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Daesh was nurtured by Iran, says former Syrian vice president

Yes, it makes perfect sense that all groups that Iran is supporting is fighting Daesh. Perfect sense.

Perfect Sense =
If X is fighting Y, then
X is supporting Y.
Lolzz...mate the world is not so simple and linear.
Daesh has never attacked Iran, not even by accident, and yet some safavids think Daesh is against Iran!
How come is that possible?
Daesh was two blocks away from Iran and both didn't dare to attack each other.
I mean the hypothetical enemy of Iran is (Daesh), but Daesh didn't attack Iran when they were at the border of Iran.
Probably they were waving for each other and exchanging the latest news of bombing civilians.
Daesh has never attacked Iran, not even by accident, and yet some safavids think Daesh is against Iran!
How come is that possible?
Daesh was two blocks away from Iran and both didn't dare to attack each other.
I mean the hypothetical enemy of Iran is (Daesh), but Daesh didn't attack Iran when they were at the border of Iran.
Probably they were waving for each other and exchanging the latest news of bombing civilians.

I have never heard ISIS attacked Oman, or Austria or north pole too .. so technically could we consider polar bears as ISIS supporters? or even further they never bother themselves to attack the Mars what about Martians?
Iran made a 40 KMs buffer zone within Iraqi territories and vaporized any ISIS movement there our choppers and army bombed hell out of them while they were approaching Iran's borders , besides we started fighting them not only in our borders but we helped Iraqis in Baghdad and also Kurdisan region of Iraq to expand that buffer zone...
It's what would happen if anyone wants to cross Iranian borders:

Iranian Super Cobras in action against terrorists
Daesh has never attacked Iran, not even by accident, and yet some safavids think Daesh is against Iran!
How come is that possible?
Daesh was two blocks away from Iran and both didn't dare to attack each other.
I mean the hypothetical enemy of Iran is (Daesh), but Daesh didn't attack Iran when they were at the border of Iran.
Probably they were waving for each other and exchanging the latest news of bombing civilians.
yeah, ISIS didn't attack Iran cause they couldn't afford it, yet they didn't hesitate to attack allies of Iran.
also it's good to mention Iran warned them if they get closer than 40km to our borders we will target them.
the one who are waving for each other are your turkish allies:

Oh what a lovely war! Remarkable video shows ISIS fighters strolling right up Turkish border checkpoint for a relaxing chat with guards

and the source of ISIS is Saudi arabia:


US Ally, Saudi Arabia Has More ISIS Supporters On Twitter Than Any Other Country On Earth
I always used to love my Iranian brothers, but this ISIS support for the past few years has made me dislike them. :(
May god forgives them!


ISIS what!?

yeah, ISIS didn't attack Iran cause they couldn't afford it, yet they didn't hesitate to attack allies of Iran.
also it's good to mention Iran warned them if they get closer than 40km to our borders we will target them.
the one who are waving for each other are your turkish allies:

Oh what a lovely war! Remarkable video shows ISIS fighters strolling right up Turkish border checkpoint for a relaxing chat with guards

and the source of ISIS is Saudi arabia:


US Ally, Saudi Arabia Has More ISIS Supporters On Twitter Than Any Other Country On Earth

Saudis going down...

They are going to pay soon enough :)
Of course ISIS hasn't attacked Iran...it's core support of Sunni Arabs are non existent in Iran!

This really isn't rocket science.

Oh and going by that logic, they haven't exactly been tearing Saudi Arabia apart either...then again, why should they bite the hand that feeds them....

I have a lot of issues with the Ayatollahs and the current Iranian regime, but I trust them a lot more than the Saudi 'royal' family :lol:
mostly they killed sunni and mostly they concentrated on sunni scholars.. thats in favor of whom?
The mass murder of shia army cadets in Tikrit ring a bell? Over 1400 unarmed recruits singled out and executed, simply for being shia.

Look up Camp Speicher Massacre https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Camp_Speicher_massacre

This is what they did in Mosul: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/aug/25/isis-ethnic-cleansing-shia-prisoners-iraq-mosul

This is the front page of Dabiq - official monthly magazine of ISIS


I'm sure we all know who the 'Rafidah' are - it is what the salafis and their ilk call the Shia

'Even though the Americans are also a major enemy, the Rafidah are more severely dangerous and more murderous...than the Americans,' it adds.

Even though the Americans are also a major enemy, the Rafidah [Shiite] are more severely dangerous and more murderous...than the Americans.

‘The Rafidah hate Islam just as the Jews hate Christianity. They did not enter Islam longing for Allah or fearing Him, rather out of spite for the people of Islam and so as to inflict harm upon them.’ ‘The Jews and the Rafidah are two sides of the same coin.’

I can keep going if you want....
We need to quickly build that wall along our borders. This is getting out of hand.
mostly they killed sunni and mostly they concentrated on sunni scholars.. thats in favor of whom?

Only a person who has lived in a cave in past 3 years would say ISIS has mostly killed Sunnis rather than Shias in Iraq during past 2 years.

The fact that ISIS only managed to capture Sunni cities and not a single Shia majority city, mostly with help of Sunni tribes speaks volumes.

Daesh has never attacked Iran, not even by accident, and yet some safavids think Daesh is against Iran!
How come is that possible?
Daesh was two blocks away from Iran and both didn't dare to attack each other.
I mean the hypothetical enemy of Iran is (Daesh), but Daesh didn't attack Iran when they were at the border of Iran.
Probably they were waving for each other and exchanging the latest news of bombing civilians.

ISIS never shared a single kilometer of border with Iran, because we didn't let that happen and screwed ISIS when it reached within 50 km of our border.

ISIS has not attacked Iran because they failed miserably in every single attempt. You can not relate your incompetency with lame conspiracies. We busted various Daesh terror cells. Another fact is, our population is mostly against ISIS ideology and totally rejects it. We can't say the same about Saudi society and similar cases.
simply for being shia

and many many are being killed because they say they are kafir or else they make no difference if you are not for them than they will label you with a word like rafidah, murtad, apostate, munafiq, kafir or else.. they dont hestitate do so so..

it is what the salafis and their ilk call the Shia

all major ulema and big imam of sunni called them this way..

SIRAJ WAHAB | Published — Thursday 6 October 2016


I believe that Syrians should follow the example of the martyr and hero Ali Hassan al-Majid and

There should also be an obligatory "Final Solution" for every Wilayat al-Faqih slave in the Arab world. Instant death sentence. I believe that calling for this is a religious, moral and patriotic duty that should be propagandized 24/7 until the goal of extermination has been achieved.

I would personally volunteer for free to expose the few resident Wilayat al-Faqih slaves inside KSA whether native or non-native. Including on this forum and elsewhere. Let the intelligence service deal with them. This cancerous microscopic minority has caused enough of problems already and they should be dealt with once and for all. An example should be made out of them. One such spokesman became a headless chicken last year in KSA. Time for citizens everywhere in the Arab world to uphold the law on their own if the regimes/governments in power cannot do the necessary job.

A group aimed at this job should be formed immediately. Social media would be a great tool to spread the message. A coordinated mobilization is needed. Foot troops are not lacking nor enforcers.

A cancer once spotted, must be attacked as quickly as possible. Once regimes that represent the people will be put in place that cancer will be dealt with in the span of weeks if given free room.
well you're not the first saudi who spreads head cutting solutions.
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