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Do you accept the Theory of Evolution?

Do you accept evolution as a fact?

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Science is based on the best possible understanding, but as @C130 noted, once the "facts" said the Earth was flat and the Earth was orbited by the Sun. Facts change as our understanding changes. There is eventually only one truth, only one possible reason or outcome, but we take many steps to reach it; if we every do.

Science provides theories that are supported by math, but science doesn't prove anything, it only offers the best possible working concepts.

process of science

I stand corrected.
I am a scientist. I just want to see how certain people view evolution with reference to theological beliefs. Can (or should) be the two always kept separate or can we complement the knowledge gain from two to reach to conclusions?

It would not be scientific or honest of us to discount the theological explanations either. We must account for them as possibilities, we must be willing to examine theology from a scientific perspective too. Human evolution through intelligent design is just as valid a concept as Darwin's Theory of Evolution, to discard it as fantasy is not acceptable. Your suggestion is not only reasonable, but is the duty of any reputable and ethical scientist.
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Accepting theory of evolution means rejecting gods , religions and all fairytale.
Accepting theory of evolution means rejecting gods , religions and all fairytale.
I disagree. I just think we haven't found the answer yet. we make up religions and fairytale to make sense of the unknown.

not saying god does or doesn't exist I just don't believe it's something we'll ever know.
I am a scientist. I just want to see how certain people view evolution with reference to theological beliefs. Can (or should) be the two always kept separate or can we complement the knowledge gain from two to reach to conclusions?

Great. On what field?
Knowledge and faith can compliment.
There is faith in science.

When I flip the light switch, I have absolute faith that the room will be awash in light. The internal combustion engine is one of man's greatest inventions and when I turn the key, I have complete faith that my Jeep will start. Scientific faith is faith that is based on repeated trials and errors, not of unknown and/or uncertainty. If my Jeep failed to start, I will not immediately suspect demons but depending on the sounds, it could be either a bad battery or weak starter.
its the best possible explanation till now.. may be replaced by something else in future.
good enough for me.

It would not be scientific or honest of us to discount the theological explanations either. We must account for them as possibilities, we must be willing to examine theology from a scientific perspective too. Human evolution through intelligent design is just as valid a concept as evolution, to discard it as fantasy is not acceptable. Your suggestion is not only reasonable, but is the duty of any reputable and ethical scientist.
nobody stopping the research into such 'intelligent design'... I personally find 'xyz' did it to explain a phenomena to be work of lazy mind. Look at our history(not science), we used blame intelligent being for everything, volcanoes to diseases.
Yes I believe in theory of evolution by natural selection, and all the modifications the scientists have added to the theory over time.
If Darwin contends that the human race evolved from monkeys, then how come the monkeys we see have still not started wearing pants? :azn:
If Darwin contends that the human race evolved from monkeys, then how come the monkeys we see have still not started wearing pants? :azn:
may be not in india
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