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Could Ranjeet Singh's statue in Lahore be torn down like the statues of tyrants in the West?


You show your age as 44 in introduction---so why would anyone assume that you are a teenager---.

Ok you want to---then be proud of your genetic line---BFD---.

You want to punish "india" all the time in your posts, you wrote pages and pages on how Pakistani military should have demolished/humiliated India on 28th Feb. 2019 as you consider Pakistan's response on that day to be inadequate to humiliate india. But the tyrant Ranjeet Singh was "India" of early 1800s for my ancestors and probably yours too if they were living on these lands that are called Pakistan now but on the tyrant Ranjeet Singh you have such a "soft" stance, that just doesn't make any sense to me, he was far worse tyrant than India in 2020 for the Muslims of Punjab, Kashmir and KPK of early 1800s.
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Pakistanis are nothing if not consistently hypocritical. These will be the same people who will cry the loudest if India renames anything that carries the Mughal name.
But India is a sickular Suppa-Powwa in its own right and should embrace its Muslim history (its only noteworthy history, sorry not sorry).

History is history and we should learn as much as we can about it, especially the history of Barr-E-Sagheer. But come on, erecting statues of a Non-Muslim ruler in a Muslim country? Stop that please!

Yup. This time they went too far in trying to please the Khalistani Sikhs.
It's a weird notion to think that Sikhs are any different in their hatred against Islam, Muslims and Pakistan to Hindus.
Respectfully, Most of my brothers who are abusing Maharaja Ranjit Singh should do one thing.
If you are a Punjabi, Ask about him from any of your elders who was born in 40s or 50s and not associated with any Hardcore Religious Jamaat. Ask him how Muslims used to View Maharaja Ranjit Singh before this mindwash galore of late 70s and 80s took place.
Ahmad Shah Durrani Plundered These Lands.He was part of Nadir Shah Armies who Slaughtered Delhi before. Durrani Entered our lands by defeating Shahnawaz Khan of Peshawar. and subsequently Muin ul Mulk of Lahore. These Raids were the reason mughal hold in KPK Punjab Kashmir Region was lost, And Local Sikhs rose to power, Maratha rose to power in northern Hindustan. and the chain of events that caused the rise of Sikh empire. Arch Rival of Ranjit Singh, the Durrani Empire was an offshoot of the chengis khan Incarnate Nadir shah Afsharis empire, not some holy Muslim Empire representing the Caliph in Istanbul. Don't Bring Islam in these wars. People like Mir Temur, Nadir Shah and his followers were open admirers of Mongol Khan Chengis khan. Only Allah knows whats in heart but mass slaughter of cities is not what muslims do, It was what mongols did. And so did these sons of Mongols Calling themselves Muslims and Tainting our religion with their heinous acts.
Ranjit Singh Defeated Ahmad Shah Durrani Son Zaman Shah. He will always remain a son of Punjab who broke the teeth of Durrani Invaders. If some one wants to associate with Nadir Shah Offshoots more then his own ancestors then be my guest. But first read the history without bias. And Ask from your elders who are most reliable source of information instead of Propaganda Books.
Singh wars against Afghans. Like any war, Some local factions sided with durranis some sided with Ranjit. Even Some Tribesmen sided with Ranjit Singh against Durrani Empire. Even Sultan Shuja Khan Durrani sided with Sikhs when he was exiled. (War is war). And Just think why every governor of these Punjabi and Siraiki cities were all Afghans not locals when Ranjit Singh Took over them from Durranis.
Its really Cringe worthy how our Historians try to portray how everyone from west of Pakistan was part of a unified Muslim Rule and savior of Muslims. People here don't even know that Ahmad Shah Durrani (An Afghan Warlord who break away from Nadir Shah Armies after his death to created his own Dynasty) and early muslim conquerers like Sultan Mehmood Ghaznavi were 750 years apart from each other.

