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Why do people believe the Universe has no purpose/cause?

I don't think they mis-translated. But people here are saying that. It only means that the verse is not clear and ambiguous..

Since you found a Saudi site that is your conclusion? Most likely they mis translated but if you ask Saudi who read a Quran he picked up in Saudia that is in just Arabic and ask him to translate you will see that they know what it really says. The translation they provide online is probably for non Arabic speaker now you cannot know for sure why it is written like that unless you email them and ask them.
The answer to this question will be to take a look at the Mandelbrot set. the more you dig in the more you find the same thing, it is like having the first look that equals the infinitely defined look.

So, the existence of the universe has a purpose of its own, there are far more stars and galaxies than humans and animals, they interact continuously too, they are alive, since we talk about the newborn stars and the dead stars, black-holes like graves of the universe or better yet cemeteries in the universe, billions or trillions of galaxies moving in an orderly fashion. this order which seems too complicated for humans to comprehend even if they can observe it with instruments that prolong their limited natural means, may appear as complete chaos, yet the scientists know that order exists within chaos.
So if the whole universe behaves like humans with the same eternal cycle of birth and death, it means it has an existential purpose reflected on all lively things that it encompasses, which translate to one word: life.
This is the existential picture, I did not even mention all the minute details involved in this mechanic, be it the physical sciences, the mathematics, the engineering sciences and more, that are limited by the physical limits of the human mind, _since humans can only see, hear, feel and think in very limited frequencies in a universe of all frequencies_, while there is seemingly a limitless mind governing the universe. If we take a simple example of a galaxy and how the movements of all the stars it contains are coordinated, you can ask any physicist how mind boggling is that, Now let alone how the whole universe is coordinated in its seemingly infinite movement(s). So any intelligence behind this fluid (I mean well oiled) mechanic must logically be infinite in scope.
This, I think is the principle that led early high thinking humans to come up with the concept of a GOD, not Gods, since even they (the gods) would be subject to some kind of coordination or management by someone or something. Monotheistic religions followed this path of thinking and humans as usual managed to distort it to an extent where it lost its fundamental principle.
Only the religion of Islam kept it scientifically sound and simple enough for whom it may concern to find out the purpose of this life, and that is to "surrender"; (live in harmony with these forces of the universe -There is no other choices anyway!!! - and more precisely the one who governs them) to the universe or more precisely to the one who manage it and run it with humans as infinitesimal subjects, while being active (living its own life).
Please do not get me wrong, I mentioned the concept of Islam, not the Muslims, since some of them understand it and others do not. This concept is the closest I have found relating to the scientific analysis of the universe and the meaning of life in it.
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I don't think they mis-translated. But people here are saying that. It only means that the verse is not clear and ambiguous..

Sahih International
And the heaven We constructed with strength, and indeed, We are [its] expander.
Muhsin Khan
With power did We construct the heaven. Verily, We are Able to extend the vastness of space thereof.
We have built the heaven with might, and We it is Who make the vast extent (thereof).
Yusuf Ali
With power and skill did We construct the Firmament: for it is We Who create the vastness of pace.
And the heaven, We raised it high with power, and most surely We are the makers of things ample.

So, all these people make the same mistake? lol.... okey.... looks like none of them know arabic what a mess....
I don't need all the translations. My question is simple, if anyone translates otherwise, as in here (Holy Quran - KSU Electronic Moshaf project are they distorting quran?

You are the one claiming that some theories are proven and some or not... If you don't understand science, ask.

Theory just like terrorism is a word that people failed to define properly with many people not agreeing to it. It is an idea that is suggested or presented as possibly true but that is not known or proven to be true...see that's a twisted one for people like you if you believe in theories of science than the news is you still can't disprove God unless you have a fact that he doesn't exist do you? Now look finally I have no problem with your beliefs believe in it all you want and let me believe and have beliefs of mine if there is no little agreement over topic/issues than part away it is better since nothing is going to be solved...you say don't bring the scientific knowledge from some religious book but than it is a waste knowledge and research is useless people should be open enough to atleast study no? however the word of science can't be taken as proof complete in many matters...if you are going to blindly believe in science for everything and anything that it makes you follower of a religion named science.

