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Do Saudi Arabians wear Jeans and T-Shirts?

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Call me dumb but I seriously didn't know they wear Jeans and T-Shirts on regular basis.

I never call you dumb but the guy who asked similar question to me on YT...he didn't even believe that Pakistanis wear anything other than Shalwar Kameez(Note Kameez=Kurta, Sherwani etc).

I wear Punjabi and Jeans

Punjabi is actually the Kameez i mentioned above & i believe it is called Punjabi because its originally from Pakistan & many people from India & Bangladesh thinks that Pakistan=Punjabi.
As I've told you before, just because someone has a different opinion to you does not mean they are trolling. You don't seem to understand that.

And you know too well what I'm talking about. That 2002 incident, I really don't want to bring that up. And I do not need to ask anyone.

PS: I will never step on "Saudi" Arabia. Once that barbaric regime you love for some reason is gone, I would love to go to the beuatiful country. I have no problems with Arabs, at all, but I despise your regime.

Well, I appreciate your praise but why then talk about issues that you know little about. You just admitted that you have never visited KSA. You don't need to believe what I tell you. As I said you are free to ask all the Pakistanis on this forum and NON-PAKISTANIS who either live in KSA while we speak or have done so.

Don't get surprised because I react to people writing incorrect things when their knowledge is limited or when they have not even visited the country that they are talking about. Let alone speaking Arabic, following the news from a close hand in that said country etc.

It would be like if I started to talk about the ground realities in Somalia. I don't know about them.

We are loyal to our rulers whoever they are as long as they are serving the country and its people and do no harm.
As I've told you before, just because someone has a different opinion to you does not mean they are trolling. You don't seem to understand that.

And you know too well what I'm talking about. That 2002 incident, I really don't want to bring that up. And I do not need to ask anyone.

PS: I will never step on "Saudi" Arabia. Once that barbaric regime you love for some reason is gone, I would love to go to the beuatiful country. I have no problems with Arabs, at all, but I despise your regime.

Common Saudi people are good people but I agree the country is barbaric in some practice.
Lol, live in v.a, there loads of saudis here. Most of them looked like these guys in the vid, just imagine them in hipster tight clothing is all.

Some saudis are tall sure, but 99% of you that ive met personally were all skinny, which is weird cause most mideastern dudes here are ripped or buff due to working out, guess when youre rich and spoiled you dont care about all that.

None of what you are saying makes any sense. Saudi Arabians of Arabic stock are first of all among the tallest people in the Middle East and at the same time not exactly skinny but rather the opposite. I don't need to remind you that most are probably heavier and thus more broad-shouldered than your average Iranian. Nor do I need to remind you of the fact that 10% of the Saudi Arabian population are Afro-Arabs and it is common knowledge that Africans/Black people are generally stronger built/more athletic than Caucasians.

For instance look at the Saudi Arabian national football team. Taller and more heavier built on average than ALL other Middle Eastern football national teams.

Lastly the ghetto/gangsta culture that many other Arabs and Muslims (unfortunately) have adopted in the West is foreign to most Saudi Arabians since Saudi Arabians were never immigrants to the West in recent times nor is that culture prevalent in KSA.

Most importantly I suggest to read about the descriptions of the Muslim Arab armies (by non-Arabs) and the Arabs of modern-day KSA from 1400 years back and forward and how they were described. Most were described as tall and broad-shouldered and as ferocious fighters. Hence them conquering half of the none world and establishing the biggest empires seen in human history at that time until the short-lived Mongol Empire and the British Empire not long ago.

Wrestling and other martial arts were obligatory for most Arabs back in the day. Wars were very common hence most Arabs were highly skilled warriors. In fact infighting/tribal wars were the biggest hindrance for expansion back in the day until Islam came which united the people for the first time in recent memory.

Central power was a foreign word. Every Arab wanted to rule himself and there is an Arab saying (due to the prevalence of Arab families and titles in abundances that most Arab tribes or families held at least once in their history) that "every Arab claims to be a king". Don't know how to exactly translate t into English for it to make sense.

Anyway everyone saw what happened when the Arabs got united for once and what that meant.

But yes, of course many, due to being affluent, are not doing much physical activity and are thus getting OVERWEIGHT.

It shows that you live in Iran? When have you met any Saudi Arabians in Iran?
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Lol, live in v.a, there loads of saudis here. Most of them looked like these guys in the vid, just imagine them in hipster tight clothing is all.

There are some videos of some guys drinking 'Sharab' in party and dancing all hearts out wearing long garments. Actually I think when you want to put someone under too much restriction the opposite happens.
I never call you dumb but the guy who asked similar question to me on YT...he didn't even believe that Pakistanis wear anything other than Shalwar Kameez(Note Kameez=Kurta, Sherwani etc).

Punjabi is actually the Kameez i mentioned above & i believe it is called Punjabi because its originally from Pakistan & many people from India & Bangladesh thinks that Pakistan=Punjabi.

We call it kurta or kabuli as well depends on the family, but usually in Bangladesh the people wear the Salwar Kameez top but not the trousers, when it's with the trousers it's called Kabuli
Btw, is it a sunnah to wear that red scarf over head for man or its just Arab custom? I see many Indian, Pakistani and Bangladeshi Islamic clerics wear red scarfs the way Arabs do.
Do Saudi Arabians wear Jeans and T-Shirts?

go to airport and ask this questions from the passengers arriving from KSA.

Btw, is it a sunnah to wear that red scarf over head for man or its just Arab custom? I see many Indian, Pakistani and Bangladeshi Islamic clerics wear red scarfs the way Arabs do.

Where do you see Pakistanis?
go to airport and ask this questions from the passengers arriving from KSA.

Where do you see Pakistanis?

I don't need to go to airport to get info about it? Its just an out of curiosity question I wanted to know. If you can give reply then you are most welcome.
I think the question should have been 'Do Saudi man wear 'western' clothing in their country?' Wording mistake.

This individual is with all due probability a troll.


I simply do not know what you are trying to do? Why don't you openly say that you hate Saudi Arabia and Arabs and get over with it? We will have no problem with that as long as you keep it to yourself and don't troll every thread.

You are simply deliberately asking more stupid questions to provoke people.

Do you want people to troll on the Bengali section?
you didn't answer, where do you see Pakistanis?

I saw in QTV where a Pakistani scholar gave speech in a talk show wearing similar scarf over head. Another person keep it on shoulder. In Bangladesh many 'Hujurs' (we call Islamic scholars Hujur) also do it. I think its only a custom of Arab to wear that scraf, not by other cultures.
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