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Could anybody share what this is?

ISIS has more to do with Wahhabi ideology than this has to do with Sufism
But people will run Thier mouths...
people blame sufis for that because the current people calling themselves sufis tolerate this and encourage this. this is the main issue. most of the "peers" in pakistan are into this crap, and most of the mazaars witness things like laal shahbaz ka hajj, or faisal saleh hayat getting to live another year if the lamp gets to the top of the pole unharmed at shah jeewana's urs.
This "Sufism" is a religion of its own. It has nothing to do with what Allah wants, and what the prophet taught. It borrowed everything 'mystic' and 'spiritual' from Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and combined it to make something that is miles away from Quran and Sunnah.

A great percentage of "Muslims" in India indulge in these practices. Such people have been exposed by Engineer Muhammad Ali Mirza a few years ago. They are basically Hindus who converted, but still wanted to relieve their psychological need for going to a temple and worship something tangible.
You are correct, its a syncretic way of worship.

Original sufism has little to do with this. Because Sufism was about interpreting the deeper meaning of Quran and finding closeness to Allah in that way.
Rasam bas aik rasam or riwaj hoti ha bas jaisay birthday celebration new year celebration etc
thank you for saying that, this proves my point. this has got nothing to do with sufism and Islam.
they dont claim any of that. Besides Allah has shown miracles at the hands of Prophets and his loved ones (the people of Kahf are an example) both to prove the truth of the message and to show that He is All Powerful, and to set an example that such things can happen at the hands of the religious.

If someone levitates in the air or throw fire outta his mouth or walks on water ------- how any of these super normal adventures can educate/feed/sustain a normal society ?

Miracles/wonders do happen but if it's not a Prophet then such super natural phenomeon cannot impact nothing. mubashiraat/good dreams or lets assume a karamat did happen to somebody but then its solely for that particular individual and not for humanity at large.

they dont claim any of that.

Iam not into validating fairy tales of grandeur but what's written and published by the sufis themselves under their own sign and seal how can we refute that ? Moreover it also got transmitted to many generations and none challenged its authenticity except a few ?

Normal humans don't think like this to undergo various degrees of chillas/initiations no matter how fancy they may look like to get hold of special powers ------only Allah Swt choses whom He wills like He Swt selected Solomon to rule over a plethora of species , Solomon JUST made a solemn prayer and not acted otheriwse , went into a jungle for eternity. Likewise Ali was chosen over Muawyiah to establish Devine order in the promised land , Ali didn't ask for it .
Solomon JUST made a solemn prayer and not acted otheriwse , went into a jungle for eternity.
Again, no one, not real ones anyway, ask to go to jungles. And Sulaiman AS was a Prophet, not a normal human being.

Miracles/wonders do happen but if it's not a Prophet then such super natural phenomeon cannot impact nothing. mubashiraat/good dreams or lets assume a karamat did happen to somebody but then its solely for that particular individual and not for humanity at large.
....and yet they happen. if there was no benefit to be gained, they wouldnt have happened.

Likewise Ali was chosen over Muawyiah to establish Devine order in the promised land , Ali didn't ask for it .
this is a sectarian issue. and there is no promised land in Islam, holy? yes. not promised.

Iam not into validating fairy tales of grandeur but what's written and published by the sufis themselves under their own sign and seal how can we refute that ? Moreover it also got transmitted to many generations and none challenged its authenticity except a few ?
of course authenticity of everything should be challenged, but reliable narrators can still be believed.
Because Sufism was about interpreting the deeper meaning of Quran

Idotlatory, riba/usuary, magic , fortune telling , changing the creation is forbidden ------ what deeper meaning one can find in these haram things which are outrightly banned by The Almighty Swt ?

"He is the One who has revealed to you the Book . Out of it there are verses that are MuHkamāt (of established meaning), which are the principal verses of the Book, and some others are Mutashābihāt (whose definite meanings are unknown). Now those who have perversity in their hearts go after such part of it as is mutashābih, seeking (to create) discord, and searching for its interpretation (that meets their desires), while no one knows its interpretation except Allah; and those well-grounded in knowledge say: “We believe therein; all is from our Lord.” Only the men of understanding observe the advice."

Again, no one, not real ones anyway, ask to go to jungles

Every single one of them been into chillas and stuff , don't believe me? go read their own biographies.
this is a sectarian issue. and there is no promised land in Islam, holy? yes. not promised.

We judge a person on Quranic standards not by official history . One is an elected Caliph the other one a renegade governor challenging state's writ .

there is no promised land in Islam

Then you my friend aren't probably aware of what came before ?
Let people have solace in whatever faith, they believe; provided, they don't harm others.

That's the spirit ustaad g . But when someone peddles a myth to enslave humanity both mentally and physically then it becomes incumbent upon good folks to react and put things in order.
Only a Jahil will consider this sufism.

Whether that Jahil is an advocate or a critic of such nonsense doesn't matter. To refer to it as sufism as jahiliyat.

Those who inherited to gadhi's of such great people are today often charlatans.
That's the spirit ustaad g . But when someone peddles a myth to enslave humanity both mentally and physically then it becomes incumbent upon good folks to react and put things in order.

Agree. One has the right, or may be a duty, to guide others, in accordance with his own comprehension; but, I believe, that it should not be done in a confrontational manner, because, I think, it is counterproductive. Religion and faith, in my opinion, is the most complex phenomenon of human existence; because it endeavors to charter those metaphysical regions, which are fundamentally beyond human grasp. My post was in that perspective.
Nice carnival.

Ajmer is listed as one of the cities where government sanctioned religious tourism between India and Pakistan is possible. The city is folklore itself.

A little health and safety protocol wouldn't hurt though.
Have you personally read the views of such great people about spirituality?

I wouldn't delve into this topic, because it is extremely sensitive.

"Yeh gumbad e minaayi, yeh aalam e tanhaayi
Mujh ko tau daraati hae, iss dasht ki pehnaayi"
(Allama Iqbal)
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