Sahih International
And the heaven We constructed with strength, and indeed, We are [its] expander.
Muhsin Khan
With power did We construct the heaven. Verily, We are Able to extend the vastness of space thereof.
We have built the heaven with might, and We it is Who make the vast extent (thereof).
Yusuf Ali
With power and skill did We construct the Firmament: for it is We Who create the vastness of pace.
And the heaven, We raised it high with power, and most surely We are the makers of things ample.

So, all these people make the same mistake? lol.... okey.... looks like none of them know arabic what a mess....

Seriously did you even research before copy paste? there is no mess or mistake and you realize these are the interpretation of the translation of Quran. The language in which Quran came is extremely rich. Do you want me to post hindu religious book its translation to english greek and other languages and then I would post what a mess...not sure what are you trying to prove here but all are very same but you do not understand.
The answer to this question will be to take a look at the Mandelbrot set. the more you dig in the more you find the same thing, it is like having the first look that equals the infinitely defined look.

So, the existence of the universe has a purpose of its own, there are far more stars and galaxies than humans and animals, they interact continuously too, they are alive, since we talk about the newborn stars and the dead stars, black-holes like graves of the universe or better yet cemeteries in the universe, billions or trillions of galaxies moving in an orderly fashion. this order which seems too complicated for humans to comprehend even if they can observe it with instruments that prolong their limited natural means, may appear as complete chaos, yet the scientists know that order exists within chaos.
So if the whole universe behaves like humans with the same eternal cycle of birth and death, it means it has an existential purpose reflected on all lively things that it encompasses, which translate to one word: life.
This is the existential picture, I did not even mention all the minute details involved in this mechanic, be it the physical sciences, the mathematics, the engineering sciences and more, that are limited by the physical limits of the human mind, _since humans can only see, hear, feel and think in very limited frequencies in a universe of all frequencies_, while there is seemingly a limitless mind governing the universe. If we take a simple example of a galaxy and how the movements of all the stars it contains are coordinated, you can ask any physicist how mind boggling is that, Now let alone how the whole universe is coordinated in its seemingly infinite movement(s). So any intelligence behind this fluid (I mean well oiled) mechanic must logically be infinite in scope.
This, I think is the principle that led early high thinking humans to come up with the concept of a GOD, not Gods, since even they would be subject to some kind of coordination or management by someone or something. Monotheistic religions followed this path of thinking and humans as usual managed to distort it to an extent where it lost its fundamental principle.
Only the religion of Islam kept is scientifically sound and simple enough for whom it may concern to find out the purpose of this life, and that is to surrender (live in harmony with this will of the forces of the universe and more precisely the one who govern them, the almighty GOD) while being active (living its own life).
Please do not get me wrong, I mentioned the concept of Islam, not the Muslims, since some of them understand it and others do not. This concept is the closest I have found relating to the scientific analysis of the universe and the meaning of life in it.

As they say, for every complex question there is simple, easy to understand wrong answer.....

Theory just like terrorism is a word that people failed to define properly with many people not agreeing to it. It is an idea that is suggested or presented as possibly true but that is not known or proven to be true...see that's a twisted one for people like you if you believe in theories of science than the news is you still can't disprove God unless you have a fact that he doesn't exist do you? Now look finally I have no problem with your beliefs believe in it all you want and let me believe and have beliefs of mine if there is no little agreement over topic/issues than part away it is better since nothing is going to be solved...you say don't bring the scientific knowledge from some religious book but than it is a waste knowledge and research is useless people should be open enough to atleast study no? however the word of science can't be taken as proof complete in many matters...if you are going to blindly believe in science for everything and anything that it makes you follower of a religion named science.

Seriously did you even research before copy paste? there is no mess or mistake and you realize these are the interpretation of the translation of Quran. The language in which Quran came is extremely rich. Do you want me to post hindu religious book its translation to english greek and other languages and then I would post what a mess...not sure what are you trying to prove here but all are very same but you do not understand.
Both hindu and islamic religious texts can be wrong. Happy???
As they say, for every complex question there is simple, easy to understand wrong answer.....

Both hindu and islamic religious texts can be wrong. Happy???

