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Daesh was nurtured by Iran, says former Syrian vice president

Assad the devil is gone!

yeah assad who is inspired by pharao...

but the whole problem in ME is that I think personally by getting syrian in a mess and iraq in a mess some day it will come to iran..and they would not stop there, turkey and Saudi arabia are targets too..

to get further they have to disable lebanon first and than iran can be the target.. meanwhile they will play with turkey and other countries.. this mess will take dacades or more

maybe we will see a big invasion of west :)
yeah assad who is inspired by pharao...

but the whole problem in ME is that I think personally by getting syrian in a mess and iraq in a mess some day it will come to iran..and they would not stop there, turkey and Saudi arabia are targets too..

to get further they have to disable lebanon first and than iran can be the target.. meanwhile they will play with turkey and other countries.. this mess will take dacades or more

maybe we will see a big invasion of west :)
your erDOGan supported it in Syria he thought that bashar would fall and a new government will come now here is pkk in turkey and kurdish entintity in Iraq now there is another kurdish entintity in Syria and pkk
your erDOGan supported it in Syria he thought that bashar would fall and a new government will come now here is pkk in turkey and kurdish entintity in Iraq now there is another kurdish entintity in Syria and pkk

what do you think the dog of syria did.. much worse much more to set the region on fire.. and the ayadogga of iran supported him.. all sunnis will remember it! no one lets himself fool again from someone like the crypto jew ahmedinejad there was a time when some ppl thought iran was good and justice.. even if you told ppl not to trust that entity.. now thanks to their own even the blind see through it..

in the near futura let it be in 10 20 or 50 years we will see some clashes with iran.. let it be SA and oil arabs let it be a western union let it be a israel and turkish one or else .. something will come up if you like it or not..

and this will be more likely when lebanon is on fire.. if they manage to draw the lebanese in a mess you will see it..

meanwhile they play with everyone and take advantages to weaken the region.. dont you think erdogan did not know that? did you think all nations in UN are free nation and can do what they like? or do they all work for the establishment of a world government?
So many idiots signed up these days !!!

Saudis are racist & it's the cause of their failure !
I made it clear, the roots of extremist in the region has Salafi backgrounds and nothing to do with Iran or Shia ... their origins are from Egypt/Saudi Arabia and Indian subcontinent and their wrong/false interpretation of Islam .. and I made example to clarify it for you ISIS ain't the only terrorist group out there following such an ideology groups like Boko Haram , Al shabab ansar alsonnat are African ones and Lashkar-e-Taiba , Jaish-e-Mohammed and Sipah-e-Sahaba , Taliban , ALQ are Asian ones ...

and ISIS is outcome of a breed btw ALQ ( created in Afghanistan through cooperation btw the CIA, the ISI of Pakistan and Saudi ideology and Maddares) and former Iraqi Baath army commanders in Iraq back in 2006 ... both have been supported by Saudis and Americans for a while and Iran fought both of them ...
As I explained it the idea of establishing an Islamic state ain't limited to Qotb and many people before and after him have been interested in it ...
what I said about prophet of Islam was written in plain English , regarding Islamic state the prophet was the first one who established it and regarding Jihad you can find many versus in Quran... if people's understanding of Islamic state and Jihad are wrong it has nothing to do with the prophet of Islam.....

Grand Ayatollah Mohammad Hussein Fadlallah was one of the Ayatollah Khomaini followers and started his political activities through his Islamic revolution ... how on earth his book was behind creating IRGC? IRGC at first were some fellows whom wanted to secure Ayatollah Khomaini return from exile and little by little turned to guardians of the revolution ....

The history lesson needs to be covered with the whole story.

You have written ''definition'' of Salafism shorlty, and then some passage about Islamic Unity/Ummah, this does not make a point unless you talk about Mullahs/the regime in Iran...Remember the whole story.

When you mention about that, you also mention about the thought of Sayyed Qutb via his books, and then you need to mention about the influence of his thoughts over the Jihadists and Shiites and thus their organisations.

