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Why do people believe the Universe has no purpose/cause?

You are making a large assumption here namely that you know that every species in the universe has no notion of God except humanity. Just not possible for you too know.

It's irrelevant either way and can't constitute evidence for God's existence/non-existence
Are you for real or what? You got no clue how day and night comes in timely fashion? My head is "spinning"

If you don't agree don't go bizarre monkey over me simply leave my post to rest ok no pressure here to convert or accept it.
He watches too much Bill O'Reilly
Or ardent follower or certain religious figures who say earth is flat and anything other than that is "USA, Jew Conspiracy"...

If you don't agree don't go bizarre monkey over me simply leave my post to rest ok no pressure here to convert or accept it.

Yeah right. Just curious to know whether you were serious or being ironic/sarcastic. Some times it is really tough to tell....
Or ardent follower or certain religious figures who say earth is flat and anything other than that is "USA, Jew Conspiracy"...

That's just funny comment from you two because the religion in which i believe already proved about how earth looks almost 15 hundred years ago and today's science is in sync and proved it equally right so ask me before you declare what I think of earth or anything else...not a good try..try better next time but don't try them with those monkey religious figures or 8 hands at work with blue tongue out.

Or ardent follower or certain religious figures who say earth is flat and anything other than that is "USA, Jew Conspiracy"...

Yeah right. Just curious to know whether you were serious or being ironic/sarcastic. Some times it is really tough to tell....

That's fine don't take me serious all will be well this is forum eat your breakfast and go out enjoy. :coffee:
But how will you prove that it isn't?

I know Indians are short but fairy short? :D


This is your explanation, anybody who knows Arabic, even Persians can confirm this to you:

As to the Universe Expanding, the Arabic Word used by Allah Almighty is MOUSI'OONA (موسعون expanding) in Noble Verse 51:47, which is a verb of the noun WAASI'A (واسع vast). Now some might say that MOUSI'OONA only means "WE MADE IT VAST", and is not a contineous process. I respond to them by saying that the word would then have to be AWSA'NA (أوسعنا expanded or made bigger), and not the continueous action and verb MOUSI'OONA (موسعون expanding). MOUSI'OONA is clearly a verb that refers to a continuing expansion, or a happening and ongoing expansion.

I agree with this explanation, I know Arabic, if it was we had made it vast it would be this way : اوسعناها

@Arabian Legend @Islam shall be the winner @haman10

As for the second verse I showed you, why would people a thousand plus years ago suspect the Universe would 'fold up', basically meaning contract?


Pre-1930's translations....:

1- Tafsir muqatel ibn solaiman (year AD 767)

means: we are able to expand it as we want.

تفسير مقاتل بن سليمان/ مقاتل بن سليمان (ت 150 هـ
{ وَإِنَّا لَمُوسِعُونَ } [آية: 47] يعني نحن قادرون على أن نوسعها كما نريد

2- Tafsir Bahr alolum , (year 985)
means: we are able to expand it as we will.

(فسير بحر العلوم/ السمرقندي

{ وَإِنَّا لَمُوسِعُونَ } يعني نحن قادرون على أن نوسعها كما نريد

3- Tafsir alfayruz abadi (year 1414)

means : we we are expanding it as we will.

{ وَإِنَّا لَمُوسِعُونَ } لها ما نشاء

تفسير القرآن/ الفيروز آبادي (ت817

4- Tafsir Alnukat waloyon (year 1058)

means : we are able to make the heaven expanding more that it is already expanded.

تفسير النكت والعيون/ الماوردي (ت 450 ه)
الثاني: لموسعون السماء، قاله ابن زيد.

الثالث: لقادرون على الاتساع بأكثر من اتساع السماء.

5 - Tafsir Alqasemy : (year 1913 )

means: we are able to expand it, more than it is already expanded.

تفسير محاسن التأويل / محمد جمال الدين القاسمي (ت 1332هـ
{ وَإِنَّا لَمُوسِعُونَ } أي: لقادرون على الإيساع، كما أوسعنا بناءها

6- Tafsir Altabarani (year 970)

means :we expand the heaven in every direction.

