove and disprove or walk away with BS of science god...what prove does your science have human was an ape and why the current apes stopped to become humans....last you decide are you ape or human.

Why? So, you agree that god doesn't exist.. And from when did god needs human approval???

Nice try next you'll declare youself are thor the actual ape that turned human and declared himself comic god.

But wait first you said there is no god now you believe in thor double minded?
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Mathematics is the basis for physics, chemistry etc. The building blocks of all creation, if there was ever a god, it is mathematics. But it is a cruel God, not entirely lifeless, but not one which responds to prayer.

I implore you to read the significant papers from recent history. A sense of awe will overcome you, not too dissimilar to what many Christians I know feel in "the presence of God"

Goddamn Atheists!

Burn in the stake heathen! You have made sense far enough.
He does speak Arabic what do you mean lol? Translations can be wrong that is why we do not call translations the Quran only on Arabic copies we write Quran. SA translations? Have you picked up Every Quran in SA to check? They may promote a certain translation but that would not be for their own people as their own people just read Arabic Quran. No shirk is well defined lol it would be a sin but not shirk anyway I would Anything Saudis do with a pinch of salt.

I know, lol, he thinks I can't speak Arabic.
The burden of proof falls on the Man who chooses to bring doubt where none exist.

It's like saying there may be a huge underground city at the core of our planet. Any rational man would disagree to this assertion. But if someone said 'who knows, it may be a possibility', then the burden of proof falls on him, not on someone who does not wish to see any merit in such an absurd assumption.

Anyways, Good Night mate.:wave:

You got the concept all wrong.

Thanks for admitting that you are wrong in comparing "life" of star to living things. So, you proved your statements wrong...

I made no statement just trying to clear up what he meant, the term literally is life cycle of a star but to take it in the terms of plants or animals would be an error.
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