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Developments in Bahrain: Fighting Ensues

Huh!!! leave it alone.. FYI, Iran is also fuel rich perhaps not as much as Saudi. That is secondary, Iran is rising power and along with turkey will be the two natural poles of power in middle-east/west-asia and there by automatic power centers of Islamic world.

Good once Iran become what you say it will become we can start making fences with them. This being our existing relations are not that bad.This is not just a KSA vs Iran. Its the whole Sunni Gulf vs Shia Iran and Indian imports about 50% of its total oil from the Sunni Arab Middle East and just 16% from Iran - Link. This is just oil and we import huge quantities of Natural gas from Qatar.

With already skyrocketing petrol prices, I dont think the common Indian can endure any more uncertainites in the realm of fuel.

So if any one sees us taking sides here, it is naturally going to affect our interests

Saudi Arabia is barely clinging, to its oil reserves and US alliance.. but the future is quiet clear.

Staying out of fight... Iran vs Saudi gambit will have influence beyond the region, even if you live under rock or India.

You dont get it.You terribly underestimate the extents to which the West and the Monarchies will go to cling on to power. So if anyone thinks that there will another Libya in Gulf, Wake up. Taking any sides is not a win-win situation. It is clearly a lose-lose situation for India and I hope the Indian FM does not do anything stupid. This is not our fight. Plain and Simple.
Iranians are now trying to mix the cards . . .Resemble what is happening in Bahrain with what happened in Tunisia and Egypt

It's a totally different
yeah shias didn't deserve rights . is it what you mean?
Iran says that the entry of Arab forces to Bahrain is unacceptable
Who gave Iran the right to intervene in this matter ?
no Iranian army there , you noticed?
Iran says it has no hand in what happened in Bahrain
Iranians have forgotten their claims against the independence of Bahrain !
it is a long time it is not the case
but when Bahrain speaks about they want the three Iranian islands Iran answering back "ok then give us back Bahrain"
so blame Bahrain for asking the three islands when Iran is just saying this to remind them they should just shup up
because Iran is not asking Bahrain back
Iranians say it is the right of peoples to protest against their governments
Why not allow the Iranian people to do the same thing ?
totally agree
Iran is keen on the Arab Shiites in Lebanon, Yemen, Saudi Arabia and Bahrain and demands the rights to them
Why Iran not give the Shiite Arabs in Iran itself those same rights?
no Arabs are not shiite they are sunni and they deserve being better respected
The Iranians did not intervene when U.S. forces occupied Iraq and Afghanistan
Why Iran now worry when Arab country sent troops to other Arab country?
We should all worry when dictators envoy army to help another dictator
Some opposition is linked to Iran regime? then support to the other opposition groups
it is well showed in a video above
support the equal rights for everyone ; don't you agree with this?
Nishan, if the other arab countries want to be free from their cruel dictators then why not Bahrain?

the shameless hypocrisy of Arab monarchs at its best.
While Gadafi is butchering the people, the Arab league and this pathetic defence shield of utter nonsense sits with its tails between its legs.
But it sends off troops in armoured vehicles armed with bushmaster and browning machine guns to a fellow monarch family that was installed by the British.

What is clear is that these Arab leadership is least concerned about the human rights of even the fellow Arabs. But since they are hollow within and sacred shitless about this uprising across the Arab world, they would do all they can to protect each other.

I see that some comments here are very inconsiderate and lack any respect for the suffering of the people. On Al Jazira I have seen doctors and staff actually weeping and crying due to the amount of torture these demonstrators have suffered at the hands of government forces and mercenaries and begging for world help to stop the crackdown. there is a media blackout & the extent of deaths at the hands of Saudi & Bahraini forces are unknown.

Dismissing the Bahrain protests as Iran inspired and turning a blind eye over the state brutality with the help of Saudi, UAE and Kuwaiti forces actually weakens our case when we criticise Israeli and Indian atrocities against the Palestinians and Kashmiris.

Yes there maybe a sectarian angle and yes Iran might be playing its part but there is no proof yet and even if its there it might not be significant. The protesters are united and have yet not been broken so far despite the efforts of Bahrain’s royal family which is trying to discredit the uprising on sectarian bases.

I will reserve my criticism for Iran for the appropriate thread. I have said enough times already that its own position is weak when it is violently suppressing the reformists and criticising the Arab leadership for their rough treatment of their subject on the other hand. I think we should not loose the sight here, we are talking Bahrain here. The protest is as genuine and deserves as much respect and acknowledgement as the ones in Tunisia, Egypt and Libya.

Treating its subjects like dirt and suppressing them wont work forever. When the tables will be turned then these monarchs wont find any place to hide and all these brutalities will come back to haunt them. Those who live by the sword, die by the sword.

PS:- I criticise without discriminating on the bases of race, religion, colour or sect. I condemn the Al Quesada terrorism from Bali to New York. I condemn the state terrorism of India in Kashmir and IDF in Palestine, the American brutalities in Iraq & Afghanistan. I condemn the brutal suppression of the reformists in Iran and I condemn the fanatic Ayatollahs of Iran and I condemn the hypocrite and bigoted Arab Monarchies & their treatment of their subjects.
yeah shias didn't deserve rights . is it what you mean?

no thats not what i mean

no Iranian army there , you noticed?

