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Daesh was nurtured by Iran, says former Syrian vice president

well you're not the first saudi who spreads head cutting solutions.

So you support terrorists and traitors wreaking havoc in the Arab world and MENA region? Did 99,9% of all Iranian users here not support the execution of an Iranian scientists recently who was supposedly labelled as an traitor?

I was and am specifically talking about genocidal terrorists who cause havoc in the Arab world and want to kill and destroy as many Arabs and Arab countries. Among them are Wilayat al-Faqih elements which is undoubtedly an fact.

I never mentioned anything about "head cutting solutions" however I am 100% sure that if you were to be executed you would prefer to be beheaded by a sword (instant death and mostly painless) rather than be hanged by a crane in Iran which is a method of execution that can last several minutes as several videos smuggled out of Iran confirm.
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an Iranian scientist recently who was supposedly labelled as an traitor?

arab stronk
farsi weak
behead shia

He defected to the US through KSA and, by his own admission while he was in the US, sold details of the nuclear program to the Americans. He is a traitor, and traitors deserve death.
He defected to the US through KSA and, by his own admission while he was in the US, sold details of the nuclear program to the Americans. He is a traitor, and traitors deserve death.

Maryam Rajavi, good then we are in agreement. Traitors deserve death. That includes Wilayat al-Faqih traitors in the Arab world, mainly Iraq, Bahrain and Lebanon. Thank you for finally agreeing with me.
That includes Wilayat al-Faqih traitors in the Arab world
Traitors because they stand up to Shia.

And for the last time, just because someone has 1 drop of Arab blood doesn't mean they should swear allegiance to Arab countries.

I'd like to see you and your cronies try to attack anyone in Iran. Last time some of your cronies tried was a few days ago, and they got sliced by the Cobra's 20 mm cannon. If this forum allowed it, I'd post the pic of the Wahhabi's intestines oozing out of the 20 mm cannon wound.

Go on Al-Baghdadi, why don't you join the jihad on the Wilayat al Faqih Shia safavid rafidas? I promise you won't get sliced in half by one of these...

Traitors because they stand up to Shia.

And for the last time, just because someone has 1 drop of Arab blood doesn't mean they should swear allegiance to Arab countries.

I'd like to see you try to attack anyone in Iran. Last time some of your cronies tried was a few days ago, and they got sliced by the Cobra's 20 mm cannon. If this forum allowed it, I'd post the pic of the Wahhabi's intestines oozing out of the 20 mm cannon wound.

Traitors because they are aiding a foreign and hostile regime against their own countries and their own flesh and broad. Traitors because their actions harm the Arab people and the Arab world. Besides only Arabs have a right to define who is a traitor and who is not a traitor among them. Not Iranians, not Papuans or Eskimos.

You keep talking about Iranian Arabs and the current Mullah establishment, which is dominated by Iranian Arabs and Iranians of Arab ancestry. I am not talking about them. They can do what they want to do inside Iran. I am talking about people living in the Arab world. I do not know why this is even necessary to explain.

I do not care about whether you kill your own Kurdish people. For all I care continue if that makes you happy. Nothing to do with Arabs.

As for dealing with terrorists, the 1000's of Iranian volunteers and mercenaries who have perished in Syria and Iraq alone, tells its own story.

As for firepower. Let us not even go there. The GCC alone is way ahead let alone the entire Arab world.

But well, continue to kill your own people if that makes your happy.
arab stronk
kill shia
persia scum

We will kill as many Daesh as we can in Iraq and Syria. I don't care if they're Arab countries, Persian countries, Russian, Brazilian... they threaten us, we kill them.

continue to kill your own people
If those people want to kill servicemen, police and civilians they deserve death.

As for firepower. Let us not even go there.
Arab world outspends Iran by at least 10 times. Why haven't you attacked us already? Go on. "Liberate" Khuzestan, "liberate" the islands, "liberate" Syria and Iraq. Fact is unbiased and even western analysts describe Arab militaries like KSA's as a paper tiger.


Interesting...makes sense.