تفسير التفسير الكبير / للإمام الطبراني (ت 360 ـ)

{ وَإِنَّا لَمُوسِعُونَ }؛ في السَّماء على الأرضِ في كلِّ جهاتٍ

Etc ,etc,etc .......................


If I personally would literally translate it for you it would like this:

And we have the ability/are able/can spread/space/stretch/make bigger it as we wish/will.

His source of info on the Quran is answering Islam lol just leave it. Summum bukmun umyun ;)
That's just funny comment from you two because the religion in which i believe already proved about how earth looks almost 15 hundred years ago and today's science is in sync and proved it equally right so ask me before you declare what I think of earth or anything else...not a good try..try better next time but don't try them with those monkey religious figures or 8 hands at work with blue tongue out.

That's fine don't take me serious all will be well this is forum eat your breakfast and go out enjoy. :coffee:
And how does it look?? (oh please don't say duhiya means egg and that BS.... earth is not spherical, it is oblate spheroid, if you can even think of what it looks like..)
After this reply, I can't take you seriously....

I know Indians are short but fairy short? :D

His source of info on the Quran is answering Islam lol just leave it. Summum bukmun umyun ;)
I know where he copy pasted it from. Why should he lie (that is what my impression was) to me saying he knows arabic and agrees with that? What about all the other translations which are still used today, even as official SA translations? have they committed shirk by distorting quran?
And how does it look?? (oh please don't say duhiya means egg and that BS.... earth is not spherical, it is oblate spheroid, if you can even think of what it looks like..)
After this reply, I can't take you seriously....

When I answer than you'll know but I really don't want to get in this BS thread science has to do alot to prove and get proofs so science is not in place to immediately prove and disprove they can just throw in theories that sometimes turn into fact and most of the time remains theories and never proven. To you is your belief and to me is mine fair enough no need to quarrel with me over it.
I know where he copy pasted it from. Why should he lie (that is what my impression was) to me saying he knows arabic and agrees with that? What about all the other translations which are still used today, even as official SA translations? have they committed shirk by distorting quran?

He does speak Arabic what do you mean lol? Translations can be wrong that is why we do not call translations the Quran only on Arabic copies we write Quran. SA translations? Have you picked up Every Quran in SA to check? They may promote a certain translation but that would not be for their own people as their own people just read Arabic Quran. No shirk is well defined lol it would be a sin but not shirk anyway I would Anything Saudis do with a pinch of salt.
When I answer than you'll know but I really don't want to get in this BS thread science has to do alot to prove and get proofs so science is not in place to immediately prove and disprove they can just throw in theories that sometimes turn into fact and most of the time remains theories and never proven. To you is your belief and to me is mine fair enough no need to quarrel with me over it.
Please tell me how the theories are proven?
He does speak Arabic what do you mean lol? Translations can be wrong that is why we do not call translations the Quran only on Arabic copies we write Quran. SA translations? Have you picked up Every Quran in SA to check? They may promote a certain translation but that would not be for their own people as their own people just read Arabic Quran. No shirk is well defined lol it would be a sin but not shirk anyway I would Anything Saudis do with a pinch of salt.
I don't need all the translations. My question is simple, if anyone translates otherwise, as in here (Holy Quran - KSU Electronic Moshaf project are they distorting quran?

Ask you god scientists...why ask me.
You are the one claiming that some theories are proven and some or not... If you don't understand science, ask.
I don't need all the translations. My question is simple, if anyone translates otherwise, as in here (Holy Quran - KSU Electronic Moshaf project are they distorting quran?

You cannot distort the Quran you can distort the translations yes and it is a sin if done on purpose. I would not be surprised if Saudis distort it in fact some of the Quran's they supplied to madarsas to train Mujahideen are known to have had distorted translations.

As for the link you gave me idk if they messed up or what exactly you think they mistranslated or if it was done on purpose or an accident you can probably email them to see what they say.
You cannot distort the Quran you can distort the translations yes and it is a sin if done on purpose. I would not be surprised if Saudis distort it in fact some of the Quran's they supplied to madarsas to train Mujahideen are known to have had distorted translations.

As for the link you gave me idk if they messed up or what exactly you think they mistranslated or if it was done on purpose or an accident you can probably email them to see what they say.
I don't think they mis-translated. But people here are saying that. It only means that the verse is not clear and ambiguous..
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