I will NOT and I am not a teenager for your information. Somethings are instinctive in your genetic DNA, in my case I don't consider anyone other than my own direct blood line to be my "ancestor", so I am sure that this POS Ranjeet Singh was not my direct line of ancestors so given a chance I would rather p*** on the statue of this so called son of the soil. My genetic instinct doesn't allow me to be proud of a bastard tyrant who could possibly have put the lives of my real direct blood ancestors in misery during early 1800s.
If you believe all of the above to be true(He was a tyrant who subdued your ancestors and so on) then you have every right to hate him and as you said P*** on his statue and so on.
But will you rather "P*** on statues" of Mir Temur and Nadir Shah as well? Their cruelty is matched only by Chengis khan and Halagu khan. Muslim Historians write about them that they slaughtered whole cities and made minarates of decapitated Heads outside the defeated cities that resisted their conquests, Just as Mongols did (Confirm it from any sources you believe except Naseem Hijazi saab Of course). Will you sir, in Principle, P*** on them as well,as you will do with Ranjit Singh?
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Thank you for an excellent post---. Ranjit Singh was the true son of the soil---a punjabi leader and a conquerer---. Name another leader from the region was a conquerer king---.

It is written that his rule was extremely just---the shops stayed open during day time or the night time and even if there was no shopkeeper and no one stole anything---.

His actions against t hose whom he fought are no different than any other muslim conquerer of the region.
You're right. He should be viewed in context, as should all these "tyrants" whose statues are being threatened.
Ranjit should probably stay. Churchill is debatable.

Gandhi has to go because he simply indulged in chanakiya, pure and simple. He pretended to be all ascetic and non-aggressive, yet underneath this facade designed purely to lick the boots of white folks, he had a terrifying opinion on blacks. Gandhi was a product of an oppressed nation and was educated. He had no excuse to be this way, and his only reason to behave as a class A house n#!@er was to dupe white people. Instead If fighting against the colonialists through sword or through pen/orator, he ultimately relied on swarms of people sitting down and acting as human ballast to stop them in their tracks. All the while, he wasn't a genuine hippy or peacenik in the slightest - he thoroughly believed in the superiority of some over others.

Gandhi's statues should go.
Still not answered about Temur and Nadir Shah

Your worthless low IQ stuff doesn't deserve any response. I have figured out your mind and malfunctioning of its neural circuits, I am a science guy after all.
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This one,



He was a tyrant who made the lives of the Muslim populations of Punjab, Kashmir and modern KPK miserable but his statue was placed in Lahore a couple of years ago by the self-hating "ham bahasiat qaum munafiq hain" brigade in Lahore. So now as we are living in the age of tearing down statutes of tyrants from the past in the wake of current global campaign against the statues of the past racists and tyrants, is it possible that the statue of this tyrant could also meet the same fate. You comments please?


exposes you people how much you hate non muslims


so what will be future of your cherished dream of khalistan ? khalistanis will take back their seat of khalsa raj LAHORE .

There is a reason due to which 100000s of Mandirs were destroyed during MUGHAL ERA...
This one,



He was a tyrant who made the lives of the Muslim populations of Punjab, Kashmir and modern KPK miserable but his statue was placed in Lahore a couple of years ago by the self-hating "ham bahasiat qaum munafiq hain" brigade in Lahore. So now as we are living in the age of tearing down statutes of tyrants from the past in the wake of current global campaign against the statues of the past racists and tyrants, is it possible that the statue of this tyrant could also meet the same fate. You comments please?
"Maharaja Ranjit Singh's sovereignty was accepted by Afghan and Punjabi Muslims, who fought under his banner against the Afghan forces of Nadir Shah and later of Azim Khan. His court was ecumenical in composition: his prime minister, Dhian Singh, was a Dogra; his foreign minister, Fakir Azizuddin, was a Muslim; and his finance minister, Dina Nath, was a Brahmin. Artillery commanders such as Mian Ghausa were also Muslims. There were no forced conversions in his time. His wives Bibi Mohran, Gilbahar Begum retained their faith and so did his Hindu wives".[77]

It seems Maraja Ranjit Singh of Punjab loved Muslims. He married two or three Muslim women. Since Punjab could not produce any other benevolent Muslim king, it would be wiser to accept Ranjit as the bonafide Punjabi King whatever was his religion. Pakistan was not created in that time.

So, people should see him in the historical context that he stopped British from advancing to the west. He was Hero of Hindustan born as a Punjabi Sikh. I salute him because he was a defender of Hindustan against British as well as Afghans.

He might be your and India's hero. Not ours.
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