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Chinese PM Visits Bangladesh

As usual pious platitudes and homilies!!

Victim of imperialism!! Wow!!

And practising Imperialism itself!! Funny victim!

Let us hear from you how Tibet, the Uighur Mos..lem and Inner Mongolia came to be a part of China!

Don't teach me about Sun Tsu!

Xijiang, Mongolia and Tibet are part of China since ancient times (at least for couple of hundred years). China let go part of Mongolia in 1920s.

Instead, this is the face of modern imperialism:

1947 invasion of J&K.
1948 invasion of Hyderabad.
1961 invasion of Goa.
1975 invasion of Sikkim.
1987 intervention of Sri Lanka.
1988 intervention of maldives.

Not to mention its humongous appetite for Chinese territories.

Teach you Sun Tzu? In your dream! I teach myself Sun Tzu.
Xijiang, Mongolia and Tibet are part of China since ancient times (at least for couple of hundred years). China let go part of Mongolia in 1920s.

Instead, this is the face of modern imperialism:

1947 invasion of J&K.
1948 invasion of Hyderabad.
1961 invasion of Goa.
1975 invasion of Sikkim.

Not to mention its humongous appetite for Chinese territories.

Teach you Sun Tzu? In your dream! I teach myself Sun Tzu.

I wish you understood history from a non Mao standpoint!
Ancient times?
How ancient?

The Golden Horde and the Chagatai Khanate, remember? So much for Xinjiang and Mongolia belonging to China!!

Tibet was conquered at various times by Turks and Mongols who were not part of Yuan. The Chagatai, for example, who took Tibet after Yuan was independent of Yuan. They and the Golden Horde wanted nothing to do with Yuan. They fought wars against the Yuan. So, you cannot consider them in anyway related to China.

China proper back then was considered the Jin and the Song. Those are the centres where modern Chinese culture derived from. The Mongols and Turks were considered barbarians as was Tibet.

The Yuan Mongol Dynasty? They are Chinese?

This is a link to Tibet:
The Question of Tibet - Council on Foreign Relations

As far as your reference to those ''invasions'' by India, it is time you read history that is beyond the CCP propaganda!!

Playing the game of Go?

So much for your Sun Tsu!
I wish you understood history from a non Mao standpoint!
Ancient times?
How ancient?

The Golden Horde and the Chagatai Khanate, remember? So much for Xinjiang and Mongolia belonging to China!!

Tibet was conquered at various times by Turks and Mongols who were not part of Yuan. The Chagatai, for example, who took Tibet after Yuan was independent of Yuan. They and the Golden Horde wanted nothing to do with Yuan. They fought wars against the Yuan. So, you cannot consider them in anyway related to China.

China proper back then was considered the Jin and the Song. Those are the centres where modern Chinese culture derived from. The Mongols and Turks were considered barbarians as was Tibet.

The Yuan Mongol Dynasty? They are Chinese?

This is a link to Tibet:
The Question of Tibet - Council on Foreign Relations

As far as your reference to those ''invasions'' by India, it is time you read history that is beyond the CCP propaganda!!

Playing the game of Go?

So much for your Sun Tsu!

Your lack of knowledge is astonishingly refreshing!

Anthropologically, the Chinese are not just Han, as your (plural) narrow minded would often guess. The Chinese include many ancient foreigners who admired Chinese civilization and were willing to be assimilated into China. Some even resorted to use of forces.

Why Mongol ruled Yuan Dynasty is part of Chinese history?

Genghis Khan established a kingdom called Mongol Empire. That was not Chinese. After the Empire broke into four parts, the part called Yuan Dynasty is Chinese.


1) the capital was set on China proper and governed the same. But more importantly
2) It took self as a continuation of Chinese history, philosophy, culture and tradition, and determined to be assimilated into that if not quite yet.

All these are reflected, among others, in his “Order of Foundation” (建国号诏), when Khubilai Khan proclaimed the establishment of Yuan Dynasty.

建国号诏 - Wikisource


It’s too long. But in the essence, it enumerated all Chinese sacred ancient kings, from Yao (尧), Sun(舜), Yu(禹), to various Chinese Dynasties (殷 1600BC, 秦, 汉, 隋, 唐), saying those had merits should have a name to govern. The names are from either the name of land when they started fighting (秦, 汉) or the name of their feudal ranks (隋, 唐). So should he, as he listed his earlier generations’ and his great deeds. He went on further to take the meaning of 乾元 in 《易经》of Chinese philosophy, and called this Dynasty Yuan (元), to follow what “our ancient system has gone through”.

