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Do Saudi Arabians wear Jeans and T-Shirts?

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I saw in QTV where a Pakistani scholar gave speech in a talk show wearing similar scarf over head. Another person keep it on shoulder. In Bangladesh many 'Hujurs' (we call Islamic scholars Hujur) also do it. I think its only a custom of Arab to wear that scraf, not by other cultures.

What is QTV? Who was the scholar? did he mentioned about his nationality? and how did you just assumed all Pakistan is like this?
Okay guys, seems like this thread has offended some members. My apology to them.

Moderators, you can close the thread as I have already got some answers for my question. Some members call it a dumb question by troll. Okay , close it.

Here comes a Farsi troll writing nonsense. Saudi Arabians small and skinny?:lol: That is not what the rest of the world is saying. We constantly hear the opposite.

Dumb post by a troll. I don't think that you have any clue what you are talking about. Those guys don't have any real power anymore. Women are putting them to shame in public. Anyway you can ask all the Pakistanis and others who actually live in KSA and are familiar with it and not people like you who are yet to step on Saudi Arabian soil but like to act like they know it all.

My brother in law leave in SA. Her wife is from Singapore. So based on interaction with him, my impression is that women just need to cover with a scarf ....Otherwise, being a Non Muslim women leaving more than 10 year, she is enjoying her party life in SA as like other people in USA and India..
I've always wondered why Indian and Pakistani guys wear dress slacks and button up collared shirts a lot. I may be missing something but I rarely ever see them in jeans and t-shirts, except for college students. And hardly ever in shorts, even in the summer. Not trolling, just wondering.
Most of saudi arabian are gay beacause in their Britian cult! masturbating and gay is not tabu.
Saudi cults are the most gays(sodomite) in the world and that's the reason that their country is 28 m...
Even u can find many sodomite princess films on internet if search.Good to know their moftis permitted that have sex for mujahids in Syria with their intimate female family is admissible !!!!!
Are young men in Saudi Arabia allowed to wear Jeans and T-Shirts?

Yes, but they're not very popular, i personally don't like them and rarely wear them even if i'm traveling in foreign countries.

Is music allowed in public gathering in Saudi Arabia?

That depends on your region/city/neighborhood, also depends on what kind of music you're listening to.


No offence, but all the saudi student dudes ive met wore extremely hipster looking gay jeans and the tightest shirts ive seen with wooly hair

Dude, you're in no position talking about being gay with that homo looking guy as your avatar :sarcastic:
Is that a rule that have to wear a scarf or is that a tradition? If a women do not wear scarf in public what can happen to her?

Females don't have to wear scars. However, they are encouraged to do it as they please.

It is culturally unacceptable not to wear an Abaya though.

The Religious Police come after them (Mutaween). A barbaric group with no common sense.

I guess being utterly misinformed or maybe ignorant is more barbaric than these guys.

Your claim still lacks facts.
Most of saudi arabian are gay beacause in their Britian cult! masturbating and gay is not tabu.
Saudi cults are the most gays(sodomite) in the world and that's the reason that their country is 28 m...
Even u can find many sodomite princess films on internet if search.Good to know their moftis permitted that have sex for mujahids in Syria with their intimate female family is admissible !!!!!

I hope they won't be as gay as these Iranian folks :lol:
I want to see a Saudi girl in Saree. Its my fantasy. lolz
Why do you know this? :what:

You know what? I dont even want to know...:bad: :tsk:

Iranians are always mad at us for one reason or another.

They can't hit back, while we did hit them, the only thing they're good for is running their mouths.
Iranians are always mad at us for one reason or another.

They can't hit back, while we did hit them, the only thing they're good for is running their mouths.
Well, your generalising now, there are some smart and nice Iranians on the Forum, one person doesnt represent the whole Nation.
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