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Day of the Sharifs

At present Pakistan is doing pretty well. Army due to its inherent nature cannot produce such results. It is the govt which has started to perform very slowly but surely.

Govt = Parliament + Bureaucracy + Judiciary + Military

All must function if Pakistan is to realize its potential.

Yeah yeah great. Are you sure you are living in Pakistan?
What ever it is ,You know what it is working for Pakistan ,No one is to take credit all are working as strong chain it should work as there is not other option .I am glad NS has shown restrained over this and let other Sharif take credit or heroism as this is a special time in Pakistan as we are in war of our survival .I salute all and give utmost respect to all of these fine gentle man who have pushed there personal ego and working for larger good
can't believe it!
In fact, the larger article made my head swim. Is Pakistan the new India? Have we lost it, or is the SS-BJP-RSS going to self-destruct?
The basic difference between India and Pakistan is that India turning intolerant mirrors a western democracy with it's strong institution and personnel freedom turning intolerant while Pakistan turning intolerant mirrors a middle eastern autocracy with it's weak foundation and limited religious freedom turning intolerant. So even if India is intolerant while Pakistan being peaceful doesn't mean Pakistan is anywhere near India in terns of equality and citizen rights as both countries follow different set of standards. And that's what many people fail to release while making this unnecessary comparison between both countries. So let's not compare as there is not nothing to compare.
Can't build a strong and secure structure on one pillar.
Thats the irony here and sadly the fact in our case.Hope the other three pillers are also tamed soon to strengthen the ultimate building.
Love Pakistan or Leave Pakistan

Can't build a strong and secure structure on one pillar.

Hahaha!! Does loving Pakistan mean you ignore every shit and bad thing happening inside it? No, love means to point out the wrong deeds, the corruption, the extremism, the injustice, the brutality and fade it out of your country because you can't see your people dying every day some of them cause of poor roads, terrorism, collapsed buildings and all shit.
Hahaha!! Does loving Pakistan mean you ignore every shit and bad thing happening inside it? No, love means to point out the wrong deeds, the corruption, the extremism, the injustice, the brutality and fade it out of your country because you can't see your people dying every day some of them cause of poor roads, terrorism, collapsed buildings and all shit.

Love is blind. Seems like you have never experienced it.
Pakistan never went down during "Zia's regime". Pakistan was doing really good up till "War on terrorism".

Apart from the obvious seeds of militancy being laid both sectarian and ethnic in nature during his regime....it was during Zia's time that politics and corrupt elements of the society converged.
He didn't end up destroying political parties as he wished but instead contaminated the whole process.

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