I am getting a little bit suspicious about you now. Why all the strange questions? Why is it SO important what Saudi Arabian men wear of clothes? I already answered all of your questions and instructed you to use Google. Lastly you are welcome to visit KSA and see the ground realities for yourself.
Lastly I asked you how you know Saudi Arabians in real life when there are very few Saudi Arabians in Bangladesh from what I know about? I doubt that you have met any Saudi Arabians in real life outside of Bangladesh (you don't seem like a person that has visited KSA to be frank with you!) because Saudi Arabians abroad, outside of a small minority, do not wear traditional clothing. So I just find your posts quite suspicious.
Yes, Saudi Arabians, especially in the business sector and private sector, wear suits. Some do not though.
You better not be a troll otherwise I have wasted my time trying to be serious and replying to you.