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Daesh was nurtured by Iran, says former Syrian vice president

- Some 500 terrorists were released from Assad and Maliki prisons, and they later fought for expansion of ISIS in the region.

- Among those 500 terrorists was Abu Mus’ab Al Souri, who was theoretician of Al-Qaeda and at the top of USA's most wanted list.

- Another one released by Assad was Abu Lukman in order to reinforce ISIS ranks against Syrian oppositions.

There is over 3 million Syrian refugees in the world, They must sue Iran and Assad for their war crimes, Just like People and countries who have been attacked by ISIS.
I always used to love my Iranian brothers, but this ISIS support for the past few years has made me dislike them. :(
May god forgives them!
BIG LOLz. You are funny bro. We will kill ISIS militants one by one without mercy. That's what i had to tell you.

Hey guys
these American-Israeli trolls began to mess with us. I will not let them go easily.
However i'm sure that many of them are misusing flags of Islamic countries. Turkey is back by Russian effort. Know it for sure.
Why is Iran in Syria?

- To support a revolutionary shia movement based on public(?), BUT Assad regime killed hundreds of thousands of Syrian citizens, leaving more as wounded, and the rest fled for other countries not to be killed by Assad. That means Iran is actually supporting a Puppet to keep the throne at the expense of killing Syrian public. A war crime and no relation to Islam.

- Hezbollah once was seen heroic in Muslim world, but now seen as Iranian proxy to protect ''ideology'' of the regime in Iran after Hezbollah involvement in Syria to protect the Puppet.

Is Iran(Assad) and ISIS DAESH relation true?

-Abu Ayyub(Abu Ayyub was a Brigadier General in the Iraqi Army under Saddam Hussein’s regime. More recently, he joined ISIS, acting as a military adviser.) went on to say that “Hajji Bakr(one of ISIS’s most powerful and influential operatives) made constant visits throughout Syria and coordinated directly with the Syrian regime, through Syrian intelligence agents named Moaz Safouk and his cousin Ziad Safouk, both of whom were prior acquaintances of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. Hajji Bakr and Al-Bilawi met with several intelligence officers including Hossein Al-Khedr (an official in Syrian intelligence) and Ali Faramani (an Iranian officer who took over the ISIS file within Iranian intelligence at the end of 2014). Faramani was in contact with al-Baghdadi and provided him with information on the leaders of extremist organizations and factions in Syria, especially the commanders of the Nusra Front.”

- Assad released many ISIS members from prisons and never attacked them.For example, in Raqqa the Assad Regime selectively bombed the ''opposition'' but not ISIS. A journalist from new york times said ISIS members are not target for the Assad regime, in a news on washinton times ,A non-jihadist Syrian oppostion said ISIS is created by Iran.

- The US dep. of threasury claimed MOIS(Iranian Intel.) supported Al-qaeda with money and weapons, later(in 14 months) they became ISIS.

-Abu Ayyub said they got funds and explosives from Iran, also Iran helped them take over Mosul in 2014, in return Iran got revenur of oil trade. Haji Bakr was making the connection between Syria(Iran) with Assad intel members Moaz Saffok and his cousin.

- Abu Ayyub said Families of Al-qaeda(ISIS) still live in Iran, including Bin Laden family, some letters of Bin Laden give some detail between Al-Qaeda and Iran.

-Iranian genereal Hasan Salami is mastermind of ISIS military activities via Ali Farmani who planned and helped massive escape of convicts from Abu Gharib in Iraq.

- A meeting between Syrian intel member Khidr, Iranian intel member Ali Farman and Saffock, Haji Bakr from ISIS side in Syria in 2013.

-Abu Ayyub said Farmani explained him how Iran helped and planned escape of Abu Gharib prisoner, in return, Iran got oil trade revenue, and also export oil to Iran at very cheap price.

The Iran-ISIS alliance has caused death of many civilians, wounded people, exailed civilians(mostly sunni), ruin of a whole country, terrorist attacks in the world with brutal ways.

Iran is the only responsible country for these, and therefore to be charged with war crimes, act of war on many countries via ISIS, breach of Int. laws and UN codes in international courts.
Still I see no proofs , all you've written is base upon an article providing no evidence ....

"...has been in contact with a figure we will refer to as Abu Ayyub al-Iraqi, though this is not his real name.."
So we are dealing with someone whom is ready accuse others but not ready to reveal his name ...
Still I see no proofs , all you've written is base upon an article providing no evidence ....

"...has been in contact with a figure we will refer to as Abu Ayyub al-Iraqi, though this is not his real name.."
So we are dealing with someone whom is ready accuse others but not ready to reveal his name ...

