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Why Is the Chinese Communist Party So Tense?

Truth hurts :cheers:

See you are not saying communist party will fall, you are really saying China will. Nobody gives a rats *** who's in power in China be it Chinese or otherwise. I'm assuming neither do you.

But China won't fall. Reason is simple, China is already close to semi developed. Much like the French revolution, there may be some confusion for a short while, but even before Napoleon, France was winning victories against major powers, though the government was weak. And Napoleon soon pushed France to new heights.

That's because even weak governments before Napoleon still inherited the mightiest power in the world France.

Today's China same deal, we have a huge number of university educated population, great infrastructure, and a host of other things. We are a great power, so even if the communist party fall from power, these things won't go with them.

When you are working with gold, even a badly shaped one is worth a lot.

So, anything else you want to add?
The West still don't understand Chinese mentality. I'll tell you this. Many Chinese know the CCP is not perfect. In fact, we know they are corrupt a long time ago. We know more about democracy than the West are giving us credit. We even have a case where one man house is being confiscated for property development by the states. His response? "I want China to take it because it helps build our country in the modern way". This pride, past humiliation by the west, the criticism of the West will only fuel Chinese people to support their government and sacrifice themselves for the betterment of future development. In fact, Chinese military rise and economic standing in the world show many Chinese that hope, the pride that we envision, our rightful place in this world. This is one area that the West analysts underestimate the vast majority of Chinese populace. Chinese are not arab. Chinese don't follow religion profoundly. Chinese are practical, prideful of the ancient forefather. In other words, whether the CCP can survive past this 21st century will depend on the West's treatment of Chinese in their media. The more badmouths they spill out, the more it will fuel us to form unity to overcome the hardship facing the west domination.
Why are Indians posting crap about other countries when its Indian economy that is collapsing. Have some sense of reality here.
CCP tense?

FYI, the Chinese authority has been "tense" since thousand of years ago.

To be constantly vigilant about crack in the unity of the nation is one of the the reason why China is the ONLY ancient civilization that is alive and kicking today.

Obviously these commentators are pretty ignorant about Chinese culture and history.

I guess they are pretty puzzle why the Chinese people are not buying their theory/ideology.

Well, flaunting your ignorant ain't gonna do it.
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