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Do Saudi Arabians wear Jeans and T-Shirts?

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Is that a rule that have to wear a scarf or is that a tradition? If a women do not wear scarf in public what can happen to her?
The Religious Police come after them (Mutaween). A barbaric group with no common sense.
No offence, but all the saudi student dudes ive met wore extremely hipster looking gay jeans and the tightest shirts ive seen with wooly hair, and were skinny as hell (have no idea why you guys are so skinny and weak)... In my mind, I was like these are the salafists were supposed to be afraid of? Lulz... I guess you cant put everyone in the same stereotype. Oh well.

Here comes a Farsi troll writing nonsense. Saudi Arabians small and skinny?:lol: That is not what the rest of the world is saying. We constantly hear the opposite.

The Religious Police come after them (Mutaween). A barbaric group with no common sense.

Dumb post by a troll. I don't think that you have any clue what you are talking about. Those guys don't have any real power anymore. Women are putting them to shame in public. Anyway you can ask all the Pakistanis and others who actually live in KSA and are familiar with it and not people like you who are yet to step on Saudi Arabian soil but like to act like they know it all.

Here comes a Farsi troll writing nonsense. Saudi Arabians small and skinny?:lol:

Dumb post by a troll. I don't think that you have any clue what you are talking about. Those guys don't have any real power anymore. Women are putting them to shame in public. Anyway you can ask all the Pakistanis and others who actually live in KSA and are familiar with it and not people like you who are yet to step on Saudi Arabian soil but like to act like they know it all.

You Akhi's are big MashAllahh lol.
Btw if youre wondering where i met all these saudis, I used to work at this shishe restaurant and we used to have loads of saudis coming in, most being young themselves. Never saw the girls wearing the chador or headscarves either, the guys didnt wear any traditional dresses neither. There was this saudi girl with big boobs.OMGD, you shoulda seen her. She looked so yummy, wanted to do muttah with her (joke). Lol
You Akhi's are big MashAllahh lol.

Tall too mostly.

The smallest Saudi Arabians are mostly people from the Southern provinces but they are by no means small compared to the averages in the Middle East. They would be considered middle-sized in Europe and big in most of Asia.

But on the other hand you have mountain tribes/mountain people in those Southern regions who are really thick-bonned/broad-shouldered. They are quite some bunch, LOL.

If you add our Afro-Arabs who make up 10% of the population then you do the remaining math. Those guys are mostly quite tall and big by large. Bigger and taller than Middle Eastern and European people on average.

Just like the Afro-Americans in USA.

Anyway not sure what we are talking about. Better just stop, LOL, before we are going to talk about cakes or deserts.

I am getting a little bit suspicious about you now. Why all the strange questions? Why is it SO important what Saudi Arabian men wear of clothes? I already answered all of your questions and instructed you to use Google. Lastly you are welcome to visit KSA and see the ground realities for yourself.

Lastly I asked you how you know Saudi Arabians in real life when there are very few Saudi Arabians in Bangladesh from what I know about? I doubt that you have met any Saudi Arabians in real life outside of Bangladesh (you don't seem like a person that has visited KSA to be frank with you!) because Saudi Arabians abroad, outside of a small minority, do not wear traditional clothing. So I just find your posts quite suspicious.

Yes, Saudi Arabians, especially in the business sector and private sector, wear suits. Some do not though.

You better not be a troll otherwise I have wasted my time trying to be serious and replying to you.

I googled dude but while I have found some Saudi man wearing suits but I haven't found any pic of guys wearing T-Shirt and jeans apart from what you posted. Its not that an important thing though. Do whatever you like to wear. Everybody has specific clothing but I think Jeans and T-Shirt or shirting suiting has become so universal that you can not just say that its western clothing in todays time.

Saudi Arabia is a very strict country. I thought it also had prohibition on man's clothing. Don't take me wrong. I love my Muslim brothers. Generally Saudi Arabians are very nice people. You are also one.
[quotim="al-Hasani, post: 5082358, member: 144723"]:lol:

Here comes a Farsi troll writing nonsense. Saudi Arabians small and skinny?:lol: That is not what the rest of the world is saying. We constantly hear the opposite.

