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Collapse of Turkey’s Middle East policy

I can't believe TRT did this... I seriously can't believe this... It is like freaking nightmare...

TRT’ye çirkin saldýrý - Hürriyet GÜNDEM

Bir an korkmadım değil...

@Quasar propogating lies is despicable. In fact iftira is much worse than that. How can you follow such channels? I'm done with this.

All of us here has accepted the picture as it might actually be real. Even you said that the responsible must be fired.

As you can see it is not something unbelievable, with a government like this...
This is disgusting if this is real. The one who wrote that thing must get fired immediatly.

@Quasar propogating lies is despicable. In fact iftira is much worse than that. How can you follow such channels? I'm done with this.

What is going on? What is in that pic?
.AFG will be a rich and independent nation by 2018.just take a look at their Natural Resources.by 2014 USA will leave AFG as well

turkmenistan's econonomy is fully dependent on Iran.you can take a look at their markets and see how many percent of their market are Iranian product.no need to say that turkmenistan also needs Iran for selling its gaz to Turkey as well.

kurdistan of Iraq wont get the independence from Iraq gov.both Iran and turkey wont It happens.Iraq itself is Iran's ally

Paksitan is entering eastern alliance. and the cooperation between Iran and Pakistan is increasing badly.especialy in coming month Gaz line will be unveiled as well.

Armenia itself is Iran's ally.

Iran??isolation???have you forgotten Tehran summit?we have also Russia,China and India as major ally.

Your only ally in ME are Syria and Iraq. One is about to be brought down and and both Kurds and Sunni Arabs of Iraq need Türkiye and protected by Türkiye.

Turkey is one of the largest export and import partner of Turkmenistan and larger trade partner from Iraqn at both exports and imports not to forget that Turkey can also use Georgia-Azerbaijan route to export and import from Turkmenistan.

Who talked about independence of Kurds? I just stated that Kurds of Iraq support Turkey at international area.

For Pakistan China is a vital ally but like I said, Pakistan can be seduced by soft loans and military aids. KSA has huge amounts of money that they can give...

Russia does have great amount of say in international area but they lost their enforcement power when USSR ended. China supports Iran but China is too far away and only thing China can do is buy Iranian gas and oil at cheap prices thanks to Iran's difficulty of finding export markets. India is not an ally of Iran, India just use this crisis to buy cheap gas and oil like China.

Armenia is a small and landlocked nation that doesn't matter to anyone around the world. It is too insignificant.
What is going on? What is in that pic?

It is a photoshopped picture. It is the national channel TRT and on the picture it says "Now martyrs can come home faster with better highways". They make these kind of fake photos to show as if the government does not care about the martyrs. It is extremely dispicable. This is how low some people get because of their hatred for the government. I don't support AKP as well, but something like this is extremely low.

TRT’ye çirkin saldýrý - Hürriyet GÜNDEM

Bir an korkmadım değil...

All of us here has accepted the picture as it might actually be real. Even you said that the responsible must be fired.

As you can see it is not something unbelievable, with a government like this...

Seriously? Damn Turkish education needs to grow.
It is a photoshopped picture. It is the national channel TRT and on the picture it says "Now martyrs can come home faster with better highways". They make these kind of fake photos to show as if the government does not care about the martyrs. It is extremely dispicable. This is how low some people get because of their hatred for the government. I don't support AKP as well, but something like this is extremely low.

Seriously? Damn Turkish education needs to grow.

So they do care about martyrs? Please tell us more...

Indeed, the Turkish education needs to grow so that the governments like AKP won't be able to find the ignorance they need to survive in Turkish politics.
Why are you guys so hell bent on taking out the only smi-decent Syrian leader....with alternatives being alot worst, I would think that if I was an Israeli who cared about security.
Its just about facts. He cant stay in power after murdering 25 K of his own people. Its not 1982 anymore.

As for "semi decent" - he was a major terror supporter in the world.
We all believed that picture was real because it's not f*cking unexpected.