Just to open your mind: there were many times many “foreign” forces competing to be assimilated. The Jin you mentioned was foreigner at that time, which was also competing. Jin’s decedents were those who founded Qing Dynasty later. According to Sahaliyan, our forum member, he should be a descendent of Jin. Song was Han Chinese Dynasty.

In one word, those folks founded Yuan, Jin, Song, Qing, etc. are all parts of nowadays Chinese.

Why don’t you have a peek at this map, if your capability fails you in figuring out what ancient time is?


Hopefully I haven’t wasted my time with you on this.

If you need to debate on Chinese history, please open another thread.
additional remarks to above history cited by gpit:

what makes a nation of China, the concept consists of elements as below:

1. culture adoption

During Japanese occupation of Northeast China (Manchukuo), they imposed Japanese language on Chinese people and tried every might to separate han chinese away from the area. if they had succeed, Manchukuo would be another country out of China, and more likely part of Japan later on.

Kublai Khan did otherwise by adopting Chinese Han language and made it official, and ruled many ethnic groups all together in China.

Kublai Khan named this empire as Yuan dynasty in stead of any khanate, though it was indeed a khanate out of 4 Mongol Empire Khanates. while other 3 Khanates were separately named as IL Khanate, Chagatai Khanate and the Golden Horde (Russian designation).

the name Yuan was adopted from Yijing, the oldest Chinese philosophic scripture and the leading representative work of Chinese traditional culture. Yuan was out of "Da zai qian yuan" (大哉乾元) which means "great virtue as broad as sky" .

Kublai Khan was the Great Khan indirectly after Genghis Khan, however his adoption of Chinese culture alienated his fellow khanates,which made him nominally there.

During Huangqing(皇庆) period of Yuan dynasty (1312-1313), emperor Renzong(仁宗) formally implemented the Chinese dominating Han institution, including government organization, currency, Confucianism and the Chinese traditional civil service examination system since Sui dynasty (A.D.583).

2. blood relation

being relatively pure breed, Han ethnic had emerged with hybridism feature (huaxia in the north and tribes in the south), neo-han ethnic after Han dynasty was made by the full mergence of Xianbei,the ancient Turkic during Sui dynasty, half mergence of Mongolians during Yuan, Hui during Ming and Manchu during Qing dynasty. while comparatively, Hindustani is of typical hybridity.

so, if Yuan was not a Chinese empire, neither were following Ming and Qing Dynasty, which are internationally recognized Chinese.

3. Last but not least, how did westerners recognize Yuan dynasty?

It's very important to verify the concept of China during Yuan dynasty.

everybody knows the famous Venetian trader and explorer, Marco Polo, who visited China and the great Khan,and stayed there for 17 years long, as recored in his travel book "The Travels of Marco Polo". in his remarkable book he was talking about his experience in Cathay.

Cathay, is the Anglicized version of "Catai" and an alternative name for China in English.
Cathay - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
OK Salim, we're telling you the true history of China, though I know the term "history" in your mind is merely a tool for flameing efforts,in stead of any comprehension of facts in the past with respect.

in the same measure, knowledge is NOT all you can obtain by internet browsing, I doubt that you got any knowledge about China on your own, especially when your electricity supply suddenly breaks off.

I understand your magnificent hijacks into most of the threads here, however, being a mouth-superpower is not easy. .

Now let's go back to upper layer, provide me facts supporting Chinese casualty of 60,000/26,000 during Sino-Vietnam border war, and also adminicle of Vietnamese casualty please!

I'm waiting.
don't worry kvLin, no matter how much these people run their mouth, they can't stop china.

indians are just pissed off that they've been encircled on all sides by china and there's nothing they can do about it, no matter how much western nations help them.

sorry if i put this in the wrong place, but this is good. this is for the "I think democracy is the only solution for the world to follow" people.
4jDbdtiJRVg[/media] - Rise of China
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Such excellent commentaries.

And so how, it is the foreigners who have become the Chinese and the Hans!!

I don't have the facilities to add maps and if I did I would have put the map of the Han civilisation to show you that compared to what you call China today, it was a postage stamp!

If Mongols were Chinese, then half the world is Chinese!!

