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Corps commanders discuss RAW’s involvement in 'whipping up' terrorism in Pakistan.

India is an enemy !
What are we expecting here???
The question is what are we doing ourselves to prevent them for exploiting these weak spots?
With terrorist producing factories all over Pakistan including the biggest one right in the Capital run by a ISIS supporting mullah they don't have that difficult a job !
Bharat is involved in terrorist activities in Pakistan since 47, what's new in it. It's time to resume the revenge attacks.
TTP and BLA and MQM are main proxies of RAW and they should be finished entirely including main leaders

The MQM was creation of Pakistani military. they created it in the 1980s to counter Benazir Bhutto and the PPP. Until the Pakistani military stops interferring in civillian politics Pakistan will be unstable. Quit blaming the RAW
Its time to teach India what happens when you mess with Pakistan. India wants war they will get it.

ISI is known for offensive defence. The problem for Pakistan is then when RAW starts to readopt the same ideology after a long halt. And I guess it has started. This is what giving shivers to core corps commanders.
That's what Indians said in 2002...

Mumbai happened in 2008 not in 2002.

In 2002 it was operation Parakram, when India moved 6 hundred thousand soldiers against you and nuclear tipped missiles towards border. Skirmishes were reported in J&K. We challenged you for the full scale war, you did not cross border.
TTP and BLA and MQM are main proxies of RAW and they should be finished entirely including main leaders
Kindly Include Jamat, JUI they are far more dangerous then above mentioned as JI even played a vital role in 1971 separation and for some other reasons include PPP, PML, PTI.
By the way mean while Sufi Muhammad and like wise has been freed so after achieving with what you are asking let these religious nut cases take the chair for you and let them run this country like ISIS and others.
One more Mumbai and you will see the fate of Balochistan with India's hand.

i agree that bangladesh and balochistan both starts with B, but that does not mean it will have same fate, the loss of bangladesh was because of distance between the two parts, here the story is quite different, the people are here integrated, saying and propagating hatred is one thing, breaking it up, even the US was not able to do it, u think india can do that......
i agree that bangladesh and balochistan both starts with B, but that does not mean it will have same fate, the loss of bangladesh was because of distance between the two parts, here the story is quite different, the people are here integrated, saying and propagating hatred is one thing, breaking it up, even the US was not able to do it, u think india can do that......

US has no interest in Balochistan, it is the Gulf/China which has interest there. US just wants it's presence in the region to hit China and Russia.That's all!

Breaking Balochistan does not necessarily mean India breaking it like Bangladesh. Economy warfare alone helps achieving half of the objective. Rest is done by the people of that country itself.
Mumbai happened in 2008 not in 2002.

In 2002 it was operation Parakram, when India moved 6 hundred thousand soldiers against you and nuclear tipped missiles towards border. Skirmishes were reported in J&K. We challenged you for the full scale war, you did not cross border.

You do realize that Pakistan is armed with nukes?
You do realize that in the 2001-2 standoff, India lost at least a thousand men? Without even a war!

That is what kept you in your senses in Mumbai.

Another Mumbai or ten Mumbais, doesn't change the fact that unless you are willing to stake nukes, India can only bark and cry. With nukes, no one is the victor.

Hasn't it been like more people have been killed in Kashmir because of ISI-Paksitan Army funded infiltrators in the past 7 years than Mumbai? What have you been able to do about that?

Talk is cheap kid. Talk is all Indians can do.
You do realize that Pakistan is armed with nukes?
You do realize that in the 2001-2 standoff, India lost at least a thousand men? Without even a war!

That is what kept you in your senses in Mumbai.

Another Mumbai or ten Mumbais, doesn't change the fact that unless you are willing to stake nukes, India can only bark and cry. With nukes, no one is the victor.

Hasn't it been like more people have been killed in Kashmir because of ISI-Paksitan Army funded infiltrators in the past 7 years than Mumbai? What have you been able to do about that?

Talk is cheap kid. Talk is all Indians can do.

India is aware of all what you guys can do how down your generals can fall, as said by your own MQM leader 'Not me' be aware of this. We know the aukaat. India mobilized its army first to fight a battle with you, irrespective of any nuke scare. We lost men in the line of duty, but unlike 1971, 1965, Kargil you refrained to cross the IB, please tell us why? We challenged you for war. We challenge you, stop cat dog play in Kashmir and come in the battle ground. But then you never cross border in uniform. What's wrong, scared??

Who knows what Indian government did after 2008 Mumbai. Files are not open for general public for amusement, this is not some museum.
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