Not to mention Apdullah Gül - Angelina Joulie meeting after martyrdom of 25 soldiers at Afyonkarahisar.
So they do care about martyrs? Please tell us more...

Indeed, the Turkish education needs to grow so that the governments like AKP won't be able to find the ignorance they need to survive in Turkish politics.
What do you think? It is ok to not agree with a specific party, but to say that it does not care about dead soldiers or dead citizens is another level. Making politics through dead soldiers is another level as well.

We all believed that picture was real because it's not f*cking unexpected.
Seriously? I won't write in Turkish section again. I am getting bored and tired of the same childish stuff getting repeated. It is easy to put a smiling picture of anyone besides dead soldiers. But it is despicable to put it there if you have the slightest honor and dignity. You guys are really desperate.
What do you think? It is ok to not agree with a specific party, but to say that it does not care about dead soldiers or dead citizens is another level. Making politics through dead soldiers is another level as well.

Seriously? I won't write in Turkish section again. I am getting bored and tired of the same childish stuff getting repeated. It is easy to put a smiling picture of anyone besides dead soldiers. But it is despicable to put it there if you have the slightest honor and dignity.
A leadership that is fallen apart from it's subjects is bound to fail.
It's not about my honor and dignity. These are just pictures from recent events. You can see your prime minister not giving a phuck. Not me. It was just a few years ago they were promising people to end PKK. They screwed up and now they are trying to cover it.

He actually told media to ignore news of martyrdom.

And if you like i can re-post a clear version of what get me banned.
What do you think? It is ok to not agree with a specific party, but to say that it does not care about dead soldiers or dead citizens is another level. Making politics through dead soldiers is another level as well.

You are coming here when the Turkish people are dying on daily basis while AKP is too busy with Syria, and saying "They actually care for them. Not doing anything about it doesn't mean they don't"
just as a reminder....

Milliyet - Yarg

supreme court approved the verdict of the court that senteced erdoğan to pay 3 kuruş ''cents'' (damages for pecuniary loss) for calling our martyrs '' kelle'' during a radio program in Australia.
The first prime minister in our history who found guilty for insulting our martyrs!!! This is enough for all sane people to realize how much they care about our dead soldiers. and also enough for those who are in search of finding a meaning and a definition for dispicable and low...my advice to them ''take a look in the mirror''

here we are dealing with such a mentality so I should say I am really suprised that the picture is a photoshoped one...


-kelle means head and it is generally used for sheep

-3 kuruş ''cent'' has a specific meaning in our culture... it is an insult simply it is saying that you are worth 3 kuruş-cent...
so what?
Pakistan has forced USA to leave shamsi air base.the other Pakistani bases are just for supplying their troops in AFG.and they will be closed because there wont be any NATO soldier in AFG by 2014.
in Iraq there is no USA HQ but training HQ.
in AFG.many of NATO HQ will be under AFG rules.some of them will turn to training HQ and few of them will be remind.

about PGCC and Turkey....they are all USA slaves.not wondering about them.
Your only ally in ME are Syria and Iraq. One is about to be brought down and and both Kurds and Sunni Arabs of Iraq need Türkiye and protected by Türkiye.

Turkey is one of the largest export and import partner of Turkmenistan and larger trade partner from Iraqn at both exports and imports not to forget that Turkey can also use Georgia-Azerbaijan route to export and import from Turkmenistan.

Who talked about independence of Kurds? I just stated that Kurds of Iraq support Turkey at international area.

For Pakistan China is a vital ally but like I said, Pakistan can be seduced by soft loans and military aids. KSA has huge amounts of money that they can give...

Russia does have great amount of say in international area but they lost their enforcement power when USSR ended. China supports Iran but China is too far away and only thing China can do is buy Iranian gas and oil at cheap prices thanks to Iran's difficulty of finding export markets. India is not an ally of Iran, India just use this crisis to buy cheap gas and oil like China.