Might as well claim it so!!

If the foreigners adopted some Han issues and so they are Chinese, the Chinese have adopted Capitalism and so by that logic the Chinese should be Americans/ English!!

Ai bhi wah wah, tan bhi wah wah!!


I hope you know what's up in China in contemporary times and I am not talking about the Olympic Flame.

Do let us know what you know of China.

One has to bone up lest one is mistakenly seen only as an appendage or a cheerleader, who possibly does not even know the game!

The Chinese concept of the Han and the non Han centres on the concept of the Middle Kingdom of Zhongguo. And the remainder world is what is called Tianxia. The system is graded in a hierarchal equation. The whole Chinese outlook is centred around the Han Chinese culture, starting from the 3rd Century. The position of the non Han centred around to what extent they resembled or assimilated the Han culture.

The same cultural arrogance can be noticed from KV Lin’s post where he exults over how the Mongols adopted the Han system and culture.

In other words, both Xinjiang and Tibet had better kowtow to the Hans and their culture or else they will make them do so! It is like saying all Pakistan better kowtow to the Punjabi culture or else and likewise the same application in India. Therefore, the rebellion in Xinjaing and Tibet is understandable since the Chinese are hell bent in Hanising the people. The problem in Tibet and Xinjiang is not so much for religion, but a back to the wall resistance to preserve their identity and culture!

It is worth noting if the non Hans showed a willingness to adopt the Han culture, they were referred to as Shu or ‘cooked’ and those who did not were Sheng or ‘raw!’

The interaction of the Han and non Han, of course, did not always take place in peaceful ways, such as through trade and commerce. For the Han Chinese, the exchange often arose from their having suffered an invasion. While confident in the superiority of their culture, Han Chinese resorted to various means to achieve a satisfactory outcome. As summarized by John Fairbank, these options "included cessation of contact; indoctrinating the foreigner in the Chinese view by cultural-ideological means; buying him off by honours or material inducements or both; using one barbarian against another through diplomatic manoeuvres; and in the final extremity accepting barbarian rulers at the apex of the Chinese world." Of course, there was no guarantee that any of these methods would work in a given situation. But this spectrum of options for the Han Chinese in designing their relation with non-Hans further reveals the fluidity and indeterminacy in the Chinese worldview. The platitudes and homilies of the Chinese in their statements indicate their ambiguity and subterfuge to disarm the adversary and at the same time, maintain their perceived moral and cultural superiority. Take any world issue and observe the Chinese smug statements, glaring being the military support to Mugabe and in the Sudan issue and the smug statements thereof!

At times when all these methods failed to work, or when the Han Chinese failed to fend off non-Han invasion, the effort to preserve China's cultural superiority was continued in the form of sinicization. In other words, as argued by both traditional and modern scholars who believed in the theory of sinicization, while the Han Chinese lost their battles, their culture and lifestyle could captivate their conquerors. As the Chinese worldview was based on a sense of cultural superiority, the military success of a non-Han ruler often failed to shake this basic belief, so long as he chose to adopt Han Chinese culture--namely, the Confucian ideology, the bureaucratic system, the civil service examination (after the Tang dynasty), the sedentary lifestyle, and agricultural economy. However, as pointed out recently by Evelyn Rawski and shared, to some degree, by her opponent Ping-ti Ho, the sinicization thesis can be simplistic in attempting to describe the often rich and complex relationship between the Han and the non-Han in China's long history. While Rawski attempts to draw attention to the efforts made by the non-Hans to preserve their own cultures, Ho defends the validity of the thesis. But Ho also devotes a large portion of his article to discussing the phases and facets of the Han and non-Han relations in various historical periods and notices that sometimes "sinicization" was achieved through practices of "barbarianization."

The Chinese view of China, as summarized by Fairbank, three zones was formed, according to these neighbours' cultural affinities to and geographical distances from China. The first was known as the "Sinic Zone" and consisted of Korea, Vietnam, and, at brief times, Japan. The second was the "Inner Asian Zone," to which most non-Han ethnic groups of nomadic tribes belonged. And the third was the "Outer Zone," which included regions in Southeast and South Asia, as well as Europe in later ages.

