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Compatible with the Rafale aircraft carriers with a springboard


Sep 1, 2011
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That may give the French fighter new opportunities for export. After studies and simulations, engineers determined that Dassault Aviation's Rafale Marine is capable of taking off of aircraft carriers without catapults but with a springboard. For this, no change in structure would be needed over Rafale of French naval aviation, implemented since Charles de Gaulle using catapults. For the collection of the plane, an oblique track with strands arrest is necessary, however. For now, only Russia, China and India have, or will have, aircraft carriers with diving stop and strands. If the first two countries, the acquisition of Rafale is excluded, it is however a new opportunity for India. The latter, for now, plans to equip its two new aircraft carriers, and the Vikramaditya Vikrant, Russian MiG-29K. But New Delhi is also in phase with Dassault Aviation exclusive talks to buy Rafale for its air force. The contract, which could be signed in the coming months, does not include aircraft navalisés. But if India wants, it may have an alternative to the MiG-29K, with the advantage of its future fleet mix. For now, no application has been made in this direction, but the option is technically what is good to know.


The Vikramaditya is currently testing (© INDIAN DEFENCE NEWS)


The Russian MiG-29K (© RIGHTS RESERVED)


Burst and landed on the oblique position of the CDG (©: NAVY)

Outside India, the Rafale's ability to take off on a bridge ending with a springboard could, in the coming years, interest to other countries, like Brazil, which wants to develop to term of two new door aircraft and would thus not have to opt for buildings catapults. This, while the Rafale is already proposed to modernize the Brazilian Air Force.
Ideally, any carrier or aircraft carrier with a platform and being wide enough to accommodate an oblique track could, could be affected. The most critical technical point concerns the spaces available in the flight deck to accommodate the machinery of the press brake, related strands of stops. New British aircraft carrier can be equipped, but it is less evident for the Italian Cavour, which would probably require heavy work. For now, the buildings of the Royal Navy and the Marina Militare must implement aircraft short takeoff and vertical landing F-35B. But this program already suffers long delays and extra costs, even though the F-35 is just entering the development phase of its systems, generally considered the most complex aviation program.
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Just imagine folks if we have carrier armed with rafale ,what wonders would it add to the capabilty & force projection of indian NAVY:D
Just imagine folks if we have carrier armed with rafale ,what wonders would it add to the capabilty & force projection of indian NAVY

there is a saying in our gujrati " SONA MA SUGANDH BHALE " it means flavor added in gold :)
^^of course our navy Mig 29k is not as superior as rafale & also LCA navy is not as advanced as rafale.Meanwhile IAF has Su 30 mki ,
rafale,LCA mark 1& 2, Mig 29 & PAK FA
But WTF indian navy has ???meanwhile chinese navy would have J15
Ok well then Mig 29k's and Tejas will be on INS Vikramaditya , Rafale + mk2 on IAC 1.

Navalized Sukhoi T-50 PAK FAs will be deployed on the Russian aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov and future Russian aircraft carriers.[94] There will be a competition between the Sukhoi, Mikoyan and Yakovlev design bureaux to choose the new naval aircraft.[8]

source: wiki
Rafale is new aircraft but Mig29 is old air frame.
Is there any news of PAKFA with naval version for India??

Still it can out turn most of the fighter jets in service, don't forget Mig-29s was made to cope up with the threats coming from F-15s. And newer version of Mig-29s has higher level of composites, so the radar signature is far lower than it's counterparts, even below <1 Sq m.

And you're getting all these in a fighter jet priced below $50 million a piece.

N-FGFA should be explored since IAC-II will be started around 2017-2018...
i looked at Mig-29K pictures... must say one beautiful aircraft. When it comes to Rafale i believe Indian navy will have few options in future:
Sukhoi T-50 PAK FA Navy
Rafale Navy
more Mig-29K (may be upgraded)
LCA Navy

My suggestion would be go for F35 in future. meanwhile, Mig-29K and LCA Navy is more then enough.
My suggestion would be go for F35 in future. meanwhile, Mig-29K and LCA Navy is more then enough.

That seems very unlikely, since India is going for even bigger carriers in the future, displacing more than 60K tons, so probably they won't be going for S/VTOL air frames. And meanwhile there are reports that India ordered 45 more Mig-29Ks, bringing the total numbers to 90. And considering we'll acquire 30-40 N-LCAs, the future prospects for acquiring further platforms other than N-FGFA and AMCA seems bleak.

Just my thought.
It would be better if it was NLCA...

Indian carrier with indian fighters.
NAVAL LCA would be good addition but the point is if we can have a powerful platform like Rafale into our fleet .U can understand what unprecedented capabilty would indian navy have if that happens.
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