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Do the Chinese Like or Dislike Chinese Communist Party?

This sounds like democratic system...!!! Then why Americans include China when they talk about countries with NO democracy,,, & when they talk of ppl NOT being given their rights....!!!?

For your review at leisure Sur.


There is also a two-term (5 year per) term limit for the top spots. 2012 will be the 3rd rotation. So there hasn't been a "dictatorship" in China since 1992 after Deng Xiaoping (who opened up the economic reform). Going into the second term, the top leadership starts an "apprenticeship" program that includes maybe 6-8 top candidates (from the CCCCP block) to groom the next group of leaders.

You have your typical jousting and jockeying for positioning but mostly you couldn't even garner a candidacy without having attained significant or notable accomplishments. The dark horse scenario is possible but unlikely as the process is based on a much longer evaluation period, and of course how each one builds up his/her own power base.

There hadn't been any active or retired military personnel in power since Deng who held rank at one time but was not considered a military leader. The power org chart is unique in that the Party's Central Military Commission Chair holds reign over the PLA. So far, General Secretary, CMC Chair and President of the PRC had been one person. I am not a guru on PRC power structure so please chime in and enlighten us. But the layout does look like it excludes any military ranks to hold the top office in the land.

The intent of the process is to ensure continuity of policies and minimize disruptions during the leadership transition with a fair amount of "on the job training" behind the new team. It's a lot more "democratic" than all the systems adopted prior in China. It's not a direct electoral process via general election involving multiple parties but neither is the one used in the USA or India. The 12th 5-year Plan was unveiled a few days ago to usher in the national focus and policies so the new team taking helm in 2012 will not be scrambling to put together a plan and then having to push it through NPC. They will already be almost one year into the program.

The next tandem to take top offices in 2012 looks to be Xi Jinping and Li Keqiang, unless some drastic events take place and shift the votes in the NPC.

Hope this is helpful.
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