In order to decide it is not proof, you have to show the truth; untill now, all mullahs do is to insult, attempt to derail the topic with speculations, and now desperate denial of proof by saying it is not proof without showing why it is not... saying lie but not showing how it is a lie.. etc..etc.

I am happy with your empty posts, for it suits my point very well, please keep the denial mode.
In order to decide it is not proof, you have to show the truth; untill now, all mullahs do is to insult, attempt to derail the topic with speculations, and now desperate denial of proof by saying it is not proof without showing why it is not... saying lie but not showing how it is a lie.. etc..etc.

I am happy with your empty posts, for it suits my point very well, please keep the denial mode.

Providing the evidence is on the one whom claims not the other side.. it just means you've written some lines and you can not support it by proper documents and data .. for example I asked what is Abu Ayyub real name?
Providing the evidence is on the one whom claims not the other side.. it just means you've written some lines and you can not support it by proper documents and data .. for example I asked what is Abu Ayyub real name?

When you have refuted the claims of him, you will also prove that he is a liar, untill then , his claims are the truth since his claims can openly be checked out.

Therefore He is a credible source as long as you cannot prove otherwise.
I have mentioned about a fact, and then was asked for evidence, and i presented them with names, dates, locations etc.

Sorry, but all i saw was some sentences written by a PDF member....these are accusations....if accusations are not backed with solid proof, it would be considered as baseless accusations.
Sorry, but all i saw was some sentences written by a PDF member....these are accusations....if accusations are not backed with solid proof, it would be considered as baseless accusations.

If you have checked out the names, dates, locations etc. and you find out any single lie between them, you can proudly call it baseless, untill then, the only baseless conviction belongs to your post that has not checked what is written, but quick to call them baseless.

P.s: i have dared to all mullahs here, and it seems they have no idea about the truth, therefore push hard to find any counter argument, but unfortunatly they cannot, so they keep such insults, speculations, denial etc. The regime in Iran cannot serve well in Iran, but doomed to fail and get humiliated in modern world.
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If you have checked out the names, dates, locations etc. and you find out any single lie between them, you can proudly call it baseless, untill then, the only baseless conviction belongs to your post that has not checked what is written, but quick to call them baseless.
No, i have not checked because i'm sure that.... if i check, i will only find some article.

I'm repeating again, if you are accusing someone, you should offer proof.

With your logic, we are guilty of supporting ISIS because of some claims. And again "with your logic"....Iranians have all the right to accuse us for supporting ISIS and call it a fact.

Maybe the fault here lies with your understanding of "Proof"....let me give you an example.

Claim: FSA forces captures Akhtarin from ISIS.


FSA forces closing on to town. Turkish army bombard ISIS positions, FSA reaches to town from north. Footage of FSA soldiers capturing some land marks....and posing in the city center.

In your case.....nothing.
BIG LOLz. You are funny bro. We will kill ISIS militants one by one without mercy. That's what i had to tell you.

Hey guys
these American-Israeli trolls began to mess with us. I will not let them go easily.
However i'm sure that many of them are misusing flags of Islamic countries. Turkey is back by Russian effort. Know it for sure.
I am one of the biggest anti American-Israeli member ever! I am also anti-Iran , for your hatred for all things Turkish and racism towards us.
I am one of the biggest anti American-Israeli member ever! I am also anti-Iran , for your hatred for all things Turkish and racism towards us.
You say you are Anti-Iran then accuse us of being racist?
I should mention, i had been in Turkey for some years. I saw nothing wrong with it's people. Turks were kind and hospitable to me. I have no idea about what you said. May you explain it?
Welcome to The basics of a debate 101.

The accusation is Iran-ISIS co-operation, the proof/evidences are the articles i wrote with names, dates, locations etc. You could check the names, locations, dates etc to be sure the proof/evidences for the accusation is trustable.

You need to learn the meaning of terms, and then systematic in a debate and claim/ proof balance in a debate to make a conclusion about the topic.

I have no more intention to go intooff-topic. Therefore, if you have anything to refute what i wrote, please share it with me.

It seems that your understanding from a debate is to repeat yourself like a parrot. We can leave the judgement to the readers....as i see no meaning to discuss with a guy whom does nothing but repeating himself.

Do you have anything to say related to the topic other than being the attorney of mullahs?

Yes, re-read my posts for a better understanding and try not to be biased.
You say you are Anti-Iran then accuse us of being racist?
I should mention, i had been in Turkey for some years. I saw nothing wrong with it's people. Turks were kind and hospitable to me. I have no idea about what you said. May you explain it?
That is because Turks are not racist. we are kind to every race and creed.
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