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Do you accept the Theory of Evolution?

Do you accept evolution as a fact?

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What makes you think you know it all? You are so blind that you don't even recognize your own creator, how in the hell would you know your origin?

and please don't bother to reply, I don't get in to conversations with ignorant people and thus and thus don't engage with Bharti people, call it whatever you like, but don't other top respond to my posts

You just have to read a little bit. You are the blind one here.... fooled by your religious fundamentalism. Open your eyes, the proof is everywhere.
I disagree in the sense that I believe scientific faith can have the same fervor as religious faith.

Let us take religious conversions for example. In a conversion, essentially you take that person's claimed experience as foundation and reason for your conversion to his religion. Somehow some ways, whatever he claimed to experience made sense to you. Likewise, a person can have absolute faith in starting his car or board an aircraft based upon others' claimed experience.

The point and difference I am making is that when it comes to the Deity (upper case), we did not make Him/Her, whereas with things scientific and technological, we do make those things. That is why I have no problems believing (conversion) that it is safe for me to board a thing called an aircraft even though I may have no experience flying before. The type of faith is the same but not the foundation of it. If we can time transport someone from an age where aviation did not exist, if that person sees enough of aviation, he will develop the same type of faith.

This is the second time on this thread that I have to express my extreme sadness at such extreme forms of ignorance.

Science is not faith. If science is anything it is a method of inquiry which by its nature is 'anti-faith'. The moment a philosophical argument is made to turn science into a neo-faith, it is the death of science by making it closed to further inquiry.

Those who need and see it is needed to have a faith to complement life, can choose from many available religions and philosophies, satisfying themselves in this regard.

Leave science alone. For God's sake.
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