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TLP worker pulling down Ranjit Singh's statue at the Lahore Fort

I mean they are a terrorist organization

A- officially banned by the government
B- Organized rioting, disturbing the law and order of the country
C- spreading hate
D- beating and kidnapping officers
E- destroying public property, personal property
F- responsible for deaths

If this isn't a terror group than what is?

Nope. Everything you listed, except for A is what has been done by almost every political party in Pakistan. Does that make them a terrorist?? Some would say yes, other would say no.

There's a legal difference between being banned and being labelled a terrorist organization. If a old fart on here declares half of Pakistan "terrorists", that doesn't make them that.

You have to be labelled that by the govt or international bodies like UN etc.
Nope. Everything you listed, except for A is what has been done by almost every political party in Pakistan. Does that make them a terrorist?? Some would say yes, other would say no.

There's a legal difference between being banned and being labelled a terrorist organization. If a old fart on here declares half of Pakistan "terrorists", that doesn't make them that.

You have to be labelled that by the govt or international bodies like UN etc.
Organized rioting, with district level leaders directing "strategy" on what kind of damage/violance they'll do?, This sophisticated rioting with leadership directing violance?

Btw if political parties did this kind of sophisticated rioting

Government at the time should have had the balls to ban em and take em to the cleaners, if they lacked courage doesn't mean current gov should pay for thier mistakes, and follow thier weak precedence
Government cannot ban political parties.

TLP is banned because it got selected over Bhutto.

The Caligula establishment is out for TLP blood because it's the only entity they can bully.
Thank God it is, these inbreds will destoy the very fabric of the country
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Why should we have statues of tyrants who killed our ancestors and desecrated our mosques?

Landay ka Liberals are going too far. What next? Statues of British Generals, Queen etc?
Because he is a big part of Punjab's history??? So many countries have such controversial status but no one bats an eye because its part of history.
Vandalising history, we should accept our history in its totality, IVC to modern day, pre-Islamic to post. Etc.
Accepting history doesnt mean we start honoring the bad apples. Installing such a sculpture was in his honor by the libtard fawad chaudhary. I'm not even against teaching about him and what he did.. but honoring him means you are honorless.
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Thank God it is, these inbreds will destoy the every fabric of the country

The fabric of the society was never painted in the colors of Ranjit.

Its hypocritical enough that Punjabi supremacist like Fuwwad Chowdary talk about ideological defenses of the country.

The courts should first decide how did the statue end up there and under whose political patronage.
The fabric of the society was never painted in the colors of Ranjit.

Its hypocritical enough that Punjabi supremacist like Fuwwad Chowdary talk about ideological defenses of the country.

The courts should first decide how did the statue end up there and under whose political patronage.
Oh c'mon lol, 🤣

And I agree with you on Ranjeets statue, but destroying it by fundo isn't the way to go about it

They should take other avenues, this opens up the flood gates for other dangerous, extremist actions
Oh c'mon lol, 🤣

And I agree with you on Ranjeets statue, but destroying it by fundo isn't the way to go about it

They should take other avenues, this opens up the flood gates for other dangerous, extremist actions
Argument is that placing the statue there was an act of terror which traumatized the young individual who broke it.

One can argue about the physical harm but who will heal the spirit?
What constitutes a terror organization?
these days whichever religious organisation disagrees with govt is declared as a terrorist organisation. but this does not applies to liberal political parties.
these days whichever religious organisation disagrees with govt is declared as a terrorist organisation. but this does not applies to liberal political parties.

PPP and PMLN, along with other political parties, have done the amount of damage which TLP will never be able to reach.

But looks like TLP is the terrorist....goes to show the IQ level of most people on here acting like TLP just declared Jihad against Pakistan and has caused a loss of billions of dollars along with with untold other misfortunes.
Because he is a big part of Punjab's history??? So many countries have such controversial status but no one bats an eye because its part of history.

He's a tiny speck of Punjabi history. And history doesn't remember him kindly. You need to learn history before coming onto PDF lecturing us about history.
Because he is a big part of Punjab's history??? So many countries have such controversial status but no one bats an eye because its part of history.

Big part? Really? How many years exactly then? British Raj was longer part of Punjab's history so shall we have status of queen and other british officials as well now?
Big part? Really? How many years exactly then? British Raj was longer part of Punjab's history so shall we have status of queen and other british officials as well now?
The brits were foreigners to the land whereas Ranjit Singh was a native who fought for Punjabis, cannot compare.
Start making status of dead TTP Khawarij leadership as well ... they were natives too!
How can you even compare some braindead leaders of an extremist party to the ruler of a whole empire?!?! Thats like comparing Babar to Khadam Rizvi... I guess you will do anything for your narrative.
Chandragupta Maurya's ancestors were also invaders and Ranjit Singh was a bigger tyrant than Aurangzeb, especially against Punjabi and Kashmiri Muslims.

So should Jews honor Hitler since he was also a historical figure and a leader with a huge impact?
Ranjit Singh was ruling a land with Sikh population of just over 6%. There were countless Muslim and Hindu leaders in his council and could not have maintained his supremacy if he did not allow freedom to practice other religion throughout his kingdom. He was surrounded by Muslim empires from all sides and could not have lasted for long without being fair and just. These are some of the Generals of Ranjit Singh
  • Jarnail Sheikh Illahi Baksh
  • Jarnail Ghaus Khan
  • Jarnail Imam Shah
  • Jarnail Mazhar Ali
  • Jarnail Sultan Mahmud Khan
  • Jarnail Muhammad Khan Zufar
  • Jarnail Naziruddin Illahi
  • Jarnail Fakir Azzizuddin
  • Jarnail Ghause Khan
  • Jarnail Mian Ghausa
  • Jarnail Imam Ali Shah
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