The difference among the states in these three zones could be seen in nomenclature: most states in the Sinic Zone were given a name, such as Chaoxian (Korea) or Riben (Japan), whose derogatory meaning was either nonexistent or eventually lost. States in the Inner Asian and Outer Zones were simply referred to by names such as yi, fan, and man, all terms used to designate "barbarians" in the Chinese language. The continuous use of these contemptuous terms by the Chinese to refer to their neighbours inevitably suggests their ethnocentrism. But it also shows the limited success of Confucian culture with regard to its power of assimilation. Although the Han Chinese made many efforts to spread their culture among their neighbours, they also encountered various challenges and failures. In the span of two millennia, only a few peoples who entered China proper and established dynasties were regarded by the Han people as successful examples of cultural assimilation. In other words, in the Chinese perception of the world, there was always a center-periphery consideration that helped situate the zhongguo in the known world, the tianxia.
This center-periphery thinking was essential to the formation of the Chinese worldview. An early attempt by the Chinese to conceive the world is shown in the Yugong (Yu's Tribute), traditionally attributed to Da Yu, a legendary hero whose deeds were comparable to Noah's in the Judeo-Christian tradition. The Yugong perceived the world in "five zones" (wufu), centering on the Yellow River region, or China proper, which was divided into "nine states" (jiuzhou). Based on these ideas, the first diagram of the world was drawn by the Chinese. The criteria for dividing the five zones were based on the distance of each zone from the center, which, in turn, affected the level of civilization of its inhabitants. Indeed, the farthest zone was named the "desert zone" (huangfu), suggesting a remote and hence uncivilized culture. But the "desert zone" was not the end of the world. In the Yugong, the term "four ends" (sizhi) was used to indicate the four utmost ends of the world, located respectively in the east, west, north, and south. At these "four ends" one could find nothing but vast oceans or great deserts.

While the Yugong showed a limited knowledge of the world, it largely shaped the Chinese worldview. For example, the terms zhongguo and tianxia were both already used, although the latter was more like a cosmographical term referring to the universe. The universe was made up of heaven, earth, and everything in between; heaven was not only larger but covered the earth, as suggested by the term "all under heaven." Thus, the cosmographical theory known as the "covering heaven theory" (gaitian shuo) was developed. According to the theory, heaven was like a bowler hat covering the earth, and the earth was like a dinner plate placed upside down under the heaven. The "covering heaven theory," of course, had an obvious deficiency: it implied that the universe was flat. During the Han dynasty some scholars replaced it with a new one, known as the "organic heaven theory" (huntian shuo), in which the universe was likened to an egg: earth was its yolk, hanging in the middle and surrounded by the white, which was heaven. Despite their difference, both theories consider the universe in a holistic manner.

This holism, however, did not mean that every component in the universe played an equal role. Rather, the universe was characterized by heaven's domination and earth's subordination. This cosmography, therefore, presented a preconceived political order in the universe. Moreover, it was employed by the Chinese to support the center/ periphery relationship between themselves and their neighbors. China's superiority, for example, derived from its proximity to heaven. Considering their country as the celestial empire (tianguo) and their emperor as the son of heaven (tianzi), the Chinese believed that it was only natural for them to become the center of the world and carry out the mission of civilizing the rest, just as heaven was superior to the subordinated earth. Thus the self-image of China, or the "central kingdom," had a base in the cosmography of heaven and earth.

In the early imperial period, when Chinese historians produced some model texts in historiography, they basically followed the center/periphery approach to configuring the world. Ban Gu (A.D. 32-92), a historian of the Han dynasty, is famous for his composition of the Hanshu (Han History), a text that paralleled the influence of Sima Qian's (145-86 B.C.) Shiji (Historical Records) in Chinese historiography. In comparison with Sima Qian, one of Ban's novel contributions was a chapter on geography, called Dilizhi (Treatise of Geography), in which he gave a general description of the territorial topography of the known world. Ban Gu used both terms, tianxia and zhongguo; the latter, read according to the connotation, referred to the capital of Ban's perceived world empire. According to Ban, after Yu successfully controlled the great flood, the world was divided into five zones (wufu), in which nine states (jiuzhou) were established. The distance of each from the capital affected the level of civilization of the inhabitants. Those who lived closer to the zhongguo enjoyed a higher level of civilization than those who lived far away.
The level of civilization of the peoples in different areas was determined in the Han dynasty by cultural and geographical proximity to China, as well as by ethnic differences. As Richard Smith has noted, while most Chinese believed that "people outside the pale of Chinese civilization could be culturally transformed," there were others who thought that the ethnic difference was destiny. As a result, Han rulers held different expectations for the behaviors of the peoples and took a hierarchical approach in their perception of the world. They hoped that their neighbors would adopt Han culture, but they did not expect everyone to become as civilized as they were. As a result, the ethnic distinction between the hua (brightness) and the yi (barbarian) remained intact during the early imperial period. This distinction suggests that even though the Han people made a claim of universalism about their culture, they were also aware that this universalism not only worked in a center-periphery context but also reflected ethnic differences.
Such excellent commentaries.
If Mongols were Chinese, then half the world is Chinese!!

