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Combat Aircraft Projects & Designs - Index in 2nd post


YB-49 1947

YB-35 1946

XP-79 1945

FMX-4 Facetmobile-- home made!!

not sure of the name-- will come in ww2 aircrafts -- 2nd part
i bring to you a very nice site on design evolution

Aero Car
Atomic Powered Aircraft
Canard Wing Jet Aircraft
Cancelled Project
Circle Wing
Concept Design
Crescent Wing
Delta Wing
Double Delta Wing
Early Jets
Early Turbo Prop
ECM Aircraft
Ente Wing Prop Aircraft
Flying Tank
Flying Wing
Foward Swept Wing
High Aititude Aircraft
Jet Seaplane & Jet Flying Boat
Mixed Engine
Morphing Aircraft
Lifting Body Aircraft
Oblique Wing Aircraft
Parasite Aircraft
Personal Flight Machine
Reconnaissance Aircraft
Rescue Aircraft
Rocket Aircraft
Super Sonic Transporter
Tailless Aircraft
Tanker Aircraft
VG Wing Aircraft
US X-Number
US Army XV-Number
US Army VZ-Number
X-Wing Aircraft

link-- Aircraft Page
A great resource, TY. And the YF-23 looks very sleek and lethal, I've always liked it. But apparently it was not as agile as the F-22.
A great resource, TY. And the YF-23 looks very sleek and lethal, I've always liked it. But apparently it was not as agile as the F-22.

thankyou! --- yes, this person has really researched these things and put them in nice categories aswell -- however info is limited mostly to the u.s etc

not many juicy discarded designs or coloured 'hypothetical' paintings of fighters -- im really intrigued by them!
MODS--- im not posting wallpapers or airshow multimedia here--- its fighter design evolution which started when discussions of sabre2 and mig21 vs jf17 took place in mil. aviation forum-

this folder took a ton of research by me ranging from wiki, ww2 sites , nasa sites etc to name a few

all other forums [which im not naming] either have such a thread [design evolution, aircraft identification, secret projects, fighter designs. aircraft recognition etc] as a sticky or atleast in there 'national' militery aviaion thread to encourage technical discussions or aviation design evoltion studies among militery enthusiasists primarily of the ''same nationality'' -- i.e pakistan in this case

i want pakistani members to look at it before asking ''is f16 delta wing?'' ''what are Ailerons?'' whats the design evoltion of f16, jf17, eurofighter j10b etc?'' what would be a futuristic 5th gen desing for paf , considering pre-exhisting secret designs '' etc

i request not to throw it in the multimedia forum, as ''just another photo shoot thread '' from the mil.aviation forum

i want to make it as informative and intersting as ''Fighter Aircraft Cockpit Designs '' which is also in mil.aviation forum

In the US during World War II, civilians were enlisted into a Ground Observer Corps to support air defense operations and received aircraft recognition training.

The U.S. military continues to use the initials WEFT as a mnemonic for the major features of an aircraft. All aircraft are built with the same basic elements: Wings or rotors to provide lift, Engines to provide power, a Fuselage to carry the payload and pilot, and a Tail assembly which usually controls the direction of flight. These elements differ in shape, size, number, and position. The differences distinguish one aircraft type from another. The individual components can be taught in as separate recognition and identification features, but it is the composite of these features that must be learned to recognize and identify an aircraft.

hoping to get a fascilitating reply-- regards


Chapter 1 - Need for Visual Aircraft Recognition

Chapter 2 - Factors That Affect Detection, Recognition, and Identification

Chapter 3 - Description of Aircraft

Chapter 4 - Instruction Program

Chapter 5 - Ground Attack, Close Air Support, and Fighter-Bomber Aircraft

Chapter 6 - Air Superiority and Interceptor Aircraft

Chapter 7 - Bomber Aircraft

Chapter 8 - Cargo and Transport Aircraft

Chapter 9 - Utility Aircraft

Chapter 10 - Helicopter Aircraft

Chapter 11 - Early Warning, Observation, and Reconnaissance Aircraft

Chapter 12 - Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and Cruise Missiles

@ chogy , sir any recomended book on the lines of this

@ chogy , sir any recomended book on the lines of this


No, I'm sorry, I don't have any books to recommend. I would look to the U.K. for such a book, as the Brits are just nuts for plane spotting. Good luck!
No, I'm sorry, I don't have any books to recommend. I would look to the U.K. for such a book, as the Brits are just nuts for plane spotting. Good luck!

Yes, as a boy grew up with various "The Observer's Book of Aircraft ....". Later progressed to ".......".
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