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Do you believe in God/Gods?

How strong is your belief in God/Gods?

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for as long as there are dead infants and child rapes, there's no chance of the existence of personal and benevolent god.

The only other options are the existence of a impersonal god who doesn't care about us or a personal but sadist god. The first doesn't care whether or not we pray/ believe in him and the second doesn't deserve any respect or praise.
f*in polls i was gonna vote 10 but mistakenly voted one :hitwall:

i believe

but im gonna go to hell :sleep:
Mixed Russian Vodka and scotch yesterday... sitting on the terrace having "votch" with my favourite book at 5am and enjoyin the rain ... what more could a guy want...

Sinning and grinning..

what abut homemade wine do you ever drink it ? neat alcohol?
I haven't decided whether to believe or not :D
we called it SHAPAR in our area bhawalpur and those who drink it we called shapri :cheesy: its pure alcohol like medical alcohol and you really need power to drink it . when i was in pak i drink some time 500 to 700ml or shaper

You Dislike Allah?

Are you a Munafiq?

I believe in the existence of Allah, but I disagree to some of his decrees, I really don't like Allah sometimes. He can not do anything to anyone in the name of test and reward.

No I am not Munafiq, Munafiq means who changes his words/commitment after making promise and who shows double standard before and after another person.
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