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Daesh was nurtured by Iran, says former Syrian vice president

Iranians are a real menace to the whole world. Only brainwashed Muslim Shias will say otherwise.
ISIS are friends of Iran. It's not even a debate anymore.
A fact:

- ISIS/DEASH has carried out deadly attacks in many countries(including most developed ones) in the world; but never and ever attacked Iran, which is right in front of their nose.

- ISIS/DEASH has many small cells in the world, but never and ever cross the Iran-Iraq border while they freely walk in Syria and Iraq, but not Iran, which is right in front of their nose.

Evidence please .....
Daesh has also never carried out any attacks against Israel...

Iran and Israel are working together to support Daesh. Which means, Iran actually doesn't want to wipe Israel off the face of the map...This changes everything. Iran and Israel are actually bosom buddies.

Someone needs to tell the Americans - no more sanctions of any kind...instead American weapons and money for Tehran!!!!

Wallah habibi...this thread has truly been educational.
Why is Iran in Syria?

- To support a revolutionary shia movement based on public(?), BUT Assad regime killed hundreds of thousands of Syrian citizens, leaving more as wounded, and the rest fled for other countries not to be killed by Assad. That means Iran is actually supporting a Puppet to keep the throne at the expense of killing Syrian public. A war crime and no relation to Islam.

- Hezbollah once was seen heroic in Muslim world, but now seen as Iranian proxy to protect ''ideology'' of the regime in Iran after Hezbollah involvement in Syria to protect the Puppet.

Is Iran(Assad) and ISIS DAESH relation true?

-Abu Ayyub(Abu Ayyub was a Brigadier General in the Iraqi Army under Saddam Hussein’s regime. More recently, he joined ISIS, acting as a military adviser.) went on to say that “Hajji Bakr(one of ISIS’s most powerful and influential operatives) made constant visits throughout Syria and coordinated directly with the Syrian regime, through Syrian intelligence agents named Moaz Safouk and his cousin Ziad Safouk, both of whom were prior acquaintances of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. Hajji Bakr and Al-Bilawi met with several intelligence officers including Hossein Al-Khedr (an official in Syrian intelligence) and Ali Faramani (an Iranian officer who took over the ISIS file within Iranian intelligence at the end of 2014). Faramani was in contact with al-Baghdadi and provided him with information on the leaders of extremist organizations and factions in Syria, especially the commanders of the Nusra Front.”

- Assad released many ISIS members from prisons and never attacked them.For example, in Raqqa the Assad Regime selectively bombed the ''opposition'' but not ISIS. A journalist from new york times said ISIS members are not target for the Assad regime, in a news on washinton times ,A non-jihadist Syrian oppostion said ISIS is created by Iran.

- The US dep. of threasury claimed MOIS(Iranian Intel.) supported Al-qaeda with money and weapons, later(in 14 months) they became ISIS.

-Abu Ayyub said they got funds and explosives from Iran, also Iran helped them take over Mosul in 2014, in return Iran got revenur of oil trade. Haji Bakr was making the connection between Syria(Iran) with Assad intel members Moaz Saffok and his cousin.

- Abu Ayyub said Families of Al-qaeda(ISIS) still live in Iran, including Bin Laden family, some letters of Bin Laden give some detail between Al-Qaeda and Iran.

-Iranian genereal Hasan Salami is mastermind of ISIS military activities via Ali Farmani who planned and helped massive escape of convicts from Abu Gharib in Iraq.

- A meeting between Syrian intel member Khidr, Iranian intel member Ali Farman and Saffock, Haji Bakr from ISIS side in Syria in 2013.

-Abu Ayyub said Farmani explained him how Iran helped and planned escape of Abu Gharib prisoner, in return, Iran got oil trade revenue, and also export oil to Iran at very cheap price.

The Iran-ISIS alliance has caused death of many civilians, wounded people, exailed civilians(mostly sunni), ruin of a whole country, terrorist attacks in the world with brutal ways.

