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Developments in Bahrain: Fighting Ensues

Dear Freind . . Egyptions, Tunisian, Libyans are all Internal revolutions without external interference . . These revolutions was mainly for economic reasons . . for Bahrain . . Economic level of the people of Bahrain can not be compared with Egyptian or Tunisian . . What is happening in Bahrain is Sectarian strife Caused by Iran

For your info there was a protest (I think 2 weeks ago) in Northern part of Saudi Arabia as well. But the protesters were controlled by local police.

I have been to Saudi Arabia. The Economic conditions are very good over there but there are a lot of people who want the Kingship to end. You can say that they want Democracy. .
why is it a Shia uprising? why Egypt and Libyan uprising is not branded on the bases of sectarianism? Iranian regime has its own problem of handling the protests where it brutally suppressed the reformist protests so blaming it over Bahrain is unfair and insult to the people of Bahrain.

why are members of this forum talking the language of the US media and Western governments? The Western media is painting it as an Iranian inspired revolt against the sunni royal family. This as ironic as the western portrayal of the Iraqi Kurds as good Kurds and the Turkish Kurds as bad Kurds. The protestors are not against the royals that were installed by the British after breaking the Ottoman empire, but they are against he oppression, suppression and injustice and want more freedom. Same protests are happening at different scales in Kuwait and Saudia too.

Are these all middle east protests not against the oppression and injustice against the rulers? The Bahrain protesters are as much Arabs as Tunisian, Saudis, Kuwaitis and Egyptians and deserve the same respect one is willing to give to a human being.
I would request new posters not to keep bring in the sectarian element.

Justifying the crackdown because the protesters share the faith of Iranians that is loathed and hated by the Saudi and Bahrain royals is nothing but bigotry. When same justification is used in punishing Palestinians and Kashmiris we all shed crocodile tears and blow a lot of hot air criticising the “human rights” violations committed by Indian and Israeli occupation forces.

Lets just pray and hope that there is a quick and peaceful conclusion to these unrests because it is the innocents that suffer.

The Peninsula Shield forces arrived to Bahrain

Saudi Arabia + Qatar + UAE + Kuwait + Oman

Lol at the shield forces. this shield force is not against Israel. but against anyone that threatens these British installed monarchies
what the cheat
where is Iran? they sent soldies?
such a joke
Bahrain is using mercenaries and armies and polices from outside its country to keep the dictatorship
and i can see you applaude because you believe the saudi propaganda that Iran is everywhere where shias are
here are shias who are very poor in a rich country owned by a few who didn't care about them
who is to blame? the poor people ?

1. why would Iran sends soldiers when you have perfect excuse to use shias in Bahrain.

2. The last time few days back iran backed shias planned to use women as front row protesters to force Saudi forces not to fire on them.

3. I have no love lost with saudia or iran neither am reading into Saudi claims but i am saying what i know through other sources. shias in almost every country have more inclination towards iran than any other country.

4. Bahrain is an independent country and whatever it considers good for the country its free to do hence Iran or any other country has NO right to interfere there.

5. as far as dictatorship is concerned i am against it. but at the same time Iran with many draconian laws has the least right to talk about dictatorship in any other country.

6. Look at saudia where is the trouble ? none other than areas with concentration of shias
why is it a Shia uprising? why Egypt and Libyan uprising is not branded on the bases of sectarianism? Iranian regime has its own problem of handling the protests where it brutally suppressed the reformist protests so blaming it over Bahrain is unfair and insult to the people of Bahrain.

Sir nobody objected to indigenous protests but here the issue widespread support of Iran for anti-Bahraini and anti-saudi elements.

This tussle is greatly damaging the Muslims. this Iranian-Arab tug of war needs to be ended.

and as far as US is concerned the knowledgeable elements know that US is NOT an enemy to Iran. Iran and US are one in their strategic game
Saudi troops enter Bahrain despite protests

and as far as US is concerned the knowledgeable elements know that US is NOT an enemy to Iran. Iran and US are one in their strategic game

Wow can you tell me more and explain you claim?
That’s news for me and even for many Iranians and Americans I know

I see start of hostilities from the overthrow of Raza Shah Pehlvi to the siege of US Embassy in Tehran, to funding Sadam with weapons to teach Iran a lesson, destroying half of Iranian navy after its attacks on US vassals in the Gulf during 80s to shooting down of Iranian Flight 655, over Gulf. By US navy and then I see your statement.