Is there an Iranian army in Yemen or Lebanon or Iraq . . i expect you say No. .then How Iran controlled the Shiite-controlled in these countries?

it is a long time it is not the case
but when Bahrain speaks about they want the three Iranian islands Iran answering back "ok then give us back Bahrain"
so blame Bahrain for asking the three islands when Iran is just saying this to remind them they should just shup up
because Iran is not asking Bahrain back

First UAE who asking the three islands not bahrain . .Second iran Refuses to solve this problem through the International Court of Justice
As proposed by United Arab Emirates . . Third If Iran had right claim of Bahrain Which is an independent state and people of Arab . .then I think that Saddam Hussein had the right to claim of Al Ahwaz (Khuzistan) which most of its population are arab like the NeighboringIraq

totally agree

no Arabs are not shiite they are sunni and they deserve being better respected

dear brother tray to search again . .the arabs in iran are shias

We should all worry when dictators envoy army to help another dictator
Some opposition is linked to Iran regime? then support to the other opposition groups
it is well showed in a video above
support the equal rights for everyone ; don't you agree with this?

yes i agree . . but again i advise you to search again to see That








Nishan, if the other arab countries want to be free from their cruel dictators then why not Bahrain?

Qadafi Dictator Yes . .Mubarak Dictator Yes. . but Hamad Dictator !!!!!! . . This is mixing playing cards . . Anyone can easily prove doctoral Mubarak and Gaddafi . . But can you prove that Hamad dictator

a lot more Pakistanis carried Osama and Sadam's pictures in their matches and protests and even named their children. Does that make them less Pakistani? Does that mean that Pakistan army should gas them all?

By the way interesting flag combination you got.
Tell me something. What do you think about Jundullah and Kurds
Which one of the Jundullah good is it Pakistani or Iranian? Or Pakistani is bad and Iranian good because you hate Iran? Or both are good because you don’t care about their terrorism in Pakistan and Iran?

Ok Kurds. Are Iraqi Kurds good or bad? And what about Kurds fighting Turkey?

I am closely following the video coverage of the Bahrain protest and yet to see these Iranian portraits. How old or recent these pictures are? So if these people are Pro-Iranian does it automatically make the Bahrain royal family on the right?
You know, Hizbullah also displays the pictures of Iranian religious leaders going by your definition Israel should be supported?

Kasmiris wave Pakistani flags in their protests against the Indian occupation. With or without Pakistani help because their demand is as old as the partition of India.

I wont support Iranian intervention in Bahrain but if its majority is rejecting a British installed monarchy then why should any outsider have a problem with that.
This Al Khalifa family imported from Saudi Arabia and that too from Najd, the cursed place that the Prophet Muhammad PBUH warned all Muslims about.

I am a full supporter of Bahrain protesters against the Najadi monarchs that are hell bent on spilling the blood of Muslims and spend their petrodollars to spread their terrorism in the Muslim world.
I am a full supporter of Bahrain protesters against the Najadi monarchs that are hell bent on spilling the blood of Muslims and spend their petrodollars to spread their terrorism in the Muslim world.

Those Saudi Najadi monarchs Salafi Wahhabi terrorists. . . . . . . . . .Etc. of all the titles used by the enemies of Islam to describe the true Islam . . Those are themselves :

Who fought in Chechnya against the Russian occupation

Who fought in Bosnia against the Serbs

Who did they fight in Kashmir against India

Who stood by Pakistan against earthquakes and floods

Those are the same people who give 20% of there oil revenues as aid to Muslim nations

I just want from you to answer me at one quistion:

What Iran gave to the Muslim world . . Except "offcourse" the division between Muslims and Sunni and providing Iraq and Afghanistan on a platter of gold to the Americans
well what can you expect from a family whoes forefathers used to rob and murder the pilgrims coming to Mecca from all over the Muslim world and when British defeated the Ottoman Empire they installed these savages as the masters of the holy land.

Do not talk nonsense Based on blind hatred . . prove your claims . . . .
yes i agree . . but again i advise you to search again to see That
ok then as we can see a part of the opposition they take pictures of our leaders
but is it ALL the opposition?
Is it possible to just care about the people who care about their own rights and country before jumping on "i want Khamenei to save me"
i guess they are far more if we look the videos and pictures who are not like the people you show
it is always possible for the king to discuss with the good opposition
but he didn't even care. abut the worst is that he never changes the choice to put all a population like second class
could he change about it and it would be better

another point: you could have supported the people of Iran , the green movment
but none of your country cared about the citizens of Iran
you were among the first ones to declare Ahmadinejad to win the elections ;)
ok then as we can see a part of the opposition they take pictures of our leaders
but is it ALL the opposition?
Is it possible to just care about the people who care about their own rights and country before jumping on "i want Khamenei to save me"
i guess they are far more if we look the videos and pictures who are not like the people you show
it is always possible for the king to discuss with the good opposition
but he didn't even care. abut the worst is that he never changes the choice to put all a population like second class
could he change about it and it would be better

another point: you could have supported the people of Iran , the green movment
but none of your country cared about the citizens of Iran
you were among the first ones to declare Ahmadinejad to win the elections ;)

I Will not discuss . . Most of what you said now is true :agree:
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