Iran is the only responsible country for these, and therefore to be charged with war crimes, act of war on many countries via ISIS, breach of Int. laws and UN codes in international courts.
In our little chat, Personal attakcs of you against my factual claims proves the Vice President of Syria is right about Iranian support to ISIS; what is more, the fact on the ground proves he is right.

The fact on the gournd...The ISIS has never attacked Iran, whereas ISIS has conducted many terrorist attacks in the world; the same ISIS have many terror cells in the world but not in Iran.

When you come up with factual claims, you are welcome, untill then, such posts of yours are considered as psychology of guiltiness.

ISIS never claimed responsibility for a single attack in Turkey, except some minor assassinations killing individual Syrian activists in Turkish cities. Conclusion: ISIS has not launched any major terrorist attack against Turkey, at least not one that is proved to be conducted by ISIS.

Interesting point is, ISIS proudly takes responsibility for all its attacks around the globe.

Since you loved 'factual claims' I gave you a real one.
ISIS never claimed responsibility for a single attack in Turkey, except some minor assassinations killing individual Syrian activists in Turkish cities. Conclusion: ISIS has not launched any major terrorist attack against Turkey, at least not one that is proved to be conducted by ISIS.

Interesting point is, ISIS proudly takes responsibility for all its attacks around the globe.

Since you loved 'factual claims' I gave you a real one.

I have mentioned about a fact, and then was asked for evidence, and i presented them with names, dates, locations etc.

You have nothing to say against my facts and evidences, and therefore come up pathetically with desperate claims in self- contradiction.

I have proved my fact, the more you push , the more i will show the true face of the regime in Iran and mullahs, in the end everybody gets the facts, and therefore the reality of Iran and ISIS co-operation.

You can do nohting about those facts but watch.

I feel sorry for the victims of Iran-ISIS terror co-operation, but also demand an internalional court for the regime and Iran.Who ever in the world gets harmed due to terror attacks of Iran-ISIS has to sue Iran both in their countries and int. courts.
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I have mentioned about a fact, and then was asked for evidence, and i presented them with names, dates, locations etc.

You have nothing to say against my facts and evidences, and therefore come up pathetically with desperate claims in self- contradiction.

I have proved my fact, the more you push , the more i will show the true face of the regime in Iran and mullahs, in the end everybody gets the facts, and therefore the reality of Iran and ISIS co-operation.

You can do nothing about those facts but watch.

I feel sorry for the victims of Iran-ISIS terror co-operation, but also demand an internalional court for the regime and Iran.Who ever in the world gets harmed due to terror attacks of Iran-ISIS has to sue Iran both in their countries and int. courts.

See? It's so easy to get you in defensive mode, so you won't be able to talk big again to some members who may not be following Syrian war as closely or well-informed about it. But when you talk with me, your simple tricks are rendered useless.

You proved nothing and your claims are as worthy as those 'piss activists' sitting in Istanbul, Ankara or London hotels claiming to be 'analysts and experts' on Syria.

Let me repeat my claim again in case you didn't swallow the fact: ISIS has never claimed responsibility for any major terror attack in Turkey, while ISIS takes responsibility proudly for all its attacks, minor or major, around the globe. Can we relate that to a secret Turkey-ISIS cooperation? Hmmm, it's so easy to have conclusions out of facts, just as easy as saying that ISIS has not attacked Iran hence Iran and ISIS are cooperating, despite the fact that Iran has busted many ISIS terror cells in the country and has helped to kill hundreds or thousands of ISIS rodents, mostly in Iraq.

Talk is cheap, actions speak louder.
See? It's so easy to get you in defensive mode, so you won't be able to talk big again to some members who may not be following Syrian war as closely or well-informed about it. But when you talk with me, your simple tricks are rendered useless.

You proved nothing and your claims are as worthy as those 'piss activists' sitting in Istanbul, Ankara or London hotels claiming to be 'analysts and experts' on Syria.