It is as stupid as claiming that the US or Israel created Daesh.
The core of the Daesh is former Baath party member that want to regain power
after beeing displaced by the US, and made redundant by Shia sectarian politicians,
supported by Iran.
some people prefer to live in their delusions!

Hillary Clinton Admits ISIS Was Created By U.S. Government

The mainstream media are covering up the fact that Hillary Clinton admitted in public that the U.S. government created both ISIS and Al Qaeda.

Why are most mainstream media outlets refusing to tell the public that the U.S. has never actively fought ISIS, but has instead supported them secretly in the Middle East?

Chuckbaldwinlive.com reports:

I’ll tell you why: the MSM is nothing more than a propaganda machine for the U.S. government–no matter which party is in power. The MSM doesn’t work for the U.S. citizenry. It doesn’t even work for its corporate sponsors. It works for the Washington Power Elite permanently ensconced in D.C. (and yes, those same Power Elite control most of those media corporate sponsors).

It is a sad reality that if one wants to get accurate news reporting, one must mostly bypass the U.S. propaganda media and look to sources outside the U.S. Here is a Canadian publication that covered the Hillary admission:

“The following video features Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton acknowledging that America created and funded Al Qaeda as a terrorist organization in the heyday of the Soviet-Afghan war:

“‘Let’s remember here… the people we are fighting today we funded them twenty years ago.

“‘Let’s go recruit these mujahideen.

“‘And great, let them come from Saudi Arabia and other countries, importing their Wahabi brand of Islam so that we can go beat the Soviet Union.’”

“What she does not mention is that at no time in the course of the last 35 years has the US ceased to support and finance Al Qaeda as a means to destabilizing sovereign countries. It was ‘a pretty good idea’, says Hillary, and it remains a good idea today:

“Amply documented, the ISIS and Al Nusrah Mujahideen are recruited by NATO and the Turkish High command, with the support of Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Israel.

“The more fundamental question:

“Should a presidential candidate who candidly acknowledges that ‘We created Al Qaeda’ without a word of caution or regret become president of the US, not to mention Hillary’s commitment to waging nuclear war on Russia if and when she becomes president of the United States of America.”

The report continues:

“The Global War on Terror (GWOT) is led by the United States. It is not directed against Al Qaeda.

“Quite the opposite: The ‘Global War on Terrorism’ uses Al Qaeda terrorist operatives as their foot soldiers.

“‘Political Islam’ and the imposition of an ‘Islamic State’ (modeled on Qatar or Saudi Arabia) is an integral part of US foreign policy.”

The report further states:

“It is a means to destabilizing sovereign countries and imposing ‘regime change’.

“Clinton’s successor at the State Department, John Kerry is in direct liaison with Al Nusra, an Al Qaeda affiliated organization in Syria, integrated by terrorists and funded by the US and its allies.

“In a bitter irony, John Kerry is not only complicit in the killings committed by Al Nusra, he is also in blatant violation of US anti-terrorist legislation. If the latter were to be applied to politicians in high office, John Kerry would be considered as a ‘Terror Suspect’”.

See the report here:

Hillary Clinton: “We Created Al Qaeda”. The Protagonists Of The “Global War On Terrorism” Are The Terrorists

Think it through, folks: the U.S. government creates the radical Islamic terror networks that justify America’s “Global War On Terror” which directly results in millions of refugees (and no doubt plants terrorists among them) flooding Europe. At the same time, it purposely refuses to protect our own borders and even forces states and local communities to accept hundreds of thousands of Muslim refugees (but the government is not sending any Christian refugees to America, even though a sizable percentage of the refugees include Christians also) and pushes NATO to the doorstep of Russia, which to any objective observer could only be regarded as an overt incitement to war.

Furthermore, why doesn’t the MSM report the words of Hillary saying that the “best way to help Israel” is to destroy Syria? Why doesn’t the media acknowledge that official U.S. foreign policy is to foment perpetual war, not in the name of the safety and security of the United States, but in the name of “helping” Israel?

Here is how the same Canadian publication covers this part of the story:

“A newly-released Hillary Clinton email confirmed that the Obama administration has deliberately provoked the civil war in Syria as the ‘best way to help Israel.’

