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Daesh was nurtured by Iran, says former Syrian vice president

watch how Iranian with the help of Shiah/Sunnis in Iraq will annihilate your beloved ISIS terrorists.
The one who showed its true-self and demonized itself was the Wahhabis, not Sunnis.

Hillary Clinton Admits ISIS Was Created By U.S. Government

The mainstream media are covering up the fact that Hillary Clinton admitted in public that the U.S. government created both ISIS and Al Qaeda.

Why are most mainstream media outlets refusing to tell the public that the U.S. has never actively fought ISIS, but has instead supported them secretly in the Middle East?

Chuckbaldwinlive.com reports:

I’ll tell you why: the MSM is nothing more than a propaganda machine for the U.S. government–no matter which party is in power. The MSM doesn’t work for the U.S. citizenry. It doesn’t even work for its corporate sponsors. It works for the Washington Power Elite permanently ensconced in D.C. (and yes, those same Power Elite control most of those media corporate sponsors).

It is a sad reality that if one wants to get accurate news reporting, one must mostly bypass the U.S. propaganda media and look to sources outside the U.S. Here is a Canadian publication that covered the Hillary admission:

“The following video features Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton acknowledging that America created and funded Al Qaeda as a terrorist organization in the heyday of the Soviet-Afghan war:

“‘Let’s remember here… the people we are fighting today we funded them twenty years ago.

“‘Let’s go recruit these mujahideen.

“‘And great, let them come from Saudi Arabia and other countries, importing their Wahabi brand of Islam so that we can go beat the Soviet Union.’”

“What she does not mention is that at no time in the course of the last 35 years has the US ceased to support and finance Al Qaeda as a means to destabilizing sovereign countries. It was ‘a pretty good idea’, says Hillary, and it remains a good idea today:

“Amply documented, the ISIS and Al Nusrah Mujahideen are recruited by NATO and the Turkish High command, with the support of Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Israel.

“The more fundamental question:

“Should a presidential candidate who candidly acknowledges that ‘We created Al Qaeda’ without a word of caution or regret become president of the US, not to mention Hillary’s commitment to waging nuclear war on Russia if and when she becomes president of the United States of America.”

The report continues:

“The Global War on Terror (GWOT) is led by the United States. It is not directed against Al Qaeda.

“Quite the opposite: The ‘Global War on Terrorism’ uses Al Qaeda terrorist operatives as their foot soldiers.

“‘Political Islam’ and the imposition of an ‘Islamic State’ (modeled on Qatar or Saudi Arabia) is an integral part of US foreign policy.”

The report further states:

“It is a means to destabilizing sovereign countries and imposing ‘regime change’.

“Clinton’s successor at the State Department, John Kerry is in direct liaison with Al Nusra, an Al Qaeda affiliated organization in Syria, integrated by terrorists and funded by the US and its allies.

“In a bitter irony, John Kerry is not only complicit in the killings committed by Al Nusra, he is also in blatant violation of US anti-terrorist legislation. If the latter were to be applied to politicians in high office, John Kerry would be considered as a ‘Terror Suspect’”.

Hillary Clinton: Destroy Syria For Israel: “The Best Way To Help Israel”
watch how Iranian with the help of Shiah/Sunnis in Iraq will annihilate your beloved ISIS terrorists.
The one who showed its true-self and demonized itself was the Wahhabis, not Sunnis.

Hillary Clinton Admits ISIS Was Created By U.S. Government

The mainstream media are covering up the fact that Hillary Clinton admitted in public that the U.S. government created both ISIS and Al Qaeda.

Why are most mainstream media outlets refusing to tell the public that the U.S. has never actively fought ISIS, but has instead supported them secretly in the Middle East?

Chuckbaldwinlive.com reports:

I’ll tell you why: the MSM is nothing more than a propaganda machine for the U.S. government–no matter which party is in power. The MSM doesn’t work for the U.S. citizenry. It doesn’t even work for its corporate sponsors. It works for the Washington Power Elite permanently ensconced in D.C. (and yes, those same Power Elite control most of those media corporate sponsors).

It is a sad reality that if one wants to get accurate news reporting, one must mostly bypass the U.S. propaganda media and look to sources outside the U.S. Here is a Canadian publication that covered the Hillary admission:

“The following video features Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton acknowledging that America created and funded Al Qaeda as a terrorist organization in the heyday of the Soviet-Afghan war:

“‘Let’s remember here… the people we are fighting today we funded them twenty years ago.

“‘Let’s go recruit these mujahideen.

“‘And great, let them come from Saudi Arabia and other countries, importing their Wahabi brand of Islam so that we can go beat the Soviet Union.’”

