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Developments in Bahrain: Fighting Ensues

reported by controlled media...
while i have reports... Indians are helping protesters.

Yes sir, Expat Indians want to give their lucrative jobs to protesters, LOL

You are only implying that Indians killed that Pakistani, thats all your controlled mind can process. How lame though, when I try to make insinuations or express my prejudice, I atleast try to make it smart.
they asked you in Bahrain to say such propaganda
how much you are paid?
Are you just unwilling to accept that there might be two sides to a story?? And to clarify- I am no longer in bahrain....I just grew up there.
And i am not saying that the protesters do no have a cause.....just that they are blowing things out of proportion and terrorising the citizens. There have been confirmed reports by the media that the king is willing to talk and give more power to the parliament, if only the protesters would stop with the road blocking and closing down of financial centres.
It is not normal than a minority sunni placed there by British govern this country
But it is like this now
The problem is that they don't respect the chiites and now you can see they kill them

For information that i didn't have time to answer to Nishan (i am not sure he was you Nishan sorry if not the case):
1/ yes most south iran are sunnis. some of them say they are chiites because it is better for them to say so
2/ chiites in Bahran mostly speak farsi
When you accept a minority governs a country without democracy
When you accept a country is giving far less rights to the majority because of their origin and religion
When you didn't want to see the history and try to understand why these people are "near " to Iranians (of course they are some extremists but which part of them? how many of them want Iran to invade the country lol? how many of them want to be annex of Iran? )

please at least understand them before always protect the people in power who live rich when the other live powerely

if it is such sense of justice than just see the dictator side and say these people with no rights should applaude the dictator
who didn't want to give rights but speak among members of this minority to solve the problem
what are they offering there? equal rights for chiites? no
so stop speaking so much about the bad protesters that in front of them the king having such unrespect for them
that he didn't listem to them AND he sends foreign army and police to shoot them

such stupid comments sometimes in this forum :(
When you accept a minority governs a country without democracy
When you accept a country is giving far less rights to the majority because of their origin and religion
When you didn't want to see the history and try to understand why these people are "near " to Iranians (of course they are some extremists but which part of them? how many of them want Iran to invade the country lol? how many of them want to be annex of Iran? )

please at least understand them before always protect the people in power who live rich when the other live powerely

if it is such sense of justice than just see the dictator side and say these people with no rights should applaude the dictator
who didn't want to give rights but speak among members of this minority to solve the problem
what are they offering there? equal rights for chiites? no
so stop speaking so much about the bad protesters that in front of them the king having such unrespect for them
that he didn't listem to them AND he sends foreign army and police to shoot them

such stupid comments sometimes in this forum :(
I agree that some people do have problems with the govt....but that happens in any country...do you have facts from legitimate sources that shias have been discriminated against?? this movemennt is not a fully nationalistic one...go to twitter and you will find as many people pro govt as there are against it.(as is the case for all countries)
My point is that once the govt had agreed to talks and to give more power to the parliament the protests should have stopped. at this point the king is doing everything in his power to bring a peaceful and quick end to the issue, but its the iran backed protesters who continue to instigate violence.
also having grown up in bahrain(and living there till last year) i can tell you that the people do have rights.....this is not some dictatorship where you get arrested for saying that the king is a bad man....people are free to express opinions, form political societies who are completely against the govt. The people of bahrain dont have power, but to say they dont have rights is completely wrong
I agree that some people do have problems with the govt....but that happens in any country...do you have facts from legitimate sources that shias have been discriminated against?? this movemennt is not a fully nationalistic one...go to twitter and you will find as many people pro govt as there are against it.(as is the case for all countries)
My point is that once the govt had agreed to talks and to give more power to the parliament the protests should have stopped. at this point the king is doing everything in his power to bring a peaceful and quick end to the issue, but its the iran backed protesters who continue to instigate violence.
you are a joke or what?
this thread is full of explanations of discrimination but you are just saying all these reports even by american journalists.. are fake?
you"re kiding right?

Other funny propaganda . . I have seen on several sites how the Arab Shiites in Bahrain, photographed some of the films they Put a fake blood and make the sounds of Gunfire Represent that there are large numbers of dead and wounded . . I laughed a lot when I was watching one of them covered with a substance similar to blood and raises his head, looking for the photographer to take a picture of him
also having grown up in bahrain(and living there till last year) i can tell you that the people do have rights.....this is not some dictatorship where you get arrested for saying that the king is a bad man....people are free to express opinions, form political societies who are completely against the govt. The people of bahrain dont have power, but to say they dont have rights is completely wrong

My dear brother . . Do not blame others who take their information from Iranian sources . . or built their ideas at the pictures drawn by the occupiers for many years for the Arab States . . Facts on the ground known only to the people of the region Who waych what others can't see from outside
My dear brother . . Do not blame others who take their information from Iranian sources . . or built their ideas at the pictures drawn by the occupiers for many years for the Arab States . . Facts on the ground known only to the people of the region Who waych what others can't see from outside

you are not tired to say it is always fault of Iran?
maybe Japan earthquake and tsunami and nuclear security problems it is fault of Iran?

i was laughing about "fake blood" joke of you.
you are not tired to say it is always fault of Iran?
maybe Japan earthquake and tsunami and nuclear security problems it is fault of Iran?

i was laughing about "fake blood" joke of you.

brother Hussein . . .Please see this video carefully which aired on many stations

In the first scene:
Photograph published by Shiites show circle full of demonstrators in Manama
The same image but real . .was taken one day after . . see that the circle is surrounded by buildings and its size is different and has palm trees . .its clear that they use Photoshop

In the second scene :
Photograph published by the Shiite sites showing man standing in front of army tank . .this photo appears the chest of the young coverd with blood . . The question is if this is real blood . . .Where the wound ??? . . Funnily . . the shia site said that the this young man was shot . . .Subhan Allah . . he still walking

In Scene III :
Shiite Web site said that the army prevented ambulances from the ambulance demonstrators . . while clearly shows a large number of ambulances

In the fourth scene:
shows you the fake blood used by the Shiite demonstrators . . .Anyone see real will know that this is a red dye Not Blood

In Scene V :
appeared in this scene bag of fake blood in the pocket of one of Shiite protesters

In Scene VI :
you Will laugh a lot . . they say that the army opened fire on them . . as you can see Does not appear in the image any Army . . But to see who Watch how they represent the people wounded in gunfire . . Is a shot remains in the consciousness and looking for a photographer to pose for a photo
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saudi troops should gtfo. it seems that they are just baiting iran.
It is not normal than a minority sunni placed there by British govern this country
But it is like this now
The problem is that they don't respect the chiites and now you can see they kill them

Did you know that the Shiites in Bahrain, speaking accent similar to the accent of southern Iraq? . . Do you know why?

Before the discovry of Oil in 1932 Bahrain was Sunni Majority . . after that Bahrain required thousands of workers . . The British brought at once 70 000 Arab Shiite from the city of Al Muhammarah (Khorramshahr) which is located in the Al Ahwaz (Khūzestān)
Did you know that the Shiites in Bahrain, speaking accent similar to the accent of southern Iraq? . . Do you know why?

Before the discovry of Oil in 1932 Bahrain was Sunni Majority . . after that Bahrain required thousands of workers . . The British brought at once 70 000 Arab Shiite from the city of Al Muhammarah (Khorramshahr) which is located in the Al Ahwaz (Khūzestān)
the same british who gave this persian land to an arab guy who was from a religious minority?
interesting indeed what you say
is this peaceful? Are these protesters or terrorists?

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