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Do you accept the Theory of Evolution?

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if evolution theory is right, why is there only one intelligent species out of millions ??
we are not the only intelligent species.. your criteria of intelligence is so high, it leave a lot of other species out.
Many great apes, dolphins, elephants, lions etc show fascinating level of intellience. Watch how chimps not only learnt to use tools but passed the knowledge to next generation.
Your question remains why we are most intelligent. Well if cats were smarter than us we would be cats tying here contemplating futility of life and how fascinating humans are on youtube. Somebody has to be at the top. :)

well, not our sad state, as i was quoting american doctors!

i know indians are the smartest in world
the exception of americans (wrt acceptance of theory of evolution) in western hemisphere baffles many.
I think we all have similar distribution of intelligence.. few lower intelligent people and few high, and bulk of population are average but then you are the doctor... I instinctively believe you... :pop:

You are in error ma'am---I am not different from my parents----. We are identical in our chromosomes----only due to a disease that may change the genetic sequence---we maybe different---but that is not evolution.

So what you are explaining is that evolution is taking place in parallel everywhere and is constant in its application and that is why we are not able to see the change.

So----then in the long run---Barnacle goose maybe a reality---hehn.

Nope - doesn't work that way. That's a common misconception, the last line of your post. Usually it is termed the "crocoduck" argument instead of barnacle-goose, but with the same meaning. That notion, of seeing hybrid creatures if evolution is true, has been thoroughly debunked by many. So I won't attempt to do it myself, instead I'll just post a few links that explain it. In fact, that notion is now used by scientists to ridicule creationists and other evolution-deniers, to make the point that they do not understand the theory of evolution.

Crocoduck - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
NeuroLogica Blog » The Crocoduck!
Crocoduck - RationalWiki
Crocoduck - Iron Chariots Wiki

So what you are explaining is that evolution is taking place in parallel everywhere and is constant in its application and that is why we are not able to see the change.
The reason we are not able to see the change is because it happens way too slow for us to observe. Human life span is about 120 years at most. Societies started forming only about 10-15000 years back, with the invention of agriculture. But the modern human species has been around for at least 100,000 years.

However, evolution can be and has been observed in fast reproducing life forms, like bacteria. Read about Richard Lenski's demonstration of evolution in bacteria, by meticulously observing some 20,000 generations.

Actually ma'am it was Aristotle's prime mover notion that laid the bedrock for the cosmological argument or the 'first cause' argument. And St. Aquinas expanded on it or rather refined it. So did Rousseau and other philosophers including some Muslim philosophers.

Yes, that's correct. My mistake.

short answer NO.
i am doctor and most of my colleagues belonging to different religions simply cannot fathom the fact that such a complex body can form simply by chance and trail and error from a single cell.

Nobody has ever said that the human body formed by chance. That's another popular misconception. Evolution has a very well understood mechanism. In fact, it is the very antithesis of chance. Please go through these links:

Five Major Misconceptions about Evolution
747 Junkyard argument - Iron Chariots Wiki
Evolution is not a theory of chance - Iron Chariots Wiki

My forefathers were not apes. Maybe yourss .... :taz:

We were not descended from apes - we are apes.

You are yourself an African ape. And that is not meant as an insult, it happens to be true. So is he, and so am I. To be specific, humans are one species of 'hominidae', otherwise called "great apes". The other great apes are orangutans, gorillas and chimpanzees. The other kind of apes, the lesser aes, include the gibbon and other Asian apes.

From WP:

Ape - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Hominidae include orangutans, gorillas, chimpanzees, and humans.[1][2] Alternatively, the family is collectively described as the great apes.[3][4][5][6] There are two extant species in the orangutan genus (Pongo), two species in the gorilla genus (Gorilla), two species in the chimpanzee genus (Pan), and a single extant species Homo sapiens in the human genus (Homo).

If you meant non human apes only, like chimpanzees, then neither he nor you nor any human is descended from them. Humans descended from homo erectus. But humans and non human apes share a common ancestor. It lived about 7 million years ago, and its name is Australopithecus.

BTW, all life forms share a common ancestor, if you go back far enough. But the last common ancestor we have with any non human species, is the common ancestor of all great apes, the Australopithecus. 7 million years is recent, on an evolutionary timescale.

if evolution theory is right, why is there only one intelligent species out of millions ??
Why not? Why would you expect something like human intelligence to evolve in several species? Evolution does not have any predetermined goals - it's not like evolution happens so that eventually organisms become intelligent. Evolution just takes its course, the best course that is required to survive. As far as survival strategies go, human intelligence is not that great - many non human animals and plants thrive in abundance, without intelligence.

