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Confirmed Pics of T-129 in different altitudes & climates in Pakistan

According to Meteksan introduction video,

-MMW fire control radar increase the striking ability (4x), survivability (7x) of copters.
-MMW radars to be integrated on Atak is difficult to detect by hostile units.
-Mildar is able to search/auto track/update wider areas than E/O devices.
-Contrary to E/O devices, The Harsh weather conditions don't change the resolution of MMW radars.
-Mildar to be integrated on Atak will transfer collected datas to E/O unit for interoperability

Atak Mildar
-Target detection/tracking
-Terrain profile mode
-Multi-target following
-To be used as navigation radar thanks to terrain height detection abilities
-MMW seeker Anti-tank missile guidance

That is the mission profile of Meteksan on Mizrak-U (T-129 Atak main missile), Mizrak-O anti-tank missiles, Hisar-A, Hisar-O, Hisar-Nokta and Hisar-U Air defense missile programs, SOM cruise missile family and Atmaca anti-ship missiles.

If there are three things Turkey could do to win a Pakistani order, it'd be the following IMO:

1. Commitment to provide Pakistan with sufficient MRO capacity to maintain a large fleet with as little foreign input as possible. Yes, support for the Honeywell/Rolls-Royce turboshaft will be required, but in the grand scheme of things, I don't think that issue would be any worse than it would be with going for the Russian Mi-28NE.

2. Access to the mmW radar and mmW-tipped AGMs.

3. Some form of commercial offset - e.g. enabling PAC to produce certain parts of the T-129 for TAI's entire supply chain. This one isn't a decisive need, but to be the first company to offer it in clear terms would differentiate TAI by a big margin. It doesn't even need to be major.
AH1Z mmw radar
In US PAK AH1Z deal, mmW radar is not in package.
I believe if Turkey managed to come up with potent unit (which it will) then Turkish mmW radar can be mounted on Pakistani Viper fleet. T129 will hopefully find its way in our arsenal in sufficient numbers....... as both Turkey & Pakistan operate Cobra series and T129 will replace same gunship in both countries.....

AH1Z mmw radar

Where Turkey plan to mount mmW radar on T129?
Above wing? At hard point? Top rotor?
Where Turkey plan to mount mmW radar on T129?
Above wing? At hard point? Top rotor?
Mate, in the latest issue of MSI, Tunç Batum (official of Meteksan) gave an interview.

He said;
"Mildar Milimetrik dalga radarı projesinde ilk Mildar-1 radarını geliştirdiklerini söyledi. Mildar-1 radarının bir gösterim projesi olduğunu ve onun üzerinden Mildar-2 radarını geliştirdiklerini söyleyen Tunç Batum, Mildar-2'den elde edilen tecrübe ile Mildar-3 projesine başlayacaklarını söyledi.

Mildar milimetrik dalga radarının T-129 Atak taktik keşif ve saldırı savaş helikopterlerine entegrasyonunda kendilerine gösterilen bölümün helikopterin kanat altı olduğunu söylerken savunma sanayi yetkilileri ile helikopterin rotorunun üzerindemi olsun yoksa kanat altındamı kalsın görüşmelerini devam ettirdiklerini belirtti.

Mildar Milimetrik Dalga Radarı, ABD üretimi Boeing AH-64 Apache Longbow savaş helikopterlerinin roturunun üzerinde yer alan AN/APG-78 Longbow radarının rakibi olacağı ondan daha güçlü ve uzun menzile sahip olması hedeflenmektedir AN/APG-78 Longbow radarı 8 ile 12 Km'den hedef tespiti gerçekleştirebilir.

Yapılan test denemelerinde 28 Km menzile kadar hedef tespiti gerçekleştirebildiği belirtilen ''MİLDAR'' milimetrik dalga radarı: "

Brief translation:
- Mildar-1 was a tech showcase. Currently Meteksan is developing Mildar-2
- Mildar-1 was placed under the pylon due to the request of SSM. For the integration of Mildar-2 discussions going on with SSM officials to determine whether they are again going to mount under the pylon or above the rotor.
- They are foreseeing Mildar will be direct competitor of AN/APG-78 (MMW radar of the AH-64 Apache Longbow), so they are targeting better specs than AN/APG-78.
- During trials Mildar had been able to achieve target detection from 28 Km range. AN/APG-78's detection range is between 8-12 Km.
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During trials Mildar had been able to achieve target detection from 28 Km range. AN/APG-78's detection range is between 8-12 Km.
Are you sure about this part?
Turkish Milder detection range is 150% more than American counter part?
I believe, in the end, rotor top will be the final destination for radar. Both American & Russian use same spot......
Are you sure about this part?
Turkish Milder detection range is 150% more than American counter part?
Mate, i'm only conveying what officials said. I can't provide hard evidence, test results...however if you are saying that i made a typo or translation mistake....nope, no mistakes. That's what the official of Meteksan said, "detection range of 28 Km in the tests".
a monster with out fangs and a chain tied to American mood swings and at the mercy of Nang e Qoom like Hussain haqqani. in nineties both the cobras and F-16s virtually saw themselves getting grounded due to American ban on spare parts. get something you can use whenever you want and whoever against you want.. without the risk of any bar or ban when you most need it
Especially when that other thing is equally potent if not more.

Among all that talk of Vipers to be the top tier,, anyone to explain why they think that the T129 or the WZ10 will be second tier? Only because it is not US made? The only one advantage that i see with Zulu is it being deployed to actual battle fields but then again, how may of your other weapons systems have seen active combat and did that stops us from going for those platforms? The attack helicopters will see plenty of "battlefield" experience fighting those TTP goons even though it might not be in that much of a hostile AAW environment but still. All this is NOT ENOUGH to label AH 1Z as top tier and the WZ10 and T129 (equally potent, modern/new structures) as second tier.
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Mate, i'm only conveying what officials said. I can't provide hard evidence, test results...however if you are saying that i made a typo or translation mistake....nope, no mistakes. That's what the official of Meteksan said, "detection range of 28 Km in the tests".








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