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Chinese & Indians in old Arab travelers' accounts

McMahon line is a disputed borderline which no side sign an agreement on it, accept McMahon himself. The correct border is the official China-British's India border. Beside, there's no the so called United India before. The border and territory of modern India was created by the British. Is the McMahon line the ancient Bharat borderline? Seeing the local people that mostly are Mongoloid people, South Tibet is never part of India.

You know historical China was always within the Great Wall, even Tarim basin was seldom the part of China. Tibetan plateau wasn't the part of China for most of the history. Our ancestors never had direct contact with Hans in the North throughout history. Even many ethnicities of China don't look like Hans and their culture extremely different from Hans.

The people in India with Mongoloid look consider themselves as Indians. I have talked to many Chinese and asked them one question about their knowledge about the ethnicity, language and religion of the people living in Arunachal Pradesh. I still hadn't find a single Chinese who know about the people of the territory whom they claim as the part of China. :omghaha::omghaha:

Since when China had eye on grabbing Sikkim? I said above, it's a lie propaganda about China invasion to India. While the truth, it's India invasion to China with forward policy. Sikkim believed it and fall into the lie...then they lost their country because of self-ignorant.

Then why did China never recognized integration of Sikkim with India? North-East India is connected with rest of India through a small stretch of land, grabbing Sikkim would have given China a strategic upper hand in case of the war with India. China want to grab some land of Bhutan for the same purpose.

China is communist. Sikkim and Bhutan is probably did the right thing. Yeah, I'm aware what the communist did to Chinese civilization and many East Asian cultures.

Although China is the world biggest Buddhist country, no Buddhist countries in the world have respect to China, because China is basically a communist. Buddhism is just practiced personally by the common people. Although China has a very long history of Buddhism, but modern China Buddhism (after the communist annihilation) is still very young and new. It's Taiwanese and Japanese who reintroduced Buddhism to China in '80. It was a very happy moment, that a lot of young mainlanders enthusiastically want to know and preserve their heritage.

That is why I purpose China to kick communist name out and back again to their root. But I understand if mainlanders fail to understand and see the bigger picture of China position, then refused my offer. The communist propaganda and censorship blinded their eyes. A bunch of foreign worshipers.

Yes, in communist state religion is considered as superstition but communist leaders are themselves turned into the unquestionable demigods, criticizing the demigod can one severely punished. I heard in North Korea there are lots many fairy tales are related to Kim Jong families. :lol:

Retreat after entering Chinese territory. It's just surprising that India launch the attack from Sikkim and Bhutan to Chinese territory. It's no longer about McMahon line, isn't? It's all about whole Tibet.

That's a wrong accusation, we never claimed Tibet, we only wished for China honoring the McMahon line which was agreed by Tibet and India in 1914. China is very aggressive in case of border dispute, China even claim some islands of Malaysia which is far away from the nearest Chinese coast.
You know historical China was always within the Great Wall, even Tarim basin was seldom the part of China. Tibetan plateau wasn't the part of China for most of the history. Our ancestors never had direct contact with Hans in the North throughout history. Even many ethnicities of China don't look like Hans and their culture extremely different from Hans.

The people in India with Mongoloid look consider themselves as Indians. I have talked to many Chinese and asked them one question about their knowledge about the ethnicity, language and religion of the people living in Arunachal Pradesh. I still hadn't find a single Chinese who know about the people of the territory whom they claim as the part of China. :omghaha::omghaha:

Then why did China never recognized integration of Sikkim with India? North-East India is connected with rest of India through a small stretch of land, grabbing Sikkim would have given China a strategic upper hand in case of the war with India. China want to grab some land of Bhutan for the same purpose.

Yes, in communist state religion is considered as superstition but communist leaders are themselves turned into the unquestionable demigods, criticizing the demigod can one severely punished. I heard in North Korea there are lots many fairy tales are related to Kim Jong families. :lol:

That's a wrong accusation, we never claimed Tibet, we only wished for China honoring the McMahon line which was agreed by Tibet and India in 1914. China is very aggressive in case of border dispute, China even claim some islands of Malaysia which is far away from the nearest Chinese coast.

