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Do you accept the Theory of Evolution?

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I think that our Primate cousins the gorillas took the best route for evolution.

Peaceful - gorillas rarely kill and only to protect.
Strong - lift 2 tonnes and fcuk up a small tiger any day
Vegetarian- More humane than humanity
Light grazing - doesnt damage the land they live on.

If humanity is replaced by gorillas, the earth would be paradise.

Live a week in "gorilla conditions" and you will run home crying.
My take - An ancient advanced extraterrestrial civilization artificially mutated a sub-species of ape/chimpanzee by genetic modification of DNA, producing homo sapiens 200,000 years ago. The human race was thus born.

I haven't read the thread yet, just bumped upon your comment and thought to reply, because I think the same with a few modifications: :)

1. Maybe an ancient advanced extraterrestrial civilization artificially mutated different sub-species of ape/chimpanzee by genetic modification of DNA, producing different types of homo sapiens with small but visible differences, that's why a present day African black, an European white, and a Mongoloid have some distinct differences in looks and abilities, especially physical abilities. That also makes sense from a scientific angle, why those intelligent beings would limit themselves to just one sub-species of ape/chimpanzee rather than trying out different options?
The other alternative could be that they tried different methods, so the results were a bit different. But I prefer the first one.

2. The advanced extraterrestrial civilization mutated the primate DNA with their own genes, so that they can spread their species on Earth in a way that it survives well in the Earth environment.

3. The genetic modification of DNA was done in such a way that over the time the primate genes will continue to become passive and the extraterrestrial genes will continue to become stronger, so that we will continue to become more and more "Human" (or more extraterrestrial) with passing time while remain accustomed to the Earth's environment.

4. As we become more "Human", more intelligent, and more advanced over time, we will develop the similar traits that of our ancestor extraterrestrials (who probably were/are somewhat similar to us), just like them we will start exploring the space, and in some time in future we will find one or more planets that can support life, and we will PLAY GOD there, just like them.

5. Humans are the only species that stands out as the odd-man on earth, because we are not from earth, we are a part of one intelligent migratory mother species in the universe, and probably there are many such intelligent mother species competing with each other for greater influence in the universe.

What do you think about my theory? :)

@levina @thesolar65 @SarthakGanguly Praise me! :mad:
The greatest truth known to man. Darwin's theory of evolution and Einstein's E=MC2
I haven't read the thread yet, just bumped upon your comment and thought to reply, because I think the same with a few modifications: :)

1. Maybe an ancient advanced extraterrestrial civilization artificially mutated different sub-species of ape/chimpanzee by genetic modification of DNA, producing different types of homo sapiens with small but visible differences, that's why a present day African black, an European white, and a Mongoloid have some distinct differences in looks and abilities, especially physical abilities. That also makes sense from a scientific angle, why those intelligent beings would limit themselves to just one sub-species of ape/chimpanzee rather than trying out different options?
The other alternative could be that they tried different methods, so the results were a bit different. But I prefer the first one.

2. The advanced extraterrestrial civilization mutated the primate DNA with their own genes, so that they can spread their species on Earth in a way that it survives well in the Earth environment.

3. The genetic modification of DNA was done in such a way that over the time the primate genes will continue to become passive and the extraterrestrial genes will continue to become stronger, so that we will continue to become more and more "Human" (or more extraterrestrial) with passing time while remain accustomed to the Earth's environment.

4. As we become more "Human", more intelligent, and more advanced over time, we will develop the similar traits that of our ancestor extraterrestrials (who probably were/are somewhat similar to us), just like them we will start exploring the space, and in some time in future we will find one or more planets that can support life, and we will PLAY GOD there, just like them.

5. Humans are the only species that stands out as the odd-man on earth, because we are not from earth, we are a part of one intelligent migratory mother species in the universe, and probably there are many such intelligent mother species competing with each other for greater influence in the universe.

What do you think about my theory? :)

@levina @thesolar65 @SarthakGanguly Praise me! :mad:
Bowdown!! :-)

OrionHunter said:
My take - An ancient advanced extraterrestrial civilization artificially mutated a sub-species of ape/chimpanzee by genetic modification of DNA, producing homo sapiens 200,000 years ago. The human race was thus born

Yes, that's exactly what I believe!
Why only humans? Why is that human brain developed at a faster rate than that of other animals? why do we have genes that don't have any function at all? Aliens might be the missing link in human evolution...or so I think (like you both).

I haven't read the OP as yet.
Bowdown!! :-)


Yes, that's exactly what I believe!
Why only humans? Why is that human brain developed at a faster rate than that of other animals? why do we have genes that don't have any function at all? Aliens might be the missing link in human evolution...or so I think (like you both).

While all other species didn't develop a bit in terms of intelligence in so many million years......! Even rest of the apes remained apes and didn't became half human at least!

While all other species didn't develop a bit in terms of intelligence in so many million years......! Even rest of the apes remained apes and didn't became half human at least!
why am I not able to tag you on my thread? (I noticed this few days back too).
Al-Qaeda plans final jihad for India | Page 4
I typed RainMan and it turned into "rainman".
Live a week in "gorilla conditions" and you will run home crying.

Live a day as a person on the bottom rung of humanity and try to make it out alive in the 24 hours of misery.

Witness another century of bottomless greed and see the planet die.

Work a day in a textile factory for a fraction of a pittance and watch the boss do nothing but drive a million dollar car.

