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Do you accept the Theory of Evolution?

Do you accept evolution as a fact?

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I am not antagonist or resistant to this ideology but my learning has led me to believe that evolution may have happened but there are jumps in human and animal species which evolution cannot explain. What should a rational person do? Still believe that theory is broken but I would refuse to give it up?
Very well-crafted post, especially the last paragraph that concludes the discussion very beautifully.:tup:
Did you read I called it is absent in humans and twice so? Has the forum just discovered its genius?
you and @syedali73 need not to indulge with this one liner genius and a lucky one too because I was thinking I should use negative rating or issue him a warning but his post got deleted earlier

fascinating subject we are discussing and I allow myself to digest all the theories while also having my own sets questions

theory of evolution/ process of natural selection and how one specie wins the race in some cases or continues to coexist as dominant specie e.g us homo sapiens and apes are genetically same but also very different.
I think we can continue to theorize without the fear of getting bullied by the religious or antitheist blowhards
Evolution what went wrong ?

Jokes aside,scientifically speaking evolution makes sense,still just a theory.
When non-professionals talk such gems appear (not pointing at you Sir!).

Considering the drosophila experiment, the domestication of farm animals should also be considered evolution, or dog breed selection should also be considered evolution. Certain people fail to see or appreciate the difference between evolution and selection.
Yeah and molecular biologists claim that cockroaches have not evolved. :coffee:
Not sure if that is ignorance, blind faith, plain prejudice or ego.
If Darwin contends that the human race evolved from monkeys, then how come the monkeys we see have still not started wearing pants? :azn:

Humans did not evolve from monkeys, we had common ancestors before the branches separated.

@East or West India Best,

Have you purposefully removed the word "Theory" from the "Theory of Evolution" ?

You obviously dont know the difference between a scientific theory and a "every day life theory"

The theory of evolution is a damn good one, but as it is claimed, it is just a theory !!
Another one!

Learn what a scientific theory is.
Humans did not evolve from monkeys, we had common ancestors before the branches separated.

You obviously dont know the difference between a scientific theory and a "every day life theory"

Another one!

Learn what a scientific theory is.

I suppose your definition of scientific theory has no place for evidence or testing.

You can't be that stupid.
I suppose your definition of scientific theory has no place for evidence or testing.

You can't be that stupid.

Its not my definition shiny...

"A scientific theory is a hypothesis that has been repeatedly tested and confirmed through observation and experimentation."

Learn before you talk (BS).

You are welcome.

We have any other choice?

Yes, you are free to believe what you want... but the theory of evolution (Before you attack me on the word theory, learn what it means in science) is widely accepted among the scientific community and has not been refuted by any meaningful evidence (Otherwise it would not hold the status of a theory).

BTW: This pic is wonderful illustration of how we had common ancestors somewhere down the line..
You and me did not look too different from a pig or mouse in our very first weeks ;)
its the best possible explanation till now.. may be replaced by something else in future.
good enough for me.
It is not an explanation, just a theory. Not everything is explainable.
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