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Do the Chinese Like or Dislike Chinese Communist Party?

Chinese people not CCP has done good job,but the natural environment so cruel,so if I got a chance I would rather abroad.:D

So does that mean Chinese people were low IQ during KMT rule? The government may not have accomplished anything, but not doing anything very wrong is very important.
Chinese people not CCP has done good job,but the natural environment so cruel,so if I got a chance I would rather abroad.:D

Yes, but CCP has done a good job of organizing the Chinese people, whereas KMT didn't do anything.

You need a competent government who is capable of making the proper organization.
I read a book on China through three generations

Wild Swans: The Three daughters of China.

It was autobiographical family history by Chinese writer Jung Chang.

Very moving of how the Chinese built their Nation and how harsh the environment and situation was.
I suffered a failure in imagination when I tried to establish a mental connection between CD and professionalism.

There are few professionals, but most are just amateurs.

But still, that forum is more knowledgeable than the rest of the military forums.

You seem to dislike that place maybe you got banned over there, am i right?
There are few professionals, but most are just amateurs.

But still, that forum is more knowledgeable than the rest of the military forums.

You seem to dislike that place maybe you got banned over there, am i right?

No, I never posted in any Chinese military forum. But I do have a strong preference for platforms that ain't plagued with big shrimp worship.
things that make you go hmmm....

8 out 10 people who profess love for the CCP have themselves run off to another country and would not, have not gone back to the love they profess. They also have not given up their love for the very same freedoms they enjoy in those very " evil" western worlds they crib about-

BUT YET! ask the people in china to " accept" - the lack of those very freedoms. Yup- things that make you hmmm...

and why u ran off india? its shining, its 'free' and its 'democracy' YET all I can see in London, Manchester and Birmingham are waves waves of indian families from all those international airport.

what are very freedoms? starve to vote? plz Enlighten me!

let me tell u most chinese stayed in the West because their were born there used to the easy less competitive life, but in China, hell, the level of competition is like getting a visa from foreign embassy in India!
So sad you failed to sense the sarcasm in this old man's post.

Just to show how far up the chain, this obsession about China goes. I often wonder if 1962 war was worth it if we knew how deep a psychological scar something so trivial would leave and how much neurosis and paranoia it can produce.
As far as the Communist Party of China is concerned, I am sure all Chinese love them includiingthose who have gone abroad to live.

It is however surprising that they live in other countries when China is doing so well and is so beautiful with modern buildings, bridges, wide roads and all that and is much better a place to live than the decadent west and the underdeveloped east.

And since China is on the rise and a better place, those who have acquired foreign citizenship should also return to savour the glory of their forefathers' land that elsewhere.

I came to London with my other 8 Chinese friends 8 years ago, they all left to China, im the only one lingering here, but im going back this year too, coz i dont see any reason to miss out the 'rising' for the 'stagnation' here``:wave:
As far as the Communist Party of China is concerned, I am sure all Chinese love them includiingthose who have gone abroad to live.

It is however surprising that they live in other countries when China is doing so well and is so beautiful with modern buildings, bridges, wide roads and all that and is much better a place to live than the decadent west and the underdeveloped east.

And since China is on the rise and a better place, those who have acquired foreign citizenship should also return to savour the glory of their forefathers' land that elsewhere.

Recent flow of Chinese here are either students or people working for large Chinese corporations or government jobs. As for the ones descended here prior to the early 2000 are either UK citizens originating from Hong Kong or second or even third generation ethnic Chinese who grew up here.

Majority of us are only here because of work, family commitments or study. That is not to say that we will not one day return. More important of all is to do whatever it is we have to do here first and return in good time.

In regards to the Indian population here in the UK. Most of them are born and raised here and are too westernised to return to India. Their parents are either wealthy or came from middle class backgrounds. The poor would never get the opportunity to leave India and take advantage of British governmental support. The divide between the rich and the poor in India is too great. They are either very wealthy or very poor and government support for the poor are close to non existent.

I have to say, being a Chinese with the rights to stay in multiple countries saves me from queuing up for single or multi entry visas..lol

Regardless of my nationalities, I still see myself as a Chinese and is proud of who and what I am.

By the way most Chinese people have no problem of China being in the hands of the CCP. You are entitled to your opinions on the CCP but you need to stop foisting your
Set of opinions on us. Just like how we have reserved opinions on democracy being a false dichotomy. Not only are you limited one way or another, the system is riddled with obscurity and hidden agendas.
im not in favor of the party but i also got no problem with their rule. its doesnt matter to me, my circumstance is not good, the party exist or not, in power or not, i would still live in pathetic life, i cant blame the regime for my personal failure.

its capitalism, which means competition. im a loser of this game, become one of the millions died body contribute to great victory of china.

how would CPC step down or being overthrown benefit me? free real estate for me?:sick:
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