“In an indication of her murderous and psychopathic nature, Clinton also wrote that it was the ‘right thing’ to personally threaten Bashar Assad’s family with death.

“In the email, released by Wikileaks, then Secretary of State Clinton says that the ‘best way to help Israel’ is to ‘use force’ in Syria to overthrow the government.”

It continues:

“Even though all US intelligence reports had long dismissed Iran’s ‘atomic bomb’ program as a hoax, (a conclusion supported by the International Atomic Energy Agency), Clinton continues to use these lies to ‘justify’ destroying Syria in the name of Israel.”

And again:

“The email proves–as if any more proof was needed–that the US government has been the main sponsor of the growth of terrorism in the Middle East, and all in order to ‘protect’ Israel.

“It is also a sobering thought to consider that the ‘refugee’ crisis which currently threatens to destroy Europe, was directly sparked off by this US government action as well, insofar as there are any genuine refugees fleeing the civil war in Syria.

“In addition, over 250,000 people have been killed in the Syrian conflict, which has spread to Iraq–all thanks to Clinton and the Obama administration backing the ‘rebels’ and stoking the fires of war in Syria.”

See the report here:

Hillary Clinton: Destroy Syria For Israel: “The Best Way To Help Israel”

If destroying Syria is the way we “help” Israel, how many other nations must the U.S. destroy to “help” Israel? And before John Hagee’s braindead disciples start shouting “Destroy them all!” I remind you that Syria and other parts of the Middle East is the historic home of millions of Christians going back to the time of the Apostle Paul.

The truth is, Hillary (and the rest of the grubby gaggle of Neocons) doesn’t give a tinker’s dam about Israel. Neocons such as Hillary Clinton simply use Israel (and the misguided passions of Christians and conservatives who blindly support Israel) as cover to accomplish their real agenda: manipulating world governments to the enrichment and empowerment of themselves.

Donald Trump is untested. But if Hillary should be elected, I’m confident she would not make it through her first term without taking us into another G.W. Bush-type war (or worse)–except she will also add the attempted disarmament of the American people to her nefarious agenda.

That’s what Neocons do: they foment war. To their very soul, they are warmongers. And never forget that Hillary Clinton is a true-blue Neocon. Or if the word “Neoliberal” sounds better to you in describing Hillary, so be it. They both mean the same thing: WAR.

Here is a good explanation of how both Neocons and Neolibs are working from the same script:

Neocons And Neolibs: How Dead Ideas Kill

On the whole, Neocons and Neolibs are people without conscience. At their core, they have no allegiance to the United States or any other country. They are globalists. The only god they serve is the god of power and wealth, and they don’t care how many people–including Americans–they kill to achieve it. The blood of millions of dead victims around the world is already dripping from their murderous hands.

And if you think my indictment against the Neocons is an exaggeration, Paul Craig Roberts (Assistant Secretary of the Treasury under President Ronald Reagan) was even more scathing in his condemnation of them:

“The remaining danger is the crazed American neoconservatives. I know many of them. They are completely insane ideologues. This inhuman filth has controlled the foreign policy of every US government since Clinton’s second term. They are a danger to all life on earth. Look at the destruction they have wreaked in the former Yugoslavia, in Ukraine, in Georgia and South Ossetia, in Africa, in Afghanistan and the Middle East. The American people were too brainwashed by lies and by political impotence to do anything about it, and Washington’s vassals in Europe, UK, Canada, Australia, and Japan had to pretend that this policy of international murder was ‘bringing freedom and democracy.’

“The crazed filth that controls US foreign policy is capable of defending US hegemony with nuclear weapons. The neoconservatives must be removed from power, arrested, and put on international trial for their horrendous war crimes before they defend their hegemony with Armageddon.

“Neoconservatives and their allies in the military/security complex make audacious use of false flag attacks. These evil people are capable of orchestrating a false flag attack that propels the US and Russia to war.”
It is as stupid as claiming that the US or Israel created Daesh.
The core of the Daesh is former Baath party member that want to regain power
after beeing displaced by the US, and made redundant by Shia sectarian politicians,
supported by Iran.
Too too stupid comment. AQ, FSA, ISIS are all made by Americans and Israelis directly.
Too too stupid comment. AQ, FSA, ISIS are all made by Americans and Israelis directly.