You have that common misunderstanding, that evolution keeps making creatures better and better, and you also assume that intelligence is the best thing out there. That's a very human centric view of looking at it.

Neanderthal for example went extinct around 40,000 years ago and existed with modern humans for some time!.
Neanderthal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Europeans share some genes with Neanderthals. It has been demonstrated recently that Neanderthals and Homo Sapien sapiens interbred in some places. Fascinating, isn't it?

Archaic human admixture with modern humans - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

well, not our sad state, as i was quoting american doctors!

if you have tried for USMLE / USA residency you would know that a well know doctor in kaplanmed quotes" how likely it is that lump of steal falling down a mountain ends up into a Boeing 747"
there is a reason why its called theory.

i know indians are the smartest in world.

It has already been said a few times in this thread why it is so wrong to say "only a theory".
No, science is a lot more than just observation.

Humans did not have warthogs as their ancestors. "Cavemen" were also humans just like you, and not a different species. They were not "lion men".

BTW, you conveniently "forgot" some incarnations - like the tortoise. Humans never had tortoises for ancestors.

What you are doing is trying to fit old fables into modern scientific knowledge. Your religion was certainly not explaining evolution of life, when those fairytales of Vishnu's avatars were written. It was simply a set of stories, which you are now trying to link to evolution.

What more than observation???

Heard of evolution???

Modern Scientist -->
Single Cell --> Complex life form --> Aquatic life --> rfeptiles --> Mamals --> Ape --> Caveman (less civilized man) --> Modern Human...

Indian ancient scientists..
Fish --> Turtle --> Warthog --> Less civilized man --> modern man (wise man)...
Aquatic life --> reptiles --> Mammals --> Ape --> Caveman (less civilized man) --> Modern Human...

Indian Wisemen (rishi) were not religious Nuts, they were intelligent ppl collecting knowledge and propagating it in stories..
We were not descended from apes - we are apes.

You are yourself an African ape. And that is not meant as an insult, it happens to be true. So is he, and so am I. To be specific, humans are one species of 'hominidae', otherwise called "great apes". The other great apes are orangutans, gorillas and chimpanzees. The other kind of apes, the lesser aes, include the gibbon and other Asian apes.

From WP:

Ape - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If you meant non human apes only, like chimpanzees, then neither he nor you nor any human is descended from them. Humans descended from homo erectus. But humans and non human apes share a common ancestor. It lived about 7 million years ago, and its name is Australopithecus.

BTW, all life forms share a common ancestor, if you go back far enough. But the last common ancestor we have with any non human species, is the common ancestor of all great apes, the Australopithecus. 7 million years is recent, on an evolutionary timescale.
The problem is that you -- or we -- continually faces is a grossly simplified explanation of TOE, especially where Man is concerned. Whence this grossly simplified explanation of TOE ? Who knows and it has gotten to the point of who cares ? The view of TOE is that it is a simple rod when in fact and in evidence, that the evolutionary history of Man is a tree and Man is one of those branches.

TOE threatens the religious foundation of the uniqueness and special place of Man by having Man essentially in the same class as the apes. The perceived threat to that uniqueness and special status depends on the argument that ONLY a religious foundation, regardless of specific religion, can grant special status in the eyes of a supernatural deity. It is difficult for the religionist to accept any other way on how a human being can view himself or herself as unique and special. We are apes -- is the threat.
The problem is that you -- or we -- continually faces is a grossly simplified explanation of TOE, especially where Man is concerned. Whence this grossly simplified explanation of TOE ? Who knows and it has gotten to the point of who cares ? The view of TOE is that it is a simple rod when in fact and in evidence, that the evolutionary history of Man is a tree and Man is one of those branches.

TOE threatens the religious foundation of the uniqueness and special place of Man by having Man essentially in the same class as the apes. The perceived threat to that uniqueness and special status depends on the argument that ONLY a religious foundation, regardless of specific religion, can grant special status in the eyes of a supernatural deity. It is difficult for the religionist to accept any other way on how a human being can view himself or herself as unique and special. We are apes -- is the threat.
Isn't there a bigger threat to Adam and Eve (and Lilith) and the whole 'God created universe in 6 days, went for holiday on 7th'.
Indian ancient scientists..
Fish --> Turtle --> Warthog --> Less civilized man --> modern man (wise man)...
Aquatic life --> reptiles --> Mammals --> Ape --> Caveman (less civilized man) --> Modern Human...