Let me repeat my claim again in case you didn't swallow the fact: ISIS has never claimed responsibility for any major terror attack in Turkey, while ISIS takes responsibility proudly for all its attacks, minor or major, around the globe. Can we relate that to a secret Turkey-ISIS cooperation? Hmmm, it's so easy to have conclusions out of facts, just as easy as saying that ISIS has not attacked Iran hence Iran and ISIS are cooperating, despite the fact that Iran has busted many ISIS terror cells in the country and has helped to kill hundreds or thousands of ISIS rodents, mostly in Iraq.

Talk is cheap, actions speak louder.

I mentioned about a fact, and then proved it with names, dates, locations etc.; however, you have avoid the fact and not answered to it, instead you jumped in a speculation. Who is the weak debater is obvious.

The readers with average intelligence can see the difference between fact with proof and evidences and speculation with no proof and evidences.

Some may wonder why people in the world do not believe in Iran at all, here is an example for it.

I repeat...
I feel sorry for the victims of Iran-ISIS terror co-operation, but also demand an internalional court for the regime and Iran.Who ever in the world gets harmed due to terror attacks of Iran-ISIS has to sue Iran both in their countries and int. courts.
I mentioned about a fact, and then proved it with names, dates, locations etc.; however, you have avoid the fact and not answered to it, instead you jumped in a speculation. Who is the weak debater is obvious.

The readers with average intelligence can see the difference between fact with proof and evidences and speculation with no proof and evidences.

Some may wonder why people in the world do not believe in Iran at all, here is an example for it.

I repeat...
I feel sorry for the victims of Iran-ISIS terror co-operation, but also demand an internalional court for the regime and Iran.Who ever in the world gets harmed due to terror attacks of Iran-ISIS has to sue Iran both in their countries and int. courts.

Mentioning the exact same words again doesn't make your argument more valuable, it's still nonsense. The 'numbers, dates and names' you provided have no source at all, they are as worthy as claims of Kim Jung Un saying they are actually a Democratic People's Republic. You did not present a single proof, and playing with words still doesn't magically provide proofs.

It's so easy to provide sources from news sites against one given case, for example:

Turkey’s “double game” on ISIS and support for extremist groups highlighted after horrific Istanbul attack

Senior Western official: Links between Turkey and ISIS are now 'undeniable'

It's so easy to beat you in your argument with your own method.
Mentioning the exact same words again doesn't make your argument more valuable, it's still nonsense. The 'numbers, dates and names' you provided have no source at all, they are as worthy as claims of Kim Jung Un saying they are actually a Democratic People's Republic. You did not present a single proof, and playing with words still doesn't magically provide proofs.

It's so easy to provide sources from news sites against one given case, for example:

Turkey’s “double game” on ISIS and support for extremist groups highlighted after horrific Istanbul attack

Senior Western official: Links between Turkey and ISIS are now 'undeniable'

It's so easy to beat you in your argument with your own method.

As long as you cannot come up with counter arguments about the fact with the names, dates, locations etc. it stays as a fact with proof and evidences; therefore repeating them is credible, but your avoidence to answer them is discredible, it has been 3 posts of yours, but still cannot present any counter argument about the fact with dates, names, locations etc.

Anyway, I continue writing, obviously you have nothing to say against the fact with proof and evidences, but attempt to derail the fact into speculation.

- 9/11 commision report reveals that Iran faciliated transit of Al-Qaeda member in-out of Afghanistan right before 9/11, and tried to conceal any evidences showing the co-operation with Al-Qaeda terrorists.

- An USB captured in Iraq reveals that ISIS members are sent by Assad to fight against USA army in Iraq.

- An ISIS defector, Abu Ammara, said many ISIS suiciders believed that they attacked Syrian Army positions, but in reality they were suicide-bombing Syrian oppositions. Also he said they could have taken over many locations from Syrian Army, but ordered to retreat.

