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Do you accept the Theory of Evolution?

Do you accept evolution as a fact?

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I am not antagonist or resistant to this ideology but my learning has led me to believe that evolution may have happened but there are jumps in human and animal species which evolution cannot explain. What should a rational person do? Still believe that theory is broken but I would refuse to give it up?

Check out my post #112 for a possible explanation. Is there any proof that this did not happen just because it sounds far fetched to our belief systems?

Here's an interesting read...Ancient Aliens s03e16 Episode Script | SS
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Or an illustration of the style of our creator.

The theory does not say that there is or is no creator. It just says that life keeps evolving and is dynamic.

I also believe in God.

It is not an explanation, just a theory. Not everything is explainable.

Theory="...hypothesis that has been repeatedly tested and confirmed through observation and experimentation"
I dunno what people are on about; the theory of evolution is not just a 'theory' as its understood to be in the English language. Evolution is a 'fact' supported by an abundance of evidence out there; the only 'theory' portion is how evolution happened - Whether through natural selection or through some other mechanism !

But 'evolution' did happen; we did evolve from a common ancestor and anyone who thinks otherwise should stop using medicine when they get sick because diseases out there too evolve they don't just drop out of the sky !

Furthermore believing in Evolution neither affirms nor denies the creation of man and by extension the existence of a Creator; it simply talks about how man found himself in his present physiological condition and not whether he was or he wasn't created for that is a metaphysical question that Science can never answer as it does not deal with abstract philosophical questions.

Who knows maybe Rosseau's 'first cause' argument was spot on. Who knows maybe the mention of Adam and Eve and other creation stories are allegorical in nature. Who knows maybe creation began at the conception of the Universe and that process has continued ever since according to the principles of science as opposed to an abrupt one-off event.

The bottom line is that those are metaphysical questions that can never be answered by science nor can metaphysics tell you what the chemical structure of a carbon atom is - They're both addressing different types of questions !

So take knowledge as it comes and enrich your understanding of the world, of your existence and whatever purpose you think your life holds !

Honestly I don't really see whats the point of this Creationism vs Evolution debate ! :argh:

@SvenSvensonov @Nihonjin1051 @Víðarr
Its not my definition shiny...

"A scientific theory is a hypothesis that has been repeatedly tested and confirmed through observation and experimentation."

Learn before you talk (BS).

You are welcome.

Yes, you are free to believe what you want... but the theory of evolution (Before you attack me on the word theory, learn what it means in science) is widely accepted among the scientific community and has not been refuted by any meaningful evidence (Otherwise it would not hold the status of a theory).

BTW: This pic is wonderful illustration of how we had common ancestors somewhere down the line..
You and me did not look too different from a pig or mouse in our very first weeks ;)


Time Dilation Theory :

1) Time slows down when traveling at very high speed.

Atomic clocks have been observed to tick a little slower when placed in rockets/shuttles.

2) Time elapses differently on clocks that are placed at different altitudes.

Clocks tend to be relatively faster at higher altitude such as Mountain or at the space station than the clocks located at the sea level.

You forgot to mention what you claim... thats what usually comes before an example.

You just confirmed what I said earlier.

The hypothesis that time is relative has been confirmed with experiments, it became a theory. So?
I think that our Primate cousins the gorillas took the best route for evolution.

Peaceful - gorillas rarely kill and only to protect.
Strong - lift 2 tonnes and fcuk up a small tiger any day
Vegetarian- More humane than humanity
Light grazing - doesnt damage the land they live on.

If humanity is replaced by gorillas, the earth would be paradise.
It is not an explanation, just a theory. Not everything is explainable.
is not theory an explanation(sort of model) of things we observe... without theory its just random disjoined facts.

I throw stone upwards into sky it falls.
I throw a child towards sky..it falls too

possible inferences:

child is made of stone
sky pushes things downward
god pushes things downward.. there must be somebody :p:
You forgot to mention what you claim... thats what usually comes before an example.

You just confirmed what I said earlier.

The hypothesis that time is relative has been confirmed with experiments, it became a theory. So?

What I gave you as example of a theory proven by experiments/evidence.