Because I made it clear when i said:
- Sayyed Qutb theoretically inspired Jihadists, therefore ISIS; However, the same man inspired Mullahs(the regime in Iran) and their proxies, Islamic revolutionary guard corps and Hezbollah.

I did not stop there, I also did become spesific about them by saying:
- IRGC and Hezbollah were established on the idea of Dynamic Islam, which is put forward by Grand Ayatollah Mohammad Hussein Fadlallah, this guy wrote 2 books, “The Islamic Dynamism” (Al Harikiyya Al Islamiyya), and “Islam and the Logic of Power” (Al Islam Wa Mantiq Al Quwwa), these 2 books are simply copy of Sayyed Qutb. But with a difference they were re-written by Shiite understanding.

Flnally, I did become more spesific with names and organisations thar have come up as a result:
- With the book of Sayyed Qutb, Jihadists were born; however, The same book re-written for Shiite understanding let Hezbollah, IRGC, Kassam Suleimani, Hasan Abbasi like groups and people.

Now I think you should re-read your answers to those three article, and ask yourself if your answers did really respond to them.
Al-Qaeda/ISIS and Mullahs(the regime in Iran) relation is not something new;

-In 1993 Ayman Al-Zawahiri did trained Al-Qaeda terrorists in IRGC and Hezbollah camps in Beqa. I repeat that The date is 1993.

-In 1993, Also Bin Laden met with Imad Mughniya in Sudan, If you wonder who this guy is , please google him.
- Iraqi Christian minority was also used,Christian religious leaders who are close to Assad, tried to portrey the ISIS was in genocide of non-muslims; however, ISIS killed no Christian, but with the help of those Christian leaders, it made the case for Assad that Others were worse than Assad, so Assad must stay and keep the power; In return, those leader got some benefits for parsihes.
Are Saudis that stupid to believe this old piece of shit lier??!!

He was hafez Vice President after he was partner in the crime he descied to be a humanists are you really that stupid to believe him or its iran obsession

Since when your nation or your government were islamic don't make laugh
Ottomans were great Muslims, and gave the Islamic world Pride.
What has Iran given to the Islamic world?
You were just slaves to the Russian and French in WW1. and today you still are.
Islam would be better off without you.
Thank you for your support and permission :)

The cancer and tumor in the holly religion of Islam:

- Sayyed Qutb theoretically inspired Jihadists, therefore ISIS; However, the same man inspired Mullahs(the regime in Iran) and their proxies, Islamic revolutionary guard corps and Hezbollah.

- IRGC and Hezbollah were established on the idea of Dynamic Islam, which is put forward by Grand Ayatollah Mohammad Hussein Fadlallah, this guy wrote 2 books, “The Islamic Dynamism” (Al Harikiyya Al Islamiyya), and “Islam and the Logic of Power” (Al Islam Wa Mantiq Al Quwwa), these 2 books are simply copy of Sayyed Qutb. But with a difference they were re-written by Shiite understanding.

- With the book of Sayyed Qutb, Jihadists were born; however, The same book re-written for Shiite understanding let Hezbollah, IRGC, Kassam Suleimani, Hasan Abbasi like groups and people.

-In 1993 Ayman Al-Zawahiri did trained Al-Qaeda terrorists in IRGC and Hezbollah camps in Beqa. I repeat that The date is 1993.

-In 1993, Also Bin Laden met with Imad Mughniya in Sudan, If you wonder who this guy is , please google him.

- Jihadits and Shiites with proxies are the sons of the same father from different mothers, and similarly they bring chaos, death, shame and most importantly hate for Islam.
Whose children wahhabis are?
Ottomans were great Muslims, and gave the Islamic world Pride.
What has Iran given to the Islamic world?
You were just slaves to the Russian and French in WW1. and today you still are.
Islam would be better off without you.
- After the dismissal of General Qassem Suloimani the commander of IRGC in Iraqi case, Ali Shamkani was appointed as replacement. Shamkhani worked with Shia leaders, politicians and clergymen like Sayed Ali Sistani in order to replace Al Malik with Al Abadi.
Ottomans were great Muslims, and gave the Islamic world Pride.
What has Iran given to the Islamic world?
You were just slaves to the Russian and French in WW1. and today you still are.
Islam would be better off without you.
'Ottomans' were thugs and they were Turks not 'not Anatolian' . they ruled Anatoli for 6 centuries with swords and dead casualties under feet of their horses.
Please have patience for them. Daesh getting destroyed in Iraq and Syria recently. These are very difficult and emotional times for them. Poor guys.
Donald Trump: [the terrorist] Clinton knew Saudi and Qatar fully support ISIS