I repeat...
I feel sorry for the victims of Iran-ISIS terror co-operation, but also demand an internalional court for the regime and Iran.Who ever in the world gets harmed due to terror attacks of Iran-ISIS has to sue Iran both in their countries and int. courts.
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Careful brother, these Shias will ban you for exposing them.
Lets pretend the Iranians are not killing Sunnis(Real Muslims) for their Christian masters.
Not a single Muslim country even likes them, which shows you the real enemy are.:lol:

Looking at their responses to my posts, I can surely say that They know My posts are true, and therefore do desperatly try to derail the topic with personal attacks, speculations etc.

The vice president of Syria claims the relation with ISIS-Iran(Syria), ISIS has no cells or attacks in Iran unlike many countries in the world, The articles i wrote about the connection between Iran and ISIS are rock solid.

So I think your advice is coverlty addressed to mullahs posting personal attacks and speculations, I appreciate your big-hearted attitude for them in such desperate times.
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As long as you cannot come up with counter arguments about the fact with the names, dates, locations etc. it stays as a fact with proof and evidences; therefore repeating them is credible, but your avoidence to answer them is discredible, it has been 3 posts of yours, but still cannot present any counter argument about the fact with dates, names, locations etc.

Anyway, I continue writing, obviously you have nothing to say against the fact with proof and evidences, but attempt to derail the fact into speculation.

- 9/11 commision report reveals that Iran faciliated transit of Al-Qaeda member in-out of Afghanistan right before 9/11, and tried to conceal any evidences showing the co-operation with Al-Qaeda terrorists.

- An USB captured in Iraq reveals that ISIS members are sent by Assad to fight against USA army in Iraq.

- An ISIS defector, Abu Ammara, said many ISIS suiciders believed that they attacked Syrian Army positions, but in reality they were suicide-bombing Syrian oppositions. Also he said they could have taken over many locations from Syrian Army, but ordered to retreat.

I repeat...
I feel sorry for the victims of Iran-ISIS terror co-operation, but also demand an internalional court for the regime and Iran.Who ever in the world gets harmed due to terror attacks of Iran-ISIS has to sue Iran both in their countries and int. courts.

Of course not, you didn't write a single line of truth, let alone being backed up with 'numbers, dates, etc'. You simply wrote lies, and you convinced yourself they are the truth, hence the self-confidence, and I burst that bubble.

I wrote a very simple fact: ISIS never claimed any major attack in Turkey (Unlike Turkey gov claims), so we can easily conclude that, per your logic, ISIS and Turkey are in bed together. Not only that, we shouldn't forget that thousands of ISIS terrorists reached Syria by travelling to Turkey and crossing Syrian border. Well it all speaks for itself.

If we are to conclude anything out of this, like being allied to ISIS, you are very easily beaten in this game.

A counter argument needs an argument to begin with, you did not argue, you just wrote lies. Any random Joe can write them somewhere and ask for counter arguments. It doesn't work like that.
Of course not, you didn't write a single line of truth, let alone being backed up with 'numbers, dates, etc'. You simply wrote lies, and you convinced yourself they are the truth, hence the self-confidence, and I burst that bubble.

I wrote a very simple fact: ISIS never claimed any major attack in Turkey (Unlike Turkey gov claims), so we can easily conclude that, per your logic, ISIS and Turkey are in bed together. Not only that, we shouldn't forget that thousands of ISIS terrorists reached Syria by travelling to Turkey and crossing Syrian border. Well it all speaks for itself.

If we are to conclude anything out of this, like being allied to ISIS, you are very easily beaten in this game.

A counter argument needs an argument to begin with, you did not argue, you just wrote lies. Any random Joe can write them somewhere and ask for counter arguments. It doesn't work like that.
The only crime we committed is having borders with tin pot countries like Syria and Iraq ,
We should build a sea along the borders to solve the problem i suppose. what you think?
I don't know if you are aware of this, but the border we share with Syria is not the size of a football field , please go buy a map.
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