That is why Muslims come from all over the world to fight for Daesh,
and why the US is spending a lot of money bombing them.

Daesh and the rest are fighting for their interpretation of Islam.
While the US funded the Afghans fight vs the Soviets, noone can claim that either of these
organisations have approached the US and asked for support.
You and Hillary Clinton simply do not mean the same thing with "create".
Hillary means that the Mujahedin was trained and equipped by the US, which noone is denying. Some Mujahedin then decided to create an organisation with a political agenda,
and the US was not involved in that part.

Israelis probably do not mind that several of their enemies are occupied fighting some other of their enemies.
They support the Kurds which are fighting Daesh.

You can go on living in Your dream world, where your intellectual dishonesty is not frowned upon.
A fact:

- ISIS/DEASH has carried out deadly attacks in many countries(including most developed ones) in the world; but never and ever attacked Iran, which is right in front of their nose.

- ISIS/DEASH has many small cells in the world, but never and ever cross the Iran-Iraq border while they freely walk in Syria and Iraq, but not Iran, which is right in front of their nose.
A fact:

- ISIS/DEASH has carried out deadly attacks in many countries(including most developed ones) in the world; but never and ever attacked Iran, which is right in front of their nose.

- ISIS/DEASH has many small cells in the world, but never and ever cross the Iran-Iraq border while they freely walk in Syria and Iraq, but not Iran, which is right in front of their nose.

We won't let ISIS to kill our people to convince some stupid creatures !!!

If you are not safe ... This is your problem not Iranians ! :coffee:
We won't let ISIS to kill our people to convince some stupid creatures !!!

If you are not safe ... This is your problem not Iranians ! :coffee:

That is why you support ISIS to kill people in the world, and rape, kill, torture in Syria and Iraq.

After supporting their terrorism with barbaric methods in the world, you cannot say ''If you are not safe ... This is your problem not Iranians !''.

This is a war crime, and act of war against countries that are attacked by Iran-supported ISIS.
It is as stupid as claiming that the US or Israel created Daesh.
The core of the Daesh is former Baath party member that want to regain power
after beeing displaced by the US, and made redundant by Shia sectarian politicians,
supported by Iran.

So we have to expect piss prize for Hilary Clinton !?

Very beautiful collection... Obama , prez , etc !

That is why you support ISIS to kill people in the world, and rape, kill, torture in Syria and Iraq.

After supporting their terrorism with barbaric methods in the world, you cannot say ''If you are not safe ... This is your problem not Iranians !''.

This is a war crime, and act of war against countries that are attacked by Iran-supported ISIS.


If you want to convince other people to believe in your lies you have to believe it yourself...

But this is funny as hell !

Look... There are people which use their brain cells unlike you !

You have to try harder...

Very disappointing !

But let me tell you an upcoming fact ...

Saudis won't last for long ... & nobody going to pay your 5 cent per bullshit !

Try to find a better job & enjoy your life :)
So we have to expect piss prize for Hilary Clinton !?

Very beautiful collection... Obama , prez , etc !


If you want to convince other people to believe in your lies you have to believe it yourself...

But this is funny as hell !

Look... There are people which use their brain cells unlike you !

You have to try harder...

Very disappointing !

But let me tell you an upcoming fact ...

Saudis won't last for long ... & nobody going to pay your 5 cent per bullshit !

Try to find a better job & enjoy your life :)

In our little chat, Personal attakcs of you against my factual claims proves the Vice President of Syria is right about Iranian support to ISIS; what is more, the fact on the ground proves he is right.

The fact on the gournd...The ISIS has never attacked Iran, whereas ISIS has conducted many terrorist attacks in the world; the same ISIS have many terror cells in the world but not in Iran.

When you come up with factual claims, you are welcome, untill then, such posts of yours are considered as psychology of guiltiness.
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