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Chinese & Indians in old Arab travelers' accounts

Equally, there was no country known as India back then.

China existed only within the Great wall of China. This is real historical China. :cheesy:

He came from Nepal, which was never a part of India.

Lumbini is his birthplace, this is a historical fact and nobody in the world disputes it.

And yes he did attain enlightenment under the Bodhi tree.

Lumbini was the part of Kosala Mahajanapada in the lifetime of Lord Buddha. After that it remained the part of all Empire of the North India until Prithvi Narayan Shah annexed it to Nepal in the mid 18th century.

Indian Government link

Indian source? Of course, your government/quasi-government site would approve it, they got their asss whacked in 1962. LOL
Brainyqoute is as credible as wikipedia LOL. Give me the book or speech that the diplomat actually said that.
See Great wall is the border of real China which was built to segregate Chinese from non-Han races.

Hey wikipedia-educated genius, the map is wrong again, you jolly well knew that. Han dynasty extend to the border of central asia. The Great wall was a fortification, chinese land extend beyond that.

It's dumb funny you wanna take issue with the size of chinese land, I guess it stemmed from your complex that you didn't even have your own land, you were conquered by the Aryans, then the Muslims. LOL, you didn't even have a proper country until 1947.
People denying History just for pride.......
India was a great Nation and gave the world(not only China) so much.....
Hey wikipedia-educated genius, the map is wrong again, you jolly well knew that. Han dynasty extend to the border of central asia. The Great wall was a fortification, chinese land extend beyond that.

It's dumb funny you wanna take issue with the size of chinese land, I guess it stemmed from your complex that you didn't even have your own land, you were conquered by the Aryans, then the Muslims. LOL, you didn't even have a proper country until 1947.

Chinese are good at faking the history. Chinese civilization existed only within the great wall while Uyghur or Tibetans had their own distinct civilization until their land was annexed to China.
The Han empire extended much further, for those interested read up the lost legion of the roman empire led by Marcus Crassus, after being beaten by the Parthians (modern day Iran) they fled eastwards where they fought as mercenaries for the Huns/Xiong Nu (who was fleeing from the Han dynasty) against Han dynasty, they were subsequently captured and assimilated into the Han empire. In 2010, DNA test conducted on the bordering regions of Gobi Desert in Gansu largely confirmed the story with villagers there with 56% DNA of caucasian descent, blue/green eyes and fair hair etc...
The Han empire extended much further, for those interested read up the lost legion of the roman empire led by Marcus Crassus, after being beaten by the Parthians (modern day Iran) they fled eastwards where they fought as mercenaries for the Huns/Xiong Nu (who was fleeing from the Han dynasty) against Han dynasty, they were subsequently captured and assimilated into the Han empire. In 2010, DNA test conducted on the bordering regions of Gobi Desert in Gansu largely confirmed the story with villagers there with 56% DNA of caucasian descent, blue/green eyes and fair hair etc...

The Chinese evolved from Indians: Study - Sci/Tech - DNA
I'm not a Communist. :lol: I never believed in such a stupid idea.

Then why adopt it in the first place?

However, you guys are ruled by a white European Christian (Sonia).

I agree.

A curse, courtesy a weak puppet PM who cannot stand up for his country.

Ironically he comes from a community that has valiantly stood against outside invaders throughout.

And you have chosen a Western European language (English) as the de facto official language of India.

Hindi is the official language of India and English is retained for those who cannot understand or clearly speak Hindi.

Google any policy papers by the government of India: it is always in Hindi AND English.

Every PSU has its reports in Hindi, English AND the regional language of the state.

Oh and last but not least, you have the 2nd or 3rd largest Muslim population in the world. How many Buddhists do you have in India, even though you are one of the largest Muslim countries on Earth?

So what do you suggest? Mow all the Muslims down just like that?

The only problem we have with them is that many of them easily tend to get radicalized and suffer an identity crisis. But that doesn't mean we annihilate them.

There are good guys as well.

But yeah, Secularism has done a lot of damage in bordering areas in our country. I will agree.

As for Buddhists, we are not an organized religion.

It is hard for you to understand but do you know something? Mahabodhi temple has more mainstream Hindu attendants than us. :D

I don't know how to explain but our way of life is difficult to explain in words.

You have to live it to understand its spiritual beauty.

You guys are Abrahamic in leadership and Abrahamic at your core.

What do you mean? :what:

In some threads, you call us Saffron or Hindu terrorists; now you're calling us Abrahamic.

Make up your mind man.
China's current territory is inherited from the Qing empire (1644 - 1911). In fact 1/3 of China's territory was lost during the 19th century. And would the Indians here stop obsessing about the Han we are just one of many people's living in China. If Indians want to suggest that China shouldn't have those territories in the west because those area's "doesn't" belong to China because the Han didn't live there before. Then India should get out of all the territories belonging to the Muslims and also southern India (Dravidian) that was never part of any Indian empire untill the Brits gave it to you. And if the Indians here wants to take credit for China's law's and culture then you do not only have to argue against the members on this forum but against every mainstream historian out there.

P.S. today only 20% of the Chinese are buddhists.

Global Religious Landscape Table - Percent of Population - Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life

Anyway, I think Buddhism has do a lot of good to China, not just only because the creed is good but also because Chinese sanitize it. Many Buddhist sect could be dangerous and advocate screwing around.
Many places of Tibet including Sikkhim was polluted by sexual Buddhism and everyone are screwing around. Sikkhim is one of the most lose places in the planet where woman spread legs without hesitation.

I think you're referring to Tantric aspect of Buddhism.


Funny you say that. :lol:

And you have been to Sikkim huh?

That's okay, I don't take offense considering that you are being monitored with a gun on your head.

That's okay.

Before such Buddhism did came to China, but they are 100% incompatible with Chinese culture. These sexual monks and phoney prophets would be lynch by highly ethical Chinese, that sexual Buddhism cannot take root in China. Chinese pick up good things of Buddhism like Zen idea. While Tibetan and Sikkhim pick up the fxxk thing, until Je Tsongkhapa of Gelug started asking Lama to be celibate.

The sexual lama did gave China a lot of harm. In the Mongol dynasty of China, the ruling Mongols are Tibetan Buddhist and Lama has a lot of power. They went screwing many Chinese woman.

Too bad for you.

Well at least it was all about s e x and not murdering millions in cold blood like how Mao did.

Haven't you heard the saying?

Make love; not war. :D
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