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Do you accept the Theory of Evolution?

Do you accept evolution as a fact?

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What is 'complete' and what is 'half formed'? You are assuming that there is a perfect, idealized thing, and a half perfect thing. These are value judgements that humans make. There is no such thing as perfection, for life forms.

You are slightly different from your parents. Your children are slightly different from you. That is all that evolution is. Neither you, nor your parents, nor your children are perfect or complete or incomplete.

Evolution is just change, not change towards some predetermined perfection.

All species undergo change. Can you name any species that has not undergone change?

And for those reasons, evolution is not a hypethesis anymore - it is an undeniable fact, with very strong theoretical foundations.


You are in error ma'am---I am not different from my parents----. We are identical in our chromosomes----only due to a disease that may change the genetic sequence---we maybe different---but that is not evolution.

So what you are explaining is that evolution is taking place in parallel everywhere and is constant in its application and that is why we are not able to see the change.

So----then in the long run---Barnacle goose maybe a reality---hehn.
The 'first cause' argument was propounded long before Rousseau. In Europe, it was Thomas Aquinas who first made it famous.

Actually ma'am it was Aristotle's prime mover notion that laid the bedrock for the cosmological argument or the 'first cause' argument. And St. Aquinas expanded on it or rather refined it. So did Rousseau and other philosophers including some Muslim philosophers.

The only reason I mentioned Rousseau was because I liked his version the best.
short answer NO.
i am doctor and most of my colleagues belonging to different religions simply cannot fathom the fact that such a complex body can form simply by chance and trail and error from a single cell.
its not mature

It is. As I said, it has been proven right several times, thats why its a theory.

There is plenty of evidence supporting it on the previous pages.

short answer NO.
i am doctor and most of my colleagues belonging to different religions simply cannot fathom the fact that such a complex body can form simply by chance and trail and error from a single cell.

The question of the origin of life has not been answered yet, thats why the currently available answers are all hypothesis
short answer NO.
i am doctor and most of my colleagues belonging to different religions simply cannot fathom the fact that such a complex body can form simply by chance and trail and error from a single cell.
its not trial and error. Anyway it shows sad state of our education system if anything. Does any of your doctor mates wonder why monkeys remained so and did not turn human. :)
It is. As I said, it has been proven right several times, thats why its a theory.

There is plenty of evidence supporting it on the previous pages.

The question of the origin of life has not been answered yet, thats why the currently available answers are all hypothesis
My forefathers were not apes. Maybe yourss .... :taz:
So you did not even read about the process of human evolution.

Nobody ever claimed (Except of misinformed folks) that humans evolved from apes. Both humans and apes had common ancestors, thats the point.
if evolution theory is right, why is there only one intelligent species out of millions ??
if evolution theory is right, why is there only one intelligent species out of millions ??

Hundreds, thousands maybe more reasons why a evolutionary path took this or that turn.

But there have been other intelligent (according to our standards) humanoids in the past which went extinct.
Homo sapiens sapiens (=You and me) has not been the only humanoid on Earth.

Neanderthal for example went extinct around 40,000 years ago and existed with modern humans for some time!.
Neanderthal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There are fossil remains, stone tools etc which have were already found over a hundred years ago. And with modern methods like DNA testing.
Hundreds, thousands maybe more reasons why a evolutionary path took this or that turn.

But there have been other intelligent (according to our standards) humanoids in the past which went extinct.
Homo sapiens sapiens (=You and me) has not been the only humanoid on Earth.

Neanderthal for example went extinct around 40,000 years ago and existed with modern humans for some time!.
Neanderthal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There are fossil remains, stone tools etc which have were already found over a hundred years ago. And with modern methods like DNA testing.
Still this question arises, why only we survived ???
Still this question arises, why only we survived ???

I guess we were the most adaptable ones?

The reason why other humanoids like Neanderthal died out might their inability to cope with changing climate or because we were too much of a competition for them etc etc...
I guess we were the most adaptable ones?

The reason why other humanoids like Neanderthal died out might their inability to cope with changing climate or because we were too much of a competition for them etc etc...
All ur answers included "Guess" and "Might". So is this a proved theory. Thats why I said its immature in the 1st place
All ur answers included "Guess" and "Might". So is this a proved theory. Thats why I said its immature in the 1st place

You questioned the process of evolution itself (So, whether species evolve!). You are mixing up two things
Evolution tells you that species evolve... and there is no doubt about that. Refuting it is crazy considering the proof which often just lies around everywhere (literally).

The question about the exact circumstances and reasons why species XYZ went extinct or took this or that path in its evolutionary process cannot be answered for each and every species because we are studying them as we speak...

Sure there are already many answers, but there are many more fascinating questions that need to be answered... which is not surprising considering the unimaginable number of species and the short time in which we have studied them
its not trial and error. Anyway it shows sad state of our education system if anything. Does any of your doctor mates wonder why monkeys remained so and did not turn human. :)

well, not our sad state, as i was quoting american doctors!

if you have tried for USMLE / USA residency you would know that a well know doctor in kaplanmed quotes" how likely it is that lump of steal falling down a mountain ends up into a Boeing 747"
there is a reason why its called theory.

i know indians are the smartest in world.
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