BTW, gorilla conditions are quite comfortable.

That is, until some fcucker comes along and fcuks it all up.
i dnt believe that humans r evolved from a single cell organism and there are many scientific studies prove evoution is not true.
Evolution is Scientifically Impossible Evolution is a theory developed one hundred and forty years ago by Charles Darwin (N/A actually, by his grandfather in 1794 - before Charles was even born), before science had the evidence available to prove the theory false. His famous book, On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, has a title that is now known to be scientifically false. New species cannot evolve by natural selection. Modern scientific discoveries are proving evolution to be impossible. No new scientific discoveries have been found to support the Theory of Evolution. Life did not start with a bolt of lightning striking a pond of water as claimed by the main stream scientists. Kids are taught that life can evolve given enough time. This is a false statement without any scientific support. They are taught that if given enough time, a monkey at a typewriter could punch keys at random and eventually type President's Abraham Lincoln Gettysburg Address. This is nonsense. Time does not make impossible things possible. As an example, a computer was programmed in an attempt to arrive at the simple 26-letter alphabet. After 35,000,000,000,000 (35 trillion) attempts it has only arrived at 14 letters correctly. What are the odds that a simple single cell organism could evolve given the complexity of more than 60,000 proteins of 100 different configurations all in the correct places? Never in eternity! Time does not make impossible things possible - "

9 Scientific Facts Prove the "Theory of Evolution" is False | Humans Are Free
None of those "scientific facts" are scientific or facts!!

Antibiotic resistance as an evidence of evolution: There are two ways of acquiring resistance towards the antimicrobials i.e., i) through acquiring genes that produce enzyme that in turn change the chemical structure of the antimicrobial and render them ineffective, and ii) acquiring genes that produce proteins that could pump out antimicrobials from the cells (called efflux pumps).
You selectively mention only two processes by which multi drug resistant organisms evolve. Why dont you also consider spontaneous mutations and transfer of genetic material, adaption of already existent metabolic pathways to metabolize similar antibiotics (usually newer analogs of previously resistant drug), modification of their cell membrane/wall, rendering obsolete the pathways targeted by antimicrobial agents etc......
Selective presentation of information/data solely to support your hypothesis?
[QUOTE="Koovie, post: 7005477, member: 139575"]There is the point... its not convincing for you because you take personal reasons too much into account.

And yes, there is very convincing evidence for the theory of evolution and there hasnt been any meaningful proof to refute it. Otherwise it wouldnt be a theory, right?

There is a ton of evidence available to support it.

- Similarities between different species (Insects having 6 legs despite their sheer diversity etc etc seriously you could write books about this), the fact that all life is based same way of "coding" our genetic material (DNA), genetic similarities etc etc etc

- Hard evidence of of species evolved over time: Remains from our very own ancestors like homo neanderthalensis, homo erectus, homo habiles etc etc etc clearly indicate that there was some sort of "progression" in our history. Arent the remains proof enough? Arent the genetic similarities enough? And this is only an example for the evolution of our species.

- Heck, you can even observe in recorded history. The process of natural selection could/can be observed several instances: Take the example of the evolution of the peppered moth, which took place during the industrial evolution
Peppered moth evolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

- We ......like other species, have remnants from our ancestors, may it be our wisdom teeth, remnants of muscles for gripping in our feet, or the fact that you and I have remnants of tailbones in our body![/QUOTE]

You assume a little too much.

The gaps in the transition of evolution is not backed by irrefutable evidence, without that this is no different that the,

"St. Thomas Aquinas 5 proofs of God's existence"
I haven't read the thread yet, just bumped upon your comment and thought to reply, because I think the same with a few modifications: :)

1. Maybe an ancient advanced extraterrestrial civilization artificially mutated different sub-species of ape/chimpanzee by genetic modification of DNA, producing different types of homo sapiens with small but visible differences, that's why a present day African black, an European white, and a Mongoloid have some distinct differences in looks and abilities, especially physical abilities. That also makes sense from a scientific angle, why those intelligent beings would limit themselves to just one sub-species of ape/chimpanzee rather than trying out different options?
The other alternative could be that they tried different methods, so the results were a bit different. But I prefer the first one.

2. The advanced extraterrestrial civilization mutated the primate DNA with their own genes, so that they can spread their species on Earth in a way that it survives well in the Earth environment.

3. The genetic modification of DNA was done in such a way that over the time the primate genes will continue to become passive and the extraterrestrial genes will continue to become stronger, so that we will continue to become more and more "Human" (or more extraterrestrial) with passing time while remain accustomed to the Earth's environment.

4. As we become more "Human", more intelligent, and more advanced over time, we will develop the similar traits that of our ancestor extraterrestrials (who probably were/are somewhat similar to us), just like them we will start exploring the space, and in some time in future we will find one or more planets that can support life, and we will PLAY GOD there, just like them.

5. Humans are the only species that stands out as the odd-man on earth, because we are not from earth, we are a part of one intelligent migratory mother species in the universe, and probably there are many such intelligent mother species competing with each other for greater influence in the universe.

What do you think about my theory? :)

@levina @thesolar65 @SarthakGanguly Praise me! :mad:

Ancient Aliens TV Series Theory........Hmmmmm!!:)

The greatest truth known to man. Darwin's theory of evolution and Einstein's E=MC2

Yes, TRUTH...till some one more genius comes and debunk it!!:D
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