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Do you accept the Theory of Evolution?

Do you accept evolution as a fact?

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I am torn, therefore i don't know.

Not really, the question here was on evolution. The issue with intelligent design is that it assumes that everything was created on the spot or made. Religion itself is based on the idea of intelligent design; after all what good is a deity who isnt in control of what happens around it.
So the problem lies in trying to reconcile either of the two. Which is why I posted before that the research on both should be left exclusive of each other. Evolution is a reality and it happened is one truth, God is a reality and he made the heaven and the earth is another. Neither effects the decision or ideals of the other.
Whilst it seems odd that such "dual" concepts can be accepted in one thought process but that is the only approach that works. Since without understanding of either religion or science, understanding one means that that other will be rejected eventually from the thought process. It is only if both are delved into with equal fervour is the reconciliation possible; but is never understood in the same way by two people.

That is another variation of intelligent design.

If the religion is to be reformed, the issue of absolute control has to be revised. For instance creation and control of fundamental laws of physics yes, but the notion that God is intervening every instance, no.

If intelligent design was correct, we could expect things to be different. For instance the design of retina is rather crude to say the least. The light sensors (rods and cones) are actually at the back of retina and their nervous connections infront. Light has to pass through nervous wiring before reaching the sensors, reducing the quality of image. Intelligent design would have been the other way around.

I think better than trying to separate things, would be to trying to explain things as they are together.

As expected.

As expected.
What do you expect apes to think?

Did potatoes evolve from tomatoes? A genuine question...

I have seen people who looks like rats, chicken, bulls, lions, fish ...etc. Were apes the first beings?
I have a good Idea about it, it is mind boggling, and comes from the mind. it involves perception and impression. It is my own theory and I am convinced of its truthfulness. Hopefully it will be proven in the future or will at least have its place in the debate about this evolution of humans specifically.
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@East or West India Best,

Have you purposefully removed the word "Theory" from the "Theory of Evolution" ?

It is still theory, like big-bang theory or theory of Either, M-Theory and Theory of Relativity. It is not "FACT" because of which by and large, it will be a matter of belief instead of "acceptance".

Couple of days ago, I went to an Jungle and I had one of the strangest experiences related to this theory. I picked leaves of different plants, squeezed and pinched them in my fingers and felt their aroma. To my surprise, different looking plants had the same or similar sent as Eucalyptus or GumTree does. These plants had different barks, different heights, different colour and different fruit, but a common cent tells that they shared a common father at some stage in their lives and while writing this post, I came across this (ANPSA Plant Guide: Eucalyptus, Corymbia and Angophora and found there are some 700 species of Eucalyptus Family even though they are visibly quite different. This is amazing.

However, no matter how much you stretch this concept, you cannot explain drastic and fundamental difference which animals have from the other. Humans do not have a competitor. I don't have access to a video lecture on the "gaps" in human evolution which scientists cannot explain. Also with time, species are being reduced instead of increased. If evolution is still at play, we should be witnessing a gradual increase in species and life-forms.

I was reciting Quran's urdu translation and came across verses which meant that there was a time when human wasn't a mentionable being. What does that mean? Is Quran talking about pre-human life-form which God "upgraded" to become human? Allah knows the best.
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