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Do you accept the Theory of Evolution?

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It has not, it is a very very slow process. So for the average lifespan of a human being today, it seems 'stopped'

As expected.

Okay---then why dont you see half formed people or animals. If the proces is continuous then there should be some complete some in between specimens available.
The theory of evolution is a damn good one, but as it is claimed, it is just a theory !!
Missing links is a term used in the Paleontology that refers to the fossil record(s) that is yet to be found and that is needed to connect two evolutionary stages. Missing links is the Achilles heel of the theory of evolution.

Secondly, while Dinosaurs allegedly evolved into birds, and some gerbil -sized mammals gave rise to the big cats, why cockroaches, mosquito, and flys did not evolve? They all have been found preserved in he amber resins from the same and older time periods. Horseshoe crabs for instance haven't evolved a bit when compared their present forms with their tens of thousands of years old fossils. Archea and bacteria divide (on average) every 15-20 minutes, that is some 72 times in 24 hours and a single bacterium would give rise to 4,722,366,482,869,645,213,696 bacteria after 24 hours. With such a high generation turn over why do they fail to evolve into more intelligent forms? These are the questions I ask to myself as a Molecular Biologist.

I am much saddened that a "molecular biologist" has to ask such questions. Because it would mean only one thing, that he has not been able to understand what biology is.

Your layman contempt for cockroach, mosquito and fly has gotten the best of you.

Evolution is not about upgrading a species to a more aesthetically palatable one. Not at all.

It is about evolutionary pressures, causing species to fill new niches in their ecosystem which are advantageous to their survival and reproduction.

Such pressures then dictate, whether a cockroach will evolve to adopt to a desert life or a life in a humid environment or take another form.

When such pressures do not exist, the species do not evolve or evolve very slowly.

Tens of thousands of years is nothing in evolutionary timescale.

Bacteria do evolve new traits all the time. The prime example of which is antibiotic resistance. They do not need to evolve into intelligent life every 24 hours since there is no evolutionary pressure on them to do so and 24 hours is too short a time in evolutionary timescale.

Single cell organisms including the ancestors of today's bacteria did give rise to multicellular organisms which you see around yourself, including yourself. In fact one such single cell organism, still lives inside every cell of yours along with its own separate DNA, in the form of mitochondria.

Here again I have to express my candid and extreme sadness of you being a "molecular biologist". Or not.
I am much saddened that a "molecular biologist" has to ask such questions. Because it would mean only one thing, that he has not been able to understand what biology is.

Your layman contempt for cockroach, mosquito and fly has gotten the best of you.

Evolution is not about upgrading a species to a more aesthetically palatable one. Not at all.

It is about evolutionary pressures, causing species to fill new niches in their ecosystem which are advantageous to their survival and reproduction.

Such pressures then dictate, whether a cockroach will evolve to adopt to a desert life or a life in a humid environment or take another form.

When such pressures do not exist, the species do not evolve or evolve very slowly.

Tens of thousands of years is nothing in evolutionary timescale.

Bacteria do evolve new traits all the time. The prime example of which is antibiotic resistance. They do not need to evolve into intelligent life every 24 hours since there is no evolutionary pressure on them to do so and 24 hours is too short a time in evolutionary timescale.

Single cell organisms including the ancestors of today's bacteria did give rise to multicellular organisms which you see around yourself, including yourself. In fact one such single cell organism, still lives inside every cell of yours along with its own separate DNA, in the form of mitochondria.

Here again I have to express my candid and extreme sadness of you being a "molecular biologist". Or not.
I am much saddened that a "molecular biologist" has to ask such questions. Because it would mean only one thing, that he has not been able to understand what biology is.

Your layman contempt for cockroach, mosquito and fly has gotten the best of you.

Evolution is not about upgrading a species to a more aesthetically palatable one. Not at all.

It is about evolutionary pressures, causing species to fill new niches in their ecosystem which are advantageous to their survival and reproduction.

Such pressures then dictate, whether a cockroach will evolve to adopt to a desert life or a life in a humid environment or take another form.

When such pressures do not exist, the species do not evolve or evolve very slowly.

Tens of thousands of years is nothing in evolutionary timescale.

Bacteria do evolve new traits all the time. The prime example of which is antibiotic resistance. They do not need to evolve into intelligent life every 24 hours since there is no evolutionary pressure on them to do so and 24 hours is too short a time in evolutionary timescale.

