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Developments in Bahrain: Fighting Ensues

I am amazed you use word "mercenaries"- Technically they are not-
Pakistani ex army soldiers hired by Bahraini monarch had been given Bahraini nationality- they have sworn- taken oath- they are as much Bahraini as you feel you are canadian-

Let's be honest.

The Bahraini dictators hire foreign mercenaries to keep the Shia majority in check and, in return, the mercenaries get Bahraini citizenship. It doesn't matter if the hired mercenaries are Pakistani, Indian, Bangladeshi or whatever.
the last time i checked a lot of people were labeling KSA as a wahabi state .... how come its now a Sunni majority state vs shia majority country as states by few respected members.... lol

You are not the only one amazed here- All just love to ride the bashing band wagon irrespective of what the topic is- thats pure hatred and discrimination shown mostly by so called wanna be liberals of the wanna be first world-
You are not the only one amazed here- All just love to ride the bashing band wagon irrespective of what the topic is- thats pure hatred and discrimination shown mostly by so called wanna be liberals of the wanna be first world-

it appears that you live in KSA :)
Let's be honest.

The Bahraini dictators hire foreign mercenaries to keep the Shia majority in check and, in return, the mercenaries get Bahraini citizenship. It doesn't matter if the hired mercenaries are Pakistani, Indian, Bangladeshi or whatever.

They are doing exactly- what the governments do to maintain control- Now do not get me wrong- if i give the example of Baluchistan--
Its part of the package- nothing illegal or extra ordinary- They have right to work for their interests in the country and for the region--
Yup- that should have nothing to do with the discussion- In here i am a Pakistani-

one thing I have learned is that a lot of the people from the subcontinent are ready to become Arab for $$$. So no, you're not Pakistani. Why would a Pakistani so whole heartedly defend the house of Saud? You aint fooling no one.

---------- Post added at 01:27 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:26 AM ----------

They are doing exactly- what the governments do to maintain control- Now do not get me wrong- if i give the example of Baluchistan--
Its part of the package- nothing illegal or extra ordinary- They have right to work for their interests in the country and for the region--

the African merceneries were also there to maintain control. What's your view on those lot?
I am living in Bahrain at presence and planning to go for a vacation back home soon. I'll not give much comment on this thread for the fear of it being bactracked to my location. However, I do want to say this to GloriusResolve and Asim; I think you should also try to read/ view and analyze the other side of the story. Yes one Pakistani man died in the clash, but the story coming out (in both side's version) is not accurate. I'll take permission from this thread now.
Generally it seems that the entire Muslim governed world is facing introspection. I wonder whether these global changes will be for the better of Islamically governed countries. It basically started with Christian Sudan breaking away from Muslim governed Sudan. Thereafter North Africa and the Middle East. Maybe this is a mesage to Muslim governments to stop misinterpreting the Holy Q'uran for their own selfish purposes and to stop using Islam to rabble rouse their ignorant supporters and to start governing properly or else.
one thing I have learned is that a lot of the people from the subcontinent are ready to become Arab for $$$. So no, you're not Pakistani. Why would a Pakistani so whole heartedly defend the house of Saud? You aint fooling no one.

Maybe thats the same reason you are in canada- nothing wrong in that- and its irrelevant to even bring that here- Hope you understand your analogy will backfire from every angle-

There is a difference between defending the house of saud and the land of Prophet- So you are only fooling your self-

This Bahraini revolution i am not interested in it- i am avoiding it for months now-What brought me here is the killings of Pakistani expats on the hand of Shia protesters-

the African merceneries were also there to maintain control. What's your view on those lot?

Let me ask you some thing- what exactly do you mean by "Mercenariness" here-
There are even Indian- Syrian- Egyptian people in the Bahraini National Guard- What's your view on that?-
BTW I dont agree to the trend blaming the Pakistani soldiers for any of this. If anyone is to be blamed it is the Al-Khalifah family and the Al-Saud family who want to cling on to power.

