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Collapse of Turkey’s Middle East policy

Who cares about how many Syrians will die or live as long as Turkish foreign policy pays of and start to give us its fruits. Do you think decision takes of any country gives a second thoughts about death foeigners
Actually yes it does. It may not be the major factor, but it does go into consideration for some countries. A lot of the Saudi reaction to the Syrian crises came from internal pressure from the public as a direct result to the rising rate of deaths. When blind cold nationalism precedes basic human principles then you are a sad person. This is the outcome of your Humanism ideology. Ironically.
Who cares about how many Syrians will die or live as long as Turkish foreign policy pays of and start to give us its fruits. Do you think decision takes of any country gives a second thoughts about death foeigners, I may not like it but this is the truth for nearly all countries around the world. The second Assad goes down KSA-Syria-Türkiye pipeline and railway project will be built and that will give billions of dollars to Türkiye and KSA. Our puppet goverment in Syria will also fight for us against the PKK which kind of like an annoying mosquito that only bites at summers and lay it's eggs at some disgusting place at winter.

As Syria goes down the Iran which was annoyingly supporting PKK will be alienated and completly closed down from all sides as Every county Iran has borders with is an hostile country except Armenia which is also a landlocked nation so it doesn't count. Only natural country at Irans borders would be Pakistan which could be seduced by soft loans and military aid like it happened in Egypt whose Prime Minister gave a speech at Tehran which was devastating at Iran's image. I imagine that already paranoid Islamic Regime mullahs will become more self-destructive and paranoid as well.
well your dream regarding Syria is not going to happen.
and about Iran's neighbores....we have good relation with armenia,turkmenistan,AFG and pakistan...also Iraq as a pupet.
this is just turkey which is blockaded by Iran,armenia,Syria,Iraq and greece.
Whoah. What a heartless way of thinking of humanity. I think it is really sad that you think human nature is "i don't give a dime about my neighbor". Because it is not, maybe you are that way, but many are not.

I was talking about decision makers which I clearly stated in my post... Decision makers don't care about opinions of our own citizens let alone the well being of foreign countries and this is exacly why that decision makers of Republic of Turkey still supports FSA when crushing majority of our population don't support FSA and most call it a terrorist organization.

well your dream regarding Syria is not going to happen.
and about Iran's neighbores....we have good relation with armenia,turkmenistan,AFG and pakistan...also Iraq as a pupet.
this is just turkey which is blockaded by Iran,armenia,Syria,Iraq and greece.

Afghanistan is controlled by US of A, Armenia is a small landlocked nation, Turkmenistan and Pakistan can be easily seduced by soft loans and military aid. Iraqi Kurdistan came under the protection of Türkiye and Sunnis support Türkiye and Syria is about to collapse and will collapse in a year or so. Around 12 months later Iran will be more isolated that the first years of revolution...
I was talking about decision makers which I clearly stated in my post... Decision makers don't care about opinions of our own citizens let alone the well being of foreign countries and this is exacly why that decision makers of Republic of Turkey still supports FSA when crushing majority of our population don't support FSA and most call it a terrorist organization.

Decision makers are not robots, they are human too. And i would like to hear where it says that the "crushing" majority of our people see FSA as a terrorist organization. Funny though, the dictator who wages war against his own people is supposedly the righteous one whereas the people who fight his tyranny are terrorists.

I don't know if you will say the same though once the war is over.
Ah don't get sentimental now. For governments it's all about interests. Like it or not this is the reality.

Specially when you think about countries like Iraq , Syria and Israel created in first because of the treachery of those places' local people , whats more no one buying your crocodile tears Zulki :coffee:
Specially when you think about countries like Iraq , Syria and Israel created in first because of the treachery of those places' local people , whats more no one buying your crocodile tears Zulki :coffee:
It is pretty obvious that your extreme nationality has blinded you. It is not treachery of these local people, even young Turks voiced for independent Turkey. Arabs did the same in WW1, it is a natural outcome when the empire is collapsing and balance and control is very weak.
It doesn't matter if the dying innocents are Muslim or Christian. When Haiti experienced natural disaster every country including Muslim Turkey aided them. Then i ask you, why should we remain indifferent when Assad daily massacres hundreds of innocent Syrians in our backyard?
Decision makers are not robots, they are human too. And i would like to hear where it says that the "crushing" majority of our people see FSA as a terrorist organization. Funny though, the dictator who wages war against his own people is supposedly the righteous one whereas the people who fight his tyranny are terrorists.

I don't know if you will say the same though once the war is over.

There are a lot of polls and even the ones done by pro-Akp agencies state that around %57 of our population does not support and objective ones gives the figure between %67 and %72. I didn't said crushing majority call FSA terrorists, I said ''most''.

People who has been part of massaceres and genocides were also humans and some did this without batting an eye but you think that the decision makers of this country cares about lives of Syrians when they don't even care about opinions of people who selected them?
Decision makers are not robots, they are human too. And i would like to hear where it says that the "crushing" majority of our people see FSA as a terrorist organization. Funny though, the dictator who wages war against his own people is supposedly the righteous one whereas the people who fight his tyranny are terrorists.