Published time: 11 Oct, 2016 03:07Edited time: 12 Oct, 2016 12:17

© Stringer / Reuters

US not arming Nusra, but our allies might – State Dept

Contrary to Qatar and Saudi Arabia’s assurances that they do not support Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL), Hillary Clinton apparently believes that they are in fact providing “clandestine financial and logistic support to IS and other radical Sunni groups in the region,” according to an August 17, 2014 email released by WikiLeaks on Monday.

READ MORE: WikiLeaks releases 2nd batch of 2,000+ emails from Clinton campaign chair

“While this military/para-military operation is moving forward, we need to use our diplomatic and more traditional intelligence assets to bring pressure on the governments of Qatar and Saudi Arabia, which are providing clandestine financial and logistic support to ISIL and other radical Sunni groups in the region,” she wrote to Podesta.

“This effort will be enhanced by the stepped up commitment in the KRG [Kurdish Regional Government]. The Qataris and Saudis will be put in a position of balancing policy between their ongoing competition to dominate the Sunni world and the consequences of serious U.S. pressure,” she added.

Saudi Arabia has previously been accused of funding other terrorist organizations, such as Al-Qaeda and the Taliban. The kingdom also has a policy of torture and public executions, not entirely dissimilar to the actions of IS.

Read more

Arab royal families, ‘wealthy princes’ must stop financing ISIS – British MPs

What pressure the US plans to put on the Saudi government remains to be seen. However, following the UN’s Committee on the Rights of the Child’s scathing report on the country’s human rights abuses, if the US doesn’t put pressure on the government, others may do so instead.

Earlier this year, it seemed that Qatar and the US had at least a working relationship in the effort to fight IS. In June, American B-52 Stratofortress bombers flew to the Al Udeid Air Base, where they were to be deployed to fight IS.

Saudi Arabia has also claimed to be on the US’ side in the fight against IS. However, actions speak louder than words. In September, an Al-Nusra commander identified as “Abu Al-Ezz” claimed that both the US and its Persian Gulf allies were providing his group with weapons.

While the US categorically denied arming the terrorist organization in order to fight IS, State Department spokesman Mark Toner told reporters, “there are those – not the US – who back various opposition groups in Syria, who might also seek to arm them,” and that would lead to escalation.

Podesta is not the first person to accuse Saudi Arabia of funding IS. In July, Britain’s Foreign Affairs Sub-committee urged Gulf states to apply pressure and legal barriers to prevent royal family members from sponsoring extremist organizations.

UK Foreign Office senior civil servant Dan Chugg said when “dealing with royal families, wealthy princes and those kind of things,” it is “difficult with some of these countries to know exactly what is government funding.

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Gulf money 'turned Kosovo into ISIS hotbed' while EU & US turned a blind eye

He implied that Saudi Arabia had donated money in the past, saying the Foreign Office must “work with local partners in the region to ensure they have the capacity and resolve to rigorously enforce local laws to prevent the funding of Islamic State, so that the group cannot benefit from donations in future.

IS and Al-Nusra may not be the only groups benefiting from Gulf state money. In May, the New York Times reported that Muslims in Kosovo were being indoctrinated into Wahhabism by extremist clerics who received funding from Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait and others.

Saudi charities began popping up in Kosovo following the unrest of the Balkan wars and offered to rebuild mosques and provide assistance in exchange for following stricter Islamic rules, such as requiring women to wear headscarves.

If Saudi Arabia’s funding of spreading Wahhabism in Kosovo is anything like its alleged funding of IS, then the US may be in for a bigger fight. For example, Al Waqf al Islami, one of the Saudi funded organizations, pumped in more than $11 million from 2000 through 2012.

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