Single cell organisms including the ancestors of today's bacteria did give rise to multicellular organisms which you see around yourself, including yourself. In fact one such single cell organism, still lives inside every cell of yours along with its own separate DNA, in the form of mitochondria.

Here again I have to express my candid and extreme sadness of you being a "molecular biologist". Or not.


@syedali73 are you really a molecular biologist? Where did you get educated? Cockroaches, mosquitos, and flies are all evolving.
I am much saddened that a "molecular biologist" has to ask such questions. Because it would mean only one thing, that he has not been able to understand what biology is.

Your layman contempt for cockroach, mosquito and fly has gotten the best of you.

Evolution is not about upgrading a species to a more aesthetically palatable one. Not at all.

It is about evolutionary pressures, causing species to fill new niches in their ecosystem which are advantageous to their survival and reproduction.

Such pressures then dictate, whether a cockroach will evolve to adopt to a desert life or a life in a humid environment or take another form.

When such pressures do not exist, the species do not evolve or evolve very slowly.

Tens of thousands of years is nothing in evolutionary timescale.

Bacteria do evolve new traits all the time. The prime example of which is antibiotic resistance. They do not need to evolve into intelligent life every 24 hours since there is no evolutionary pressure on them to do so and 24 hours is too short a time in evolutionary timescale.

Single cell organisms including the ancestors of today's bacteria did give rise to multicellular organisms which you see around yourself, including yourself. In fact one such single cell organism, still lives inside every cell of yours along with its own separate DNA, in the form of mitochondria.

Here again I have to express my candid and extreme sadness of you being a "molecular biologist". Or not.


Please allow me to say that your post does not have much seNse?

The poster had genuine question, so should one stop asking because someone is saddened. The question remains why some species go thru a supposed change and others dont.

And why dont we see half transformed species. And alongwith automotive engr i also have a backkground in microbiology, bio chem and human physiology.
The theory of evolution is a damn good one, but as it is claimed, it is just a theory !!

You mean it's the best possible way to explain a phenomenon in life...

Not "just" a theory.
Into what---is there a change in shape and size or just in the level of resistence.

Classic example is drosophila


You can even evolve them in a lab:

Experimental evolution with Drosophila | Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology
i dnt believe that humans r evolved from a single cell organism and there are many scientific studies prove evoution is not true.
Evolution is Scientifically Impossible Evolution is a theory developed one hundred and forty years ago by Charles Darwin (N/A actually, by his grandfather in 1794 - before Charles was even born), before science had the evidence available to prove the theory false. His famous book, On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, has a title that is now known to be scientifically false. New species cannot evolve by natural selection. Modern scientific discoveries are proving evolution to be impossible. No new scientific discoveries have been found to support the Theory of Evolution. Life did not start with a bolt of lightning striking a pond of water as claimed by the main stream scientists. Kids are taught that life can evolve given enough time. This is a false statement without any scientific support. They are taught that if given enough time, a monkey at a typewriter could punch keys at random and eventually type President's Abraham Lincoln Gettysburg Address. This is nonsense. Time does not make impossible things possible. As an example, a computer was programmed in an attempt to arrive at the simple 26-letter alphabet. After 35,000,000,000,000 (35 trillion) attempts it has only arrived at 14 letters correctly. What are the odds that a simple single cell organism could evolve given the complexity of more than 60,000 proteins of 100 different configurations all in the correct places? Never in eternity! Time does not make impossible things possible - "

9 Scientific Facts Prove the "Theory of Evolution" is False | Humans Are Free
That does not seem to be evolution. That is justbthe result of mating amongst similar species. They All are of similar form and function.

Then you have no clue what the word evolution means.

Evolution is change in heritable traits of biological populations over successive generations.[1] Evolutionary processes give rise to diversity at every level of biological organisation, including the level of species, individual organisms, and at the level of molecular evolution.[2]

Evolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Also, of course they are going to have similar form, their closely related. They all descend from a common ancestor 40 mya.
You mean it's the best possible way to explain a phenomenon in life...

Not "just" a theory.

You just described a theory.
I am not the religious type. However, its a really long stretch when you explain evolution over millions of years.
That does not seem to be evolution. That is justbthe result of mating amongst similar species. They All are of similar form and function.
When non-professionals talk such gems appear (not pointing at you Sir!).

Considering the drosophila experiment, the domestication of farm animals should also be considered evolution, or dog breed selection should also be considered evolution. Certain people fail to see or appreciate the difference between evolution and selection.

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