Great Wall was built 500 years ago as a defense fortifiation by the Ming dynasty, and you claim China was always "within the Great Wall" even when the Great wall did not even exist. during the Han dynasty, southern "manchuria" and Korea were under China's rule (korea was part of the lelang commandery) and they are most beyond the modern day Great Wall. .During the Ming dynasty when the Yongle Emperor was in power the area now part of the Russian Primorsky Krai region was part of the Nurgan Regional Military Commision.

This is from the National Archives of the United Kingdom and it clearly shows South Tibet (arunachal Pradesh) as NOT part of British India

You know historical China was always within the Great Wall, even Tarim basin was seldom the part of China. Tibetan plateau wasn't the part of China for most of the history. Our ancestors never had direct contact with Hans in the North throughout history. Even many ethnicities of China don't look like Hans and their culture extremely different from Hans.

What's your issue with China land size? Learn proper history before you speak. Our land extend over the wall.
Northeast 7 sisters don't belong to Indian traditionally too. They don't look like Indian either. Before the British, you don't even have a proper defined country. Don't tell me Bharat, it didn't physically exist, it was a concept.
You suffering from some inferiority complex or just plain jealous about china?

Then why did China never recognized integration of Sikkim with India? North-East India is connected with rest of India through a small stretch of land, grabbing Sikkim would have given China a strategic upper hand in case of the war with India. China want to grab some land of Bhutan for the same purpose.

Becoz of ongoing dispute we have with you we don't recognize Sikkim. We would have taken Sikkim or Bhutan if we were aggressive. We don't claim what is traditional not ours.

China is very aggressive in case of border dispute, China even claim some islands of Malaysia which is far away from the nearest Chinese coast.

What are you shitting again? China has no dispute with Malaysia.
You know historical China was always within the Great Wall, even Tarim basin was seldom the part of China. Tibetan plateau wasn't the part of China for most of the history. Our ancestors never had direct contact with Hans in the North throughout history. Even many ethnicities of China don't look like Hans and their culture extremely different from Hans.

The people in India with Mongoloid look consider themselves as Indians. I have talked to many Chinese and asked them one question about their knowledge about the ethnicity, language and religion of the people living in Arunachal Pradesh. I still hadn't find a single Chinese who know about the people of the territory whom they claim as the part of China. :omghaha::omghaha:

There are different between China and Han Chinese. China is the whole China. As Han Chinese, it doesn't mean we can sell out Tibetan territory to foreign country for personal gain. That is a betrayal.

I don't think majority of Indian know about Northeast India too and their situation today. If Indian know the situation in South Tibet, I don't think South Tibet became an extreme undeveloped region like today. No modern road and electricity in the entire region, can you image that? If you don't want it, too bothersome to develop it, then return it to China.

Or at least divided into two and make referendum to the local people, who want to stay in the India side and China side.

Then why did China never recognized integration of Sikkim with India? North-East India is connected with rest of India through a small stretch of land, grabbing Sikkim would have given China a strategic upper hand in case of the war with India. China want to grab some land of Bhutan for the same purpose.

As a Chinese, I tell you that we don't have any interest at all with Sikkim and Bhutan. The propaganda that said China want India is a total BS.

Yes, in communist state religion is considered as superstition but communist leaders are themselves turned into the unquestionable demigods, criticizing the demigod can one severely punished. I heard in North Korea there are lots many fairy tales are related to Kim Jong families. :lol:

That is North Korea. North Korea leader was designed based on Japanese Emperor tradition. Thanks goodness that mainland China don't follow North Korea step.

That's a wrong accusation, we never claimed Tibet, we only wished for China honoring the McMahon line which was agreed by Tibet and India in 1914. China is very aggressive in case of border dispute, China even claim some islands of Malaysia which is far away from the nearest Chinese coast.

McMahon is a scam, British colonial land grabber.