Evolution theorists just can't simply say by showing pics/diagrams with absolute certainty this is how it all happened. Well those folks need to explain each step with irrefutable evidence that it is fact. I personally think that the theory is very reasonably but lacks a solid evidence to back it up completely. My point is not creation vs evolution , it is more about being objective as to at what point we start to accept something as fact.
What I gave you as example of a theory proven by experiments/evidence.

Evolution theorists just can't simply say by showing pics/diagrams with absolute certainty this is how it all happened. Well those folks need to explain each step with irrefutable evidence that it is fact. I personally think that the theory is very reasonably but lacks a solid evidence to back it up completely. My point is not creation vs evolution , it is more about being objective as to at what point we start to accept something as fact.

There is the point... its not convincing for you because you take personal reasons too much into account.

And yes, there is very convincing evidence for the theory of evolution and there hasnt been any meaningful proof to refute it. Otherwise it wouldnt be a theory, right?

There is a ton of evidence available to support it.

- Similarities between different species (Insects having 6 legs despite their sheer diversity etc etc seriously you could write books about this), the fact that all life is based same way of "coding" our genetic material (DNA), genetic similarities etc etc etc

- Hard evidence of of species evolved over time: Remains from our very own ancestors like homo neanderthalensis, homo erectus, homo habiles etc etc etc clearly indicate that there was some sort of "progression" in our history. Arent the remains proof enough? Arent the genetic similarities enough? And this is only an example for the evolution of our species.

- Heck, you can even observe in recorded history. The process of natural selection could/can be observed several instances: Take the example of the evolution of the peppered moth, which took place during the industrial evolution
Peppered moth evolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

- We ......like other species, have remnants from our ancestors, may it be our wisdom teeth, remnants of muscles for gripping in our feet, or the fact that you and I have remnants of tailbones in our body!
I dunno what people are on about; the theory of evolution is not just a 'theory' as its understood to be in the English language. Evolution is a 'fact' supported by an abundance of evidence out there; the only 'theory' portion is how evolution happened - Whether through natural selection or through some other mechanism !

But 'evolution' did happen; we did evolve from a common ancestor and anyone who thinks otherwise should stop using medicine when they get sick because diseases out there too evolve they don't just drop out of the sky !

Furthermore believing in Evolution neither affirms nor denies the creation of man and by extension the existence of a Creator; it simply talks about how man found himself in his present physiological condition and not whether he was or he wasn't created for that is a metaphysical question that Science can never answer as it does not deal with abstract philosophical questions.

Who knows maybe Rosseau's 'first cause' argument was spot on. Who knows maybe the mention of Adam and Eve and other creation stories are allegorical in nature. Who knows maybe creation began at the conception of the Universe and that process has continued ever since according to the principles of science as opposed to an abrupt one-off event.

The bottom line is that those are metaphysical questions that can never be answered by science nor can metaphysics tell you what the chemical structure of a carbon atom is - They're both addressing different types of questions !

So take knowledge as it comes and enrich your understanding of the world, of your existence and whatever purpose you think your life holds !

Honestly I don't really see whats the point of this Creationism vs Evolution debate ! :argh:

@SvenSvensonov @Nihonjin1051 @Víðarr

My friend,

Man can only know so much. In the end, there is Faith, Hope and Love, and the greatest of these is Love. ;)
My friend,

Man can only know so much. In the end, there is Faith, Hope and Love, and the greatest of these is Love. ;)

Took you long enough ! :coffee:

And 'friend' ? What happened to 'brother' ! :cry:

I knew it...the Japanese can't be trusted ! :(

I hear what you're saying but something tells me that 'love' isn't going to find herself in the Biology books when explaining the origins of man ! :undecided:
Took you long enough ! :coffee:

And 'friend' ? What happened to 'brother' ! :cry:

I knew it...the Japanese can't be trusted ! :(

I hear what you're saying but something tells me that 'love' isn't going to find herself in the Biology books when explaining the origins of man ! :undecided:

Taihen moushiwake arimasen..! :(:eek:

I hear what you're saying but something tells me that 'love' isn't going to find herself in the Biology books when explaining the origins of man ! :undecided:

Ni usagi wo ou mono wa ichi usagi wo mo ezu....:-)
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