Fish line did not lead to reptiles. Apes did not lead to humans. etc etc

Evolution as monkeys evolving into humans and amoeba in to elephants, Then NO!

Learn before you speak (BS). Monkeys did not lead to humans. We had common ancestors!

there is a reason why its called theory.

Ok, you call yourself a scientist, yet you do not know what a scientific theory is?

Seems legit :tup:

Fish line did not lead to reptiles. Apes did not lead to humans. etc etc

As I said Science is based on Observation. Its start with observation, then postulate, analysis, proof and then theory..

I am not saying human evolve from fish...
what I am saying is "On earth life started in this order". Since we are Human, we talk about Human evolution..

I mean Evolution of Life on earth , which misintertreted as evolution of Human life on earth.. (may be I need to improve my writing skills)...

We were not descended from apes - we are apes.

You are yourself an African ape. And that is not meant as an insult, it happens to be true. So is he, and so am I. To be specific, humans are one species of 'hominidae', otherwise called "great apes". The other great apes are orangutans, gorillas and chimpanzees. The other kind of apes, the lesser aes, include the gibbon and other Asian apes.

This is the best post of thread... I love this post.. you are right we are a kind/species of ape... Many God's boot licking ape will not like our (your and Mine) post...

Fish line did not lead to reptiles. Apes did not lead to humans. etc etc

Learn before you speak (BS). Monkeys did not lead to humans. We had common ancestors!

Ok, you call yourself a scientist, yet you do not know what a scientific theory is?

Seems legit :tup:
nope, i am not a scientist, i am just a doctor.yes, may be i dont know what theory is.
the people i have quoting have more knowledge on genetics and medical sciences than you have and its their opinion.
it doesnt mean they right or wrong. We dont know for sure.

over the years i met several people from different part of the world, indians and European believe absolutely in theory of evolution. thats not true for Americans.

before sarcasm you should sometimes accept the fact that some people know more on the subject. theory of evolution is widely accepted theory but not a absolute law or totally accepted theory. hint: You can search my name on PUBMED, if you know what that is.
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@ayesha.a we are also working against evolution by stopping natural selection. We all are allowed to have roughly 1 partner and roughly similar number of babies (as per social convention :) ), have access to healthcare that enables even naturally disadvantaged to bear offspring.
I am not saying its bad, just saying how it stands.
Dogs are a good example of how things can be spectacularly different if you do artificial selection, by favouring one trait and disregarding others. (evolution on steroids)
nope, i am not a scientist, i am just a doctor.yes, may be i dont know what theory is.
the people i have quoting have more knowledge on genetics and medical sciences than you have and its their opinion.
it doesnt mean they right or wrong. We dont know for sure.

over the years i met several people from different part of the world, indians and European believe absolutely in theory of evolution. thats not true for Americans.

before sarcasm you should sometimes accept the fact that some people know more on the subject. theory of evolution is widely accepted theory but not a absolute law or totally accepted theory. hint: You can search my name on PUBMED, if you know what that is.

Again, you as a man of science (modern medicine is based on scientific work) dont seem to understand the very basics.

Till this date, there has not been significant proof to refute evolution! (Otherwise we would not have this theory anymore).

Now if you want to refute it, you need to bring up proof for your claims and not anecdotes from your acquaintances.

But dont post it here for us... better publish it and become very very famous!
Again, you as a man of science (modern medicine is based on scientific work) dont seem to understand the very basics.

Till this date, there has not been significant proof to refute evolution! (Otherwise we would not have this theory anymore).

Now if you want to refute it, you need to bring up proof for your claims and not anecdotes from your acquaintances.

But dont post it here for us... better publish it and become very very famous!
ok genius. I hope you publish the paper on law of evolution very soon
ok genius. I hope you publish the paper on law of evolution very soon

You should first learn the meaning of theory. It has never been refuted while there is evidence EVERYWHERE we live.

There is no doubt that species evolve over time.
What makes you think you know it all? You are so blind that you don't even recognize your own creator, how in the hell would you know your origin?

and please don't bother to reply, I don't get in to conversations with ignorant people and thus and thus don't engage with Bharti people, call it whatever you like, but don't other top respond to my posts

Learn before you speak (BS). Monkeys did not lead to humans. We had common ancestors!

Fish line did not lead to reptiles. Apes did not lead to humans. etc etc

Learn before you speak (BS). Monkeys did not lead to humans. We had common ancestors!

Ok, you call yourself a scientist, yet you do not know what a scientific theory is?

Seems legit :tup:

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