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Do most Indians consider Bangladeshi people as 'Indians'?

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This topic should be moved. It is not defence-related. @waz

The question depends on what you mean by "Indian"? It can be a vague broad term. If it is specific to the country "India", then obviously no....Bangladeshis don't consider themselves to be Indian and Indians dont consider them to be either.

However in broader context, one only needs to look at the Bangladeshi proprietors of "Indian" cuisine restaurants in the UK.
Don't reply to that guy. He is a false flagger.

Come up with something new. False flagger is getting old.

The Fakir and Sanyasi uprising led by wandering Muslim Fakirs and Naga Hindu ... the 18th century when the Naga Sanyasis joined the third Anglo- Maratha war.

Anand Math was about Hindu resistance against Islamic rulers with the help of British.
What is the Anand Math?

A work of fiction by bengali writer bankim chandra.

To avoid communal tension the modern versions depict the enemies as british but it was originally the Muslims.

Anandamath - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Haha.. how long have you been in the business ? Hope you get paid for your relentless job.

How long have you been on medication? Maybe the disastrous rout of your God BJP is toomuch pain to bear for you bhakts.
Immigrant labour from West Bengal and Bangladesh together will be more than 30 lakhs in Kerala state. Earlier, Tamils and Telgos used to be the one filling the employee gap. They have their own bazar and shops in many towns like mine. It looks like 1930s and 40's in these Bangali bazaars, Even cinemas ran for them odiya,bangali etc.
This is Perumbavur town, some 18kms from my place:
Come Sundays Perumbavoor Turns Into Mini-Bengal -The New Indian Express


Common people dare to travel in general compartments of trains due to the immigrants flooding almost all trains especially towards eastern states. BJP-Mukht Kerala may be imagined by Sanghi apologists as a horrible state, but it is the land of milk and honey for commoners from rest of India, particularly north and eastern India who lives a horrible life that they are ready to travel 3000-4000kms to reach here.
Immigrant labour from West Bengal and Bangladesh together will be more than 30 lakhs in Kerala state.

Whats the breakdown of the number into Indian and Bangaldeshi bengalis? Do you know?
I had a question on citizenship in my paper this year and I have forgotten some points about what makes a person living in India an Indian citizen . Not everyone living in India is Citizen of India .

Bhakt is de-facto not a citizen of India. It don't follow constitution.
A work of fiction by bengali writer bankim chandra.

To avoid communal tension the modern versions depict the enemies as british but it was originally the Muslims.

Anandamath - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

How long have you been on medication? Maybe the disastrous rout of your God BJP is toomuch pain to bear for you bhakts.
Good to learn about the various cultures and religions of the world. Nice info. In truth muslims of Lucknow know very little about Hindus and much less for us who migrated to what is territory controlled by Pakistan. It is interesting to learn though.
Whats the breakdown of the number into Indian and Bangaldeshi bengalis? Do you know?
How can you even think Bangladeshi will be roaming around revealing their identity? They all claim(Benglis and Bangladeshis) to be from Murshidabad in West Bengal. The reality is many of them are Bangladeshis. A report I read says, identity cards are cheaply available for Bangladeshis after reaching India. Photo id, ration card whatever they want is made available.
How can you even think Bangladeshi will be roaming around revealing their identity? They all claim(Benglis and Bangladeshis) to be from Murshidabad in West Bengal. The reality is many of them are Bangladeshis.

Duh, I was just wondering if there is an estimate.
While googling I found out a comment from an Indian about Bangladeshis. It really surprised me that most Indians consider Bangladeshi people as Indians.

Abhijit K Varma, Indian , IIT roorkee

My native place is in kerala and there people have a reasonably good image about bangladeshis , the reasons being :
  1. Kerala has a labour shortage in low skill sector and this is mostly filled by east Indian people (biharis , banglas , etc) and many of these east Indians come from Bangladesh .
  2. Bangal and Kerala have several similarities : rain , humidity , liking for fish , rice is staple food , usage of spices , both used to be naval-trade related regions , etc .
  3. Timid and Industrious nature of the Bangla workforce . they don't steal things like the Biharis , they make do with whatever they get .
We consider all Indians as our brethren , irrespective of their nationality , for most of us a Bangladeshi is as much of an Indian as a citizen of RoI(republic of India)

Why do Indians hate Bangladeshis more than Pakistanis even though India's arch-rival is Pakistan? - Quora
Most Indians dont consider themselves as Indians why would they consider Bangladeshis as Indian? Recently I sneaked into an online Indian teenager gathering, by my avatar they started bullying me as Bihari. As if Bihari is alternative to Nigga :angry:

No doubt, you are an Bangladesh............
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