Armenia is a small and landlocked nation that doesn't matter to anyone around the world. It is too insignificant.
i dont know exactly you are acting like fools or you are indeed a fool.
i dont care about Turkey-turkmenistan relation.the fact is that turkmenistan is fully dependent on Iran and their economy wont survive if we decide so.turkmenistan cant export Oil without our permission.plz dont mention azerbaijan-georgia route.because its impossible.

i dont care about who kurds or sunnis of Iraq support.the fact is that the Iraqi gov is pro-Iran

Pakistan can be seduced ... but they havnt...have asked yourself why??again Pakistan is need of Iranian gaz and electricity.and also their main ally China wont let Pakistan becomes anti-Iran

for Russia and china,Iran is the only independent country in ME.if they loose Iran.China wont get oil Just without the permission of USA.because the other oil exporter countries are fully American slave

Armenia is very important for Iran.again Armenian market is full of Iranian product and in the other hand, Armeina has made Turkey and Azerbaijan seperated.and It makes Azerbaijan too sufferable from Iran
about PGCC and Turkey....they are all USA slaves.not wondering about them.
i dont know exactly you are acting like fools or you are indeed a fool.

Agh... It is really hard to have a meaningfull conversation with victims of state propaganda and state sponsored hatred.

i dont care about Turkey-turkmenistan relation.the fact is that turkmenistan is fully dependent on Iran and their economy wont survive if we decide so.turkmenistan cant export Oil without our permission.plz dont mention azerbaijan-georgia route.because its impossible.

To be honest, noone cares if you care or not... Like I said, Iran isn't even top 7 exporters to Turkmenistan and is the 5th importer of Turkmenistan's goods and Nabucco pipleline deal is already signed and will be built between 2013-2017

i dont care about who kurds or sunnis of Iraq support.the fact is that the Iraqi gov is pro-Iran

Again, noone is intrested in your opinion of caring or not... Kurds and Sunnis hold the makor share of land in Iraq and they make up around %40-45 of the population and Turkey already buys Jurdish oil and gas. Iraq already lost it's power in Middle East and does not hold any importance as they already gave their oil drilling rights to American and European companies. As much as goverment favors Iran they don't have any means to help Iran.

Pakistan can be seduced ... but they havnt...have asked yourself why??again Pakistan is need of Iranian gaz and electricity.and also their main ally China wont let Pakistan becomes anti-Iran

Pakistan only needs to stay as natural and with right amount of soft loans and aid, Pakistan will never become pro-Iran and that is enough for isolating Iran. For example, Turkey is one of the main importers of Iranian gas but Turkish and Iranian relations cannot get any tenser and this didn't and will not effect gas exports as Iran is desperate for oil/gas money to cure their crumbling economy.

for Russia and china,Iran is the only independent country in ME.if they loose Iran.China wont get oil Just without the permission of USA.because the other oil exporter countries are fully American slave

Russia does not have power to stop anything unless the said event is occuring in Caucasia or old Soviet nations such as Belarus or Ukraine. As long as Iran is not attacked China won't move a finger and use this opportunity to buy Iranian oil and gas at cheap prices to feed it's ever growing energy needs and isolating Iran have nothing to do with attacking Iran. Isolating and destroying it's already crumbling economy is enough to damage Iran for decades just like Iraq-Iran war.

Armenia is very important for Iran.again Armenian market is full of Iranian product and in the other hand, Armeina has made Turkey and Azerbaijan seperated.and It makes Azerbaijan too sufferable from Iran

Turkey and Azerbaijan already uses Georgia as a land bridge for their trade needs as wee see from Baku–Tbilisi–Ceyhan pipeline, Nabucco project and already existing huge trade between two nations. Armenia is nothing but a pesky nuicance compared to Turkey and Azerbaijan already supressed Armenia to a degree that Armenia does not threaten Azerbaijanian security much except, Iranian and Russian support of Armenia.

Conclusion, it took my precious time to explain geopolitics to a kid with no idea about what he/she is talking about except his/her state's propaganda channels so please lets not continue this discussion, specially when there is such a gap between our intellects.
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