Dumb post by a troll. I don't think that you have any clue what you are talking about. Those guys don't have any real power anymore. Women are putting them to shame in public. Anyway you can ask all the Pakistanis and others who actually live in KSA and are familiar with it and not people like you who are yet to step on Saudi Arabian soil but like to act like they know it all.[/quote]
Bro, Im not trying to offend, but most saudi dudes i saw were extremely skinny, like skinnier than normal or any other mideasterner ive seen. Dont you guys lift?
Wearing a burqah and hijab is obligatory in Islam, and since most of the law is sharia, wearing a hijab is a part of Sharia.

So many of my muslim friends(girls) back home in India and over here never wear Burqah. So it couldn't be obligatory is it?
So many of my muslim friends(girls) back home in India and over here never wear Burqah. So it couldn't be obligatory is it?

It's fard (obligatory) but each to their own, no one forces them to wear it. It's their choice.
Dumb post by a troll. I don't think that you have any clue what you are talking about. Those guys don't have any real power anymore. Women are putting them to shame in public. Anyway you can ask all the Pakistanis and others who actually live in KSA and are familiar with it and not people like you who are yet to step on Saudi Arabian soil but like to act like they know it all.

As I've told you before, just because someone has a different opinion to you does not mean they are trolling. You don't seem to understand that.

And you know too well what I'm talking about. That 2002 incident, I really don't want to bring that up. And I do not need to ask anyone.

PS: I will never step on "Saudi" Arabia. Once that barbaric regime you love for some reason is gone, I would love to go to the beuatiful country. I have no problems with Arabs, at all, but I despise your regime.
[quotim="al-Hasani, post: 5082358, member: 144723"]:lol:

Here comes a Farsi troll writing nonsense. Saudi Arabians small and skinny?:lol: That is not what the rest of the world is saying. We constantly hear the opposite.

Dumb post by a troll. I don't think that you have any clue what you are talking about. Those guys don't have any real power anymore. Women are putting them to shame in public. Anyway you can ask all the Pakistanis and others who actually live in KSA and are familiar with it and not people like you who are yet to step on Saudi Arabian soil but like to act like they know it all.
Bro, Im not trying to offend, but most saudi dudes i saw were extremely skinny, like skinnier than normal or any other mideasterner ive seen. Dont you guys lift?[/quote]

The Algerians, Moroccans, Libyans, Lebanese, Yemeni in the UK and in my are are flipping massive. In the local Bangali masjid they make most of the brothers look like little hobbit :laugh:
Some saudis are tall sure, but 99% of you that ive met personally were all skinny, which is weird cause most mideastern dudes here are ripped or buff due to working out, guess when youre rich and spoiled you dont care about all that.
So many of my muslim friends(girls) back home in India and over here never wear Burqah. So it couldn't be obligatory is it?

Burqa is a Afghan/Central Asian pheonomenon. It is not worn in KSA or the Arab world. Only normal ordinary (sometimes very colorful at least the many traditional dresses) headscarfs are worn or a niqab if you are traditional.

Muslims are not the same everywhere. Without knowing the ground realities in India then I suspect that the Muslim Indians are heavily influenced by their Indian heritage and the fact that they live in a majority (by far) Hindu country.

Half of Bosnia and more than half of Albania are Muslims too but not many even wear a headscarf…..

I suggest closing this thread. Seems like a troll thread to me.

The Algerians, Moroccans, Libyans, Lebanese, Yemeni in the UK and in my are are flipping massive. In the local Bangali masjid they make most of the brothers look like little hobbit :laugh:

He is a troll. Don't take him seriously. He probably has never met any Saudi Arabians. At least everyone and his cat in the Arab world at least know that Saudi Arabians are taller than most Middle Eastern people on average (and most others in the world) and they are CERTAINLY not skinny, LOL. Many wish they were LOL.

Also just reading about the Islamic figures in the early days of Islam of which more or less 99% were form what is modern-day KSA you can get a sense of them being strong and mostly tall people.
Saiful, north africans, yemenis and bangladis are usually short, im not talking about height btw, but being skinny.
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