The Pakistani or any other employee is just doing his job for feeding his family back home. They dont have any personal vendetta with the protestors.
BTW I dont agree to the trend blaming the Pakistani soldiers for any of this. If anyone is to be blamed it is the Al-Khalifah family and the Al-Saud family who want to cling on to power.

this thread is about the Royal Saudis who inspire Taliban, Laskher e Toyabah and lashker e Ghangvi and TTP type organisations because they all share the faith of Salafi Islam (wahabism) that has pretty much declared the rest of the Muslims as sinners or infidels.

You might want to see how Saudi air force destroys the villages in Yemen relating to Houthis tribes. The American WoT collateral damage pales in comparison. The videos and pictures on the web are very graphic in nature.

You seem to be defending the perpetrators but this argument was rejected by the courts that were setup to punish the Nazis at the end of the war. When they said they were only following orders.
Soldiers, officers and their leaders were all executed for their war crimes for “following orders”.
I wont support intervention by any country in Bahrain’s unrest because any outsider will actually invite the wrath and hatred of the population.
Its kinda sad, how no country has come out to condemn this crackdown. Not even Muslim countries.
this thread is about the Royal Saudis who inspire Taliban, Laskher e Toyabah and lashker e Ghangvi and TTP type organisations because they all share the faith of Salafi Islam (wahabism) that has pretty much declared the rest of the Muslims as sinners or infidels.

You might want to see how Saudi air force destroys the villages in Yemen relating to Houthis tribes. The American WoT collateral damage pales in comparison. The videos and pictures on the web are very graphic in nature.

You seem to be defending the perpetrators but this argument was rejected by the courts that were setup to punish the Nazis at the end of the war. When they said they were only following orders.
Soldiers, officers and their leaders were all executed for their war crimes for “following orders”.

I wont support intervention by any country in Bahrain’s unrest because any outsider will actually invite the wrath and hatred of the population.

I am speaking about the Pakistani ex-soldiers recruited bu the Al-Khalifah family and not about the Saudi soldiers.
If it wasn't for their oil Saudi Arabia would be in the stone age.

It's funny, I went to see both Saudi and Iranian pavilions at the World Fair, and the Saudi one was huge with a horn calling to prayer, while the Iranian one was small, elegant and peaceful.

You can tell which was the one that throws irreplacable money from irreplacable resources around to impress foreigners, and which is sincere.

It's interesting you should say that ... I asked my mom which pavilion was most popular with "average folks" after they came back from Shanghai from their visit last year.

My dad was still thinking, but my mom immediately blurted out "the Saudi Pavilion". I asked why ... and she answered: "they are just grand and it looks like they spent a lot of money, and they hand out stuff".

And guess which one of the two was ecstatic after Liu "won" the Nobel Peace "Prize" ...

The Saudis are spending dough to buy "influence", just not sure on whose behalf.

The Iranians are working, bickering, and spending non-renewable resource to achieve "Autarky", hence they must be stopped at all cost :-)azn:).
Order out of Chaos.
4th generation warfare, balkanization.
Re-organisation/ reordering of the Middle East.

So all of this happened after Mr. Gates' visit. Hmmm

Let alone this "Shia vs Sunni" bag of cats ... I haven't even gotten myself an adequate handle on the historical "Protestant vs Catholic" going-at-each-other ... and I shamelessly call myself a Christian.

There are people in my own family the Government of PRC spent a lot of dough (which they didn't really have back then unlike the Saudis) "educating" and today can't really tell you what the root causes of the Chinese Civil War barely 60 some odd years ago was truly all about ...

So who stands to gain from this "Persian" vs "Arab" ... "Abbasid" vs "Umayyad" blah blah?

Anyways, Saudi or Iran, my two "uninformed" cents say that there is no "money" in this fight.

But money can be made in making the two fight.
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