“What she does not mention is that at no time in the course of the last 35 years has the US ceased to support and finance Al Qaeda as a means to destabilizing sovereign countries. It was ‘a pretty good idea’, says Hillary, and it remains a good idea today:

“Amply documented, the ISIS and Al Nusrah Mujahideen are recruited by NATO and the Turkish High command, with the support of Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Israel.

“The more fundamental question:

“Should a presidential candidate who candidly acknowledges that ‘We created Al Qaeda’ without a word of caution or regret become president of the US, not to mention Hillary’s commitment to waging nuclear war on Russia if and when she becomes president of the United States of America.”

The report continues:

“The Global War on Terror (GWOT) is led by the United States. It is not directed against Al Qaeda.

“Quite the opposite: The ‘Global War on Terrorism’ uses Al Qaeda terrorist operatives as their foot soldiers.

“‘Political Islam’ and the imposition of an ‘Islamic State’ (modeled on Qatar or Saudi Arabia) is an integral part of US foreign policy.”

The report further states:

“It is a means to destabilizing sovereign countries and imposing ‘regime change’.

“Clinton’s successor at the State Department, John Kerry is in direct liaison with Al Nusra, an Al Qaeda affiliated organization in Syria, integrated by terrorists and funded by the US and its allies.

“In a bitter irony, John Kerry is not only complicit in the killings committed by Al Nusra, he is also in blatant violation of US anti-terrorist legislation. If the latter were to be applied to politicians in high office, John Kerry would be considered as a ‘Terror Suspect’”.

Hillary Clinton: Destroy Syria For Israel: “The Best Way To Help Israel”
The female pig of the history .....
what do you think the dog of syria did.. much worse much more to set the region on fire.. and the ayadogga of iran supported him.. all sunnis will remember it! no one lets himself fool again from someone like the crypto jew ahmedinejad there was a time when some ppl thought iran was good and justice.. even if you told ppl not to trust that entity.. now thanks to their own even the blind see through it..

in the near futura let it be in 10 20 or 50 years we will see some clashes with iran.. let it be SA and oil arabs let it be a western union let it be a israel and turkish one or else .. something will come up if you like it or not..

and this will be more likely when lebanon is on fire.. if they manage to draw the lebanese in a mess you will see it..

meanwhile they play with everyone and take advantages to weaken the region.. dont you think erdogan did not know that? did you think all nations in UN are free nation and can do what they like? or do they all work for the establishment of a world government?
Then why didnt your government help the people to get rid of bashar instead your ikhwanjie erDOGan supported the Islamists
Then why didnt your government help the people to get rid of bashar instead your ikhwanjie erDOGan supported the Islamists

pawing the way for US interests.. some dreams about getting rid of the dogs of syria and establishing a mayority government and not a minority dictatorship of ppl who whorship assad the firaun of syria.. preparing the fall of iran..
- The moment when ISIS and Iran started to have issue was when ISIS took some part in cutting the line between Iran and Mediterannean Sea, namely with Assad and some Other proxies of Iran.

- This backfire in the face of the regime in Iran made them angry so much that the Mullahs replaced General Qasem Solomeni(head of IRGC) with Ali Shamkani.

- The same Shamkani made effort to put who in Iraq suits well for the interests of Iran, therefore Malike was replaced with Al Abadi.
- The moment when ISIS and Iran started to have issue was when ISIS took some part in cutting the line between Iran and Mediterannean Sea, namely with Assad and some Other proxies of Iran.

- This backfire in the face of the regime in Iran made them angry so much that the Mullahs replaced General Qasem Solomeni(head of IRGC) with Ali Shamkani.

- The same Shamkani made effort to put who in Iraq suits well for the interests of Iran, therefore Malike was replaced with Al Abadi.
General Suleymani was not replaced , he was sent to oversee syria situation which was far more dangerous than Iraq.
- The moment when ISIS and Iran started to have issue was when ISIS took some part in cutting the line between Iran and Mediterannean Sea, namely with Assad and some Other proxies of Iran.

- This backfire in the face of the regime in Iran made them angry so much that the Mullahs replaced General Qasem Solomeni(head of IRGC) with Ali Shamkani.

- The same Shamkani made effort to put who in Iraq suits well for the interests of Iran, therefore Malike was replaced with Al Abadi.

You try too hard to act smart, but unfortunate for you, being smart needs much more than that.

The fact that you think Suleimani is replaced and even worse, Ali Shamkhani has taken his place shows exactly what kind of BS you have been reading to try acting smart. At least read the proper sources so you don't be embarrassed like this.
You try too hard to act smart, but unfortunate for you, being smart needs much more than that.

The fact that you think Suleimani is replaced and even worse, Ali Shamkhani has taken his place shows exactly what kind of BS you have been reading to try acting smart. At least read the proper sources so you don't be embarrassed like this.
Not to mention that he considers General Qasem Solomeni as head of IRGC ...
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