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Chinese & Indians in old Arab travelers' accounts

People r fighting here like that Arab guy will cum n give the trophy to winner.
Then you are simply in a state of denial.

arabs had a lot of respect for indians irrespective of indians being idol worshippers.I read in al berunis al hind that the king in iraq would invite indians to teach their scholars.arabs translated many works from sanskrit.
india is known world wide for its spirituality and contribution in maths.what are chinese known for?even yoga has become famous now a days.
arabs had a lot of respect for indians irrespective of indians being idol worshippers.I read in al berunis al hind that the king in iraq would invite indians to teach their scholars.arabs translated many works from sanskrit.
india is known world wide for its spirituality and contribution in maths.what are chinese known for?even yoga has become famous now a days.

Iraqis are quite different from the rest of them.

They are probably the most open-minded Arabs after Levantine Arabs and Omanis.
i dont want to belittle china by saying that the word china elicits an imagination of snake and frog eaters in the minds of many people across the world;there were couple of chinese travellers who wrote highly of india in good old days.they even took religion from india.it means chinese had a lot of brotherly feeling for indians back in those days.we should not judge the entire chinese seeing the views of few losers on PDF.
both our nations have civilised religions unlike abrahamic ones.
giv n take respt
mate just curious to know
do sikkim ppl harbour any love for chinese since you have mongoloid features like them and speak a language which is of the same family as chinese(sino tibetan)
do ppl in sikkim love india