I guess you can't even breath if you stop twisting things.

one out of four Mongolian Khanates turned into Chinese in year of 1271.
Modern Mongolia had remained part of China until 1920 when Soviet Russia instigated break away of North and West Mongolia from China, and the following People's Republic of Mongolia in 1924.

South Mongolia still remain part of China today, forming the present day "inner Mongolia", and its people think themselves Chinese.

If the foreigners adopted some Han issues and so they are Chinese, the Chinese have adopted Capitalism and so by that logic the Chinese should be Americans/ English!!


are you insane?

questioning Chinese sovereignty over its land, you actually get lot of works to do against your super dumper India.

Delhi Sultan rule (1206-1526)
Mogul Empire (1526-1858)
British rule (1858-1947)

there was never a tag as Mongolian China, but there was indeed a British India,thought both had been ruled by external nations.

India keeps the record of the biggest country ruled by foreigners in mordern history, since none of the british rulers would claim himself as indian. how indian got its sovereignty over such a big territory?

1. British charity
it's by your logic, though I know that Indian independence was mainly achieved by indians national uprising,reforms of Hinduism and political reforming movement promoted by indian capitalist class.

2. India's imperialistic expansion with war measures.
India is one of few countries that has been grasping land in present ages and you failed to feel any shame when facing your neighboring countries.

btw, Capitalism emerged in Europe, it has no direct connections with Americans.
again, casualties of both side in Sino-vietnam war pls, since you interfered the original thread with it. if I have to ask you a third time, I better be aware that you acutally know nothing about the war.

Enlighten us with facts as you would always pretend to!

and, dont leap around to escape issues you put up but actually can't afford, also dont jump over to asaad with what you transport as usual from internet. he's not bound to talk on Chinese history. you should leave him there fighting against your fallacies over the painful Kashmir.
KV Lin,'

I am twisting nothing.

The facts have been quoted from reputed academics. I am sure they more that you and me!

It is not the internet alone. One has to have background knowledge to even search the internet! An illiterate cannot search the internet and obtain the exact thing he wants, if he has no clue. He may come across links, but to know exactly what one wants to know, one has to know what one wants know!! This requires an educated mind and beyond the schoolboy history books!

There is no tag as Mongolian China because of your cultural arrogance. Read the post and don't move around like a video game!

As far as the Casualties, please click the links and it will emerge like magic. In case they don't, google and search!

As far as India is concerned, we are not ashamed of our history that we have to fudge it with cultural arrogance and pretend nothing like being subjugated by foreign invaders has ever happened!

It is a fact that India had foreign rulers; some were assimilated and some did not want to be assimilated. It is a fact. Lies and daydreams as you do, cannot change the facts of history, can it?

You Chinese love to live in denial!!

It is the biggest joke to call the Khanate as Chinese!!

Pitiful Kashmir?

You stole a part of it from what Pakistan is holding - Shaksgam and soon you will change your history books to say that it was always a part of China from ancient times!!
Ethnic Boundaries

China is, like all large states, multiethnic; but one ethnic group--the Han Chinese --dominates the politics, government, and economy. This account focuses on the Han, and it considers the minority peoples only in relation to the Han ethnic group.

Over the centuries a great many peoples who were originally not Chinese have been assimilated into Chinese society. Entry into Han society has not demanded religious conversion or formal initiation. It has depended on command of the Chinese written language and evidence of adherence to Chinese values and customs. For the most part, what has distinguished those groups that have been assimilated from those that have not has been the suitability of their environment for Han agriculture. People living in areas where Chinese-style agriculture is feasible have either been displaced or assimilated. The consequence is that most of China's minorities inhabit extensive tracts of land unsuited for Han-style agriculture; they are not usually found as long-term inhabitants of Chinese cities or in close proximity to most Han villages. Those living on steppes, near desert oases, or in high mountains, and dependent on pastoral nomadism or shifting cultivation, have retained their ethnic distinctiveness outside Han society. The sharpest ethnic boundary has been between the Han and the steppe pastoralists, a boundary sharpened by centuries of conflict and cycles of conquest and subjugation. Reminders of these differences are the absence of dairy products from the otherwise extensive repertoire of Han cuisine and the distaste most Chinese feel for such typical steppe specialties as tea laced with butter.