You know their mentality, I don't think a victim of colonized country like India have any sympathy to them. India should drop the colonial greedy McMahon claim.
Great Wall was built 500 years ago as a defense fortifiation by the Ming dynasty, and you claim China was always "within the Great Wall" even when the Great wall did not even exist. during the Han dynasty, southern "manchuria" and Korea were under China's rule (korea was part of the lelang commandery) and they are most beyond the modern day Great Wall. .During the Ming dynasty when the Yongle Emperor was in power the area now part of the Russian Primorsky Krai region was part of the Nurgan Regional Military Commision.

Tibet wasn't the part of China during the time of Ming. It became part of China during the time of last Chinese dynasty Qing.

This is from the National Archives of the United Kingdom and it clearly shows South Tibet (arunachal Pradesh) as NOT part of British India


This map is not the official map of British India in 1946-47. This map is not correct, Lushai Hills(present Mizoram) is missing, Manipur and Tripura were princely states, that's too missing. Also the princely states along Balochistan and NWFP are depicted in wrong way. There are lots of mistakes in that map.

Here is the Map published by China in 1917.


Here is the correct map of British India from a government website from UK.

There are different between China and Han Chinese. China is the whole China. As Han Chinese, it doesn't mean we can sell out Tibetan territory to foreign country for personal gain. That is a betrayal.

China want their territory and not the people.

I don't think majority of Indian know about Northeast India too and their situation today. If Indian know the situation in South Tibet, I don't think South Tibet became an extreme undeveloped region like today. No modern road and electricity in the entire region, can you image that? If you don't want it, too bothersome to develop it, then return it to China.

Road is a problem because of high mountains but Arunachal Pradesh export electricity to other states of India. Their tribal culture & custom is well-preserved in India, which ethnic minorities can't even dream in China. All Indians know that people in Arunachal are tribals.

All Chinese I talked to think to that people in Arunachal are Tibetans who follow Tibetan Buddhism and speak Tibetan language. :lol:

Or at least divided into two and make referendum to the local people, who want to stay in the India side and China side.

People consider themselves Indians there, they never had any cultural contacts with Hans throughout history.

As a Chinese, I tell you that we don't have any interest at all with Sikkim and Bhutan. The propaganda that said China want India is a total BS.

Then you should study about China-Bhutan border dispute, the land Chinese want to grab can make India more vulnerable.

McMahon is a scam, British colonial land grabber.

You know their mentality, I don't think a victim of colonized country like India have any sympathy to them. India should drop the colonial greedy McMahon claim.

That's your logic. The land your talking about wasn't eternally bestowed to Chinese people. See the above map of the 1917 official map from China.

What's your issue with China land size? Learn proper history before you speak. Our land extend over the wall.
Northeast 7 sisters don't belong to Indian traditionally too. They don't look like Indian either. Before the British, you don't even have a proper defined country. Don't tell me Bharat, it didn't physically exist, it was a concept.
You suffering from some inferiority complex or just plain jealous about china?

Your concept of China was meant only for Han people. China historically never had a fixed boundary, it was just colonizing the new land. It all started from Zhongyuan plains.

Becoz of ongoing dispute we have with you we don't recognize Sikkim. We would have taken Sikkim or Bhutan if we were aggressive. We don't claim what is traditional not ours.

What are you shitting again? China has no dispute with Malaysia.

You always wanted to grab their land.
Your concept of China was meant only for Han people. China historically never had a fixed boundary, it was just colonizing the new land. It all started from Zhongyuan plains.

Learn history dumbass, ancient China had always been quite diverse, although Han is majority. There were many Persians and minority tribes in serving the dynasty. And muslims too.
Colonization was an European thing, Chinese only wanted vassal or tributary state. Admiral Zheng He could have colonized SE Asia and Africa, but the emperor decided to stop the expedition.

Zhongyaun? What a retard, why you move away from the Gange river? Why don't you remain there?

You always wanted to grab their land.

Again, learn proper history. Many land you inherited from the british was illegally grabbed, they don't belong to you either. Why don't you give the 7 sister states?
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