I don't know if you will say the same though once the war is over.

Do you really think that the decision makers gives a fvck about Syrian people? I mean the ones who doesn't even care about its own people?

I myself having a hard time to care even for the Turkish soldiers who lost their lifes recently. Seriously, let alone giving a fvck for Syrian people's well being, our fallens are not bothering me as it used to be anymore... Is this my fault? I mean it becomes the part of our lifes. Everyday, before i look to the newspapers, i know what kind of news are waiting for me.

So whoever says that he actually care for Syrian people while his own people are suffering is a big fat liar.

Do you really think that the decision makers gives a fvck about Syrian people? I mean the ones who doesn't even care about its own people?

I myself having a hard time to care even for the Turkish soldiers who lost their lifes recently. Seriously, let alone giving a fvck for Syrian people's well being, our fallens are not bothering me as it used to be anymore... Is this my fault? I mean it becomes the part of our lifes. Everyday, when i look to the newspapers, i know what kind of news are waiting for me.

So whoever says that he actually care for Syrian people while his own people are suffering is a big fat liar.


So we can't care for both Turkish people and Syrian people at the same time? What kind of mentality is this? If Turkey invaded Syria and cleaned Assads mess we would have dealt with PKK much more easily since they are getting logistic support from Assad. But our "leaders" were too afraid to act like a strong nation. I don't like AKP policy, i think it is cowardly to not act when Syria downs our military plane. We don't have a good leadership to begin with, that is why we are in this mess. So don't try to paint me as if i represent AKP, cause i can tell you i definataly dont.
I was talking about decision makers which I clearly stated in my post... Decision makers don't care about opinions of our own citizens let alone the well being of foreign countries and this is exacly why that decision makers of Republic of Turkey still supports FSA when crushing majority of our population don't support FSA and most call it a terrorist organization.

Afghanistan is controlled by US of A, Armenia is a small landlocked nation, Turkmenistan and Pakistan can be easily seduced by soft loans and military aid. Iraqi Kurdistan came under the protection of Türkiye and Sunnis support Türkiye and Syria is about to collapse and will collapse in a year or so. Around 12 months later Iran will be more isolated that the first years of evolution...

.AFG will be a rich and independent nation by 2018.just take a look at their Natural Resources.by 2014 USA will leave AFG as well

turkmenistan's econonomy is fully dependent on Iran.you can take a look at their markets and see how many percent of their market are Iranian product.no need to say that turkmenistan also needs Iran for selling its gaz to Turkey as well.

kurdistan of Iraq wont get the independence from Iraq gov.both Iran and turkey wont It happens.Iraq itself is Iran's ally

Paksitan is entering eastern alliance. and the cooperation between Iran and Pakistan is increasing badly.especialy in coming month Gaz line will be unveiled as well.

Armenia itself is Iran's ally.

Iran??isolation???have you forgotten Tehran summit?we have also Russia,China and India as major ally.
Give me a poll and we shall see what the people think.


Milliyet - Bu y

I can't find the Haber Turk's poll but if I remember it right, the ones who is disappointed by Syrian policy was aroun %61.
So we can't care for both Turkish people and Syrian people at the same time? What kind of mentality is this? If Turkey invaded Syria and cleaned Assads mess we would have dealt with PKK much more easily since they are getting logistic support from Assad. But our "leaders" were too afraid to act like a strong nation. I don't like AKP policy, i think it is cowardly to not act when Syria downs our military plane. We don't have a good leadership to begin with, that is why we are in this mess. So don't try to paint me as if i represent AKP, cause i can tell you i definataly dont.

So you are saying that you care for Syrian people but also, you are supporting Turkey to invade Syria at the same time?

If AKP didn't involve Turkey into this mess, PKK wouldn't get logistical support from Assad and i assure you, death toll would be much more small than it is now.
But Zulki something inside tells a different story , is your anti-assad stance because of human rights? OR BECAUSE OF SICK WAHABI WAY SECTARIAN WAY OF THINKING? Few months ago similar things happened on two small gulf countries and i remember very well no one from your kind starting to protesting againts those countries kings didnt even make a word about those incidents.Nothing more than crocodile tears Zulki...

I should have refrained from writing in Turkish section since i know i would experience such ignorance. Firstly, i am not wahhabi or whatever i am a Sunni Hanafi Muslim. Get that into your thick skull, Every Muslim is not wahhabi.

2: i think you are talking about Bahrain. Firstly the scale of human casualty in Bahrain is not anywhere near with Syria. Secondly i actually supported shias in Bahrain since they are majority. Thirdly i am actually the biggest enemy of Saudi royal family. That dictatorship is another hypocrisy. But in your eyes every Muslim is Saud Wahhabi so who am i trying to tell anything.
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