Official policy recognizes the multiethnic nature of the Chinese state, within which all "nationalities" are formally equal. On the one hand, it is not state policy to force the assimilation of minority nationalities, and such nonpolitical expressions of ethnicity as native costumes and folk dances are encouraged. On the other hand, China's government is a highly centralized one that recognizes no legitimate limits to its authority, and minority peoples in far western Xinjiang-Uygur Autonomous Region, for example, are considered Chinese citizens just as much as Han farmers on the outskirts of Beijing are.

Official attitudes toward minority peoples are inconsistent, if not contradictory. Since 1949 policies toward minorities have fluctuated between tolerance and coercive attempts to impose Han standards. Tolerant periods have been marked by subsidized material benefits intended to win loyalty, while coercive periods such as the Cultural Revolution have attempted to eradicate "superstition" and to overthrow insufficiently radical or insufficiently nationalistic local leaders.

What has not varied has been the assumption that it is the central government that decides what is best for minority peoples and that national citizenship takes precedence over ethnic identity. In fact, minority nationality is a legal status in China. The government reserves for itself the right to determine whether or not a group is a minority nationality, and the list has been revised several times since the 1950s. In the mid-1980s the state recognized 55 minority nationalities, some with as few as 1,1000 members. Minority nationalities are guaranteed special representation in the National People's Congress and the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. Areas where minorities form the majority of the population may be designated "autonomous" counties, prefectures, or regions, subject to the authority of the central government in Beijing rather than to provincial or subprovincial administrations. It is expected that local administrations in such regions will be staffed at least in part by minority nationals and that application of national policies will take into account local circumstances and special needs. In the early 1980s, for example, minority peoples were exempted from the strict limitations on the number of children per family dictated to the Han population.

Most Han Chinese have no contact with members of minority groups. But in areas such as the Xizang (also known as Tibet) or Xinjiang autonomous regions, where large numbers of Han have settled since the assertion of Chinese central government authority over them in the 1950s, there is clearly some ethnic tension. The tension stems from Han dominance over such previously independent or semi-autonomous peoples as the Tibetans and Uygurs, from Cultural Revolution attacks on religious observances, and from Han disdain for and lack of sensitivity to minority cultures. In the autonomous areas the ethnic groups appear to lead largely separate lives, and most Han in those areas either work as urban-based administrators and professionals or serve in military installations or on state farms. Since the late 1970s, the central authorities have made efforts to conciliate major ethnic minorities by sponsoring the revival of religious festivals and by increasing the level of subsidies to the poorest minority regions. Because of these efforts, other moderate government policies, and the geographic distribution and relatively small size of minority groups in China, the country has not suffered widespread or severe ethnic conflict.
China Ethnic Boundaries

A very understanding article from the Han point of view.

KV Lin,

I hope you have learnt to clink the links!

The last sentence here is a link!

In this forum, it is difficult to make out a link from the text!
I am twisting nothing.

The facts have been quoted from reputed academics. I am sure they more that you and me!

As far as the Casualties, please click the links and it will emerge like magic. In case they don't, google and search!

hey, I've checked all your links with or without connection to Sino-Vietnam conflict, where's the facts backing up Chinese casualties of 60000/26000, and where's the the Vietnamese data? help me out for the magic?:lol:

or as you said, I may have to google it out to support your freely wagging tongues?:tdown:

no, you put up the issue,you serve it.

I'm living in denial for 2 days since you've been posing too much pedant. whatever, if you can't prove what you've asserted, admiting it won't make you more laughable than your endless evasion does.

for the rest of your assertions, I prefer not to waste my time against vacuous comments.
A very understanding article from the Han point of view.

KV Lin,

I hope you have learnt to clink the links!

The last sentence here is a link!

In this forum, it is difficult to make out a link from the text!

I did, then what are you trying to convey with this article?;)
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