Well I assure you, you are on a wrong path of research umm what we call "what a mess"...lets come back to the main point prove God doesn't exist if you can both scientifically or not in any method.
Well I assure you, you are on a wrong path of research umm what we call "what a mess"...lets come back to the main point prove God doesn't exist if you can both scientifically or not in any method.
Disprove FSM/Unicorn/Monkey on your back exist. Or shall we take this route - Does god Thor exist? If not, you agree that God doesn't exist. If you say Thor exist, prove it...
Disprove FSM/Unicorn/Monkey on your back exist. Or shall we take this route - Does god Thor exist? If not, you agree that God doesn't exist. If you say Thor exist, prove it...

Had you not watched movie/saw comics of marvel particular character or had it never been introduced and had there been no thor character at all you wouldn't have asked this question...so all i can do is laugh...ball is in your court prove God doesn't exist or walk away with BS of science is everything. You are beginning to believe in science is god...when the science community retracted their discovery pluto was a planet now its not...
As they say, for every complex question there is simple, easy to understand wrong answer.....

Both hindu and islamic religious texts can be wrong. Happy???

You like philosophy, i do not think you understand science.
you jump up and down when you hear Islam, please read carefully my post before answering and explain to me and the other members of this Forum where you see the wrong answer to the question, apart from your hasty opinion. I invite you to give my post a thorough thought and come up with solid arguments if you can. This is a serious question , so no trolling is needed, I know you can not help it, but I invite you to try.
Had you not watched movie/saw comics of marvel particular character or had it never been introduced and had there been no thor character at all you wouldn't have asked this question...so all i can do is laugh...ball is in your court prove God doesn't exist or walk away with BS of science is everything. You are beginning to believe in science is god...when the science community retracted their discovery pluto was a planet now its not...
Thor is not introduced by Marvel comics. This shows how narrow your world view is. It is like being a frog in a well trying to size ocean. In any ways, whatever you said is true for all gods. If you haven't read the religious book/mythology/story that introduces that perticular go, you would be saying that god exists... So, cut the BS and prove your god exists or walk away (well, just showing you whatever language you are using can easily be used on you)..
Thor is not introduced by Marvel comics. This shows how narrow your world view is. It is like being a frog in a well trying to size ocean. In any ways, whatever you said is true for all gods. If you haven't read the religious book/mythology/story that introduces that perticular go, you would be saying that god exists... So, cut the BS and prove your god exists or walk away (well, just showing you whatever language you are using can easily be used on you)..

I don't care who introduced the stupid character the point is made take it or leave it...Oh sure go read my religious book for my God why so BS about did I not say open minds don't be biased read religious book/scripture do some research get some knowledge...unless you are like that texas red neck before you even speak he declares you the demon and puts you down. Do your study and research come with points if you don't understand go to the highest scholar in that field ask them educate them nobody is stopping you.
You like philosophy, i do not think you understand science.
you jump up and down when you hear Islam, please read carefully my post before answering and explain to me and the other members of this Forum where you see the wrong answer to the question, apart from your hasty opinion. I invite you to give my post a thorough thought and come up with solid arguments if you can. This is a serious question , so no trolling is needed, I know you can not help it, but I invite you to try.
Well, when your first sentence starts with "universe has a purpose", there is nothing to read further (well I have read your post and from top to bottom it is just a statement). When you start like start and galaxies have life like humans, well.. and you tell me I don't know anything about science??? For a change, care to give any proof to any of the assertions you made?
You are making a large assumption here namely that you know that every species in the universe has no notion of God except humanity. Just not possible for you too know.
Either that or no other species goes to any lengths to worship or 'obey' a God. The unwanted reverence to a creator of this Universe who is clearly not bothered with us anymore seems to be a uniquely Human affliction.
I don't care who introduced the stupid character the point is made take it or leave it...Oh sure go read my religious book for my God why so BS about did I not say open minds don't be biased read religious book/scripture do some research get some knowledge...unless you are like that texas red neck before you even speak he declares you the demon and puts you down. Do your study and research come with points if you don't understand go to the highest scholar in that field ask them educate them nobody is stopping you.
lol... you use lot of big words. Unfortunately, you have no clue what you are talking about. Do you have open mind about earth being flat or Thor being a god??
Well, when your first sentence starts with "universe has a purpose", there is nothing to read further (well I have read your post and from top to bottom it is just a statement). When you start like start and galaxies have life like humans, well.. and you tell me I don't know anything about science??? For a change, care to give any proof to any of the assertions you made?
Are you saying that stars do not have birth and death cycles? Than you do not know science or more precisely astronomy.
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