Boy both countries are overdoing it to cover their thick plot. Why all this foreplay? Both Israel and America (and house of Sauds) term Iran as their worse enemy due to its support of the only potent military Palestinian faction Hizbullah which has earned the respect of the Muslims disregarding the sectarian differences.
I would really like to learn more.
Also please help me to understand why Americans sold over $60 Billion dollars worth of F-15s, black hawks and other military hardware? Is it against Israel or Sirilanka?
Isn’t this sale meant for a country that according to Saudi King is a snake and must be crushed by Israel?

oh by the way this is the list of passengers that were killed by the US missile attack on a passenger jet

Iran 254
UAE 13
India 10
Pakistan 6
Yugoslavia 6
Italy 1
Total 290
They dint invade. Bahrain requested them and above all Iran is already propping trouble in Bahrain and saudia. the Iranian backed miscreants are pouring in to Saudia from Bahrain

Dear Jana, read my posts here or still better read Irfan Baloch's posts please.
Sir nobody objected to indigenous protests but here the issue widespread support of Iran for anti-Bahraini and anti-saudi elements.

This tussle is greatly damaging the Muslims. this Iranian-Arab tug of war needs to be ended.

and as far as US is concerned the knowledgeable elements know that US is NOT an enemy to Iran. Iran and US are one in their strategic game

This information is real . . Who thinks that Iran and USA are enemies . . he know nothing about what is going
It almost seems like lot of Arab countries saw these protests coming, with all the recent military purchase and what not :undecided:
why is it a Shia uprising? why Egypt and Libyan uprising is not branded on the bases of sectarianism? Iranian regime has its own problem of handling the protests where it brutally suppressed the reformist protests so blaming it over Bahrain is unfair and insult to the people of Bahrain.

why are members of this forum talking the language of the US media and Western governments? The Western media is painting it as an Iranian inspired revolt against the sunni royal family. This as ironic as the western portrayal of the Iraqi Kurds as good Kurds and the Turkish Kurds as bad Kurds. The protestors are not against the royals that were installed by the British after breaking the Ottoman empire, but they are against he oppression, suppression and injustice and want more freedom. Same protests are happening at different scales in Kuwait and Saudia too.

Yes, it should be looked at in human terms. As an uprising of ordinary people against dictators.

However, the sectarian angle is significant too. It is going to decide the response of the countries in the region and beyond. Ignoring it will not help.

There has been a sectraian game on in the region. It is out in the open now for all to see.
Is it ?? Will you leave aside your car in your home and go by cycle if the Saudis stop the oil - this being you live in India.

Think man. What happens in the God forsaken Middle East is none of our problem and we dont want any more problems than already existing in our country itself.

Read the previous posts dude.

Huh!!! leave it alone.. FYI, Iran is also fuel rich perhaps not as much as Saudi. That is secondary, Iran is rising power and along with turkey will be the two natural poles of power in middle-east/west-asia and there by automatic power centers of Islamic world.

Saudi Arabia is barely clinging, to its oil reserves and US alliance.. but the future is quiet clear.

Staying out of fight... Iran vs Saudi gambit will have influence beyond the region, even if you live under rock or India.
Iranians are now trying to mix the cards . . .Resemble what is happening in Bahrain with what happened in Tunisia and Egypt

It's a totally different

Iran says that the entry of Arab forces to Bahrain is unacceptable
Who gave Iran the right to intervene in this matter ?

Iran says it has no hand in what happened in Bahrain
Iranians have forgotten their claims against the independence of Bahrain !

Iranians say it is the right of peoples to protest against their governments
Why not allow the Iranian people to do the same thing ?

Iran is keen on the Arab Shiites in Lebanon, Yemen, Saudi Arabia and Bahrain and demands the rights to them
Why Iran not give the Shiite Arabs in Iran itself those same rights?

The Iranians did not intervene when U.S. forces occupied Iraq and Afghanistan
Why Iran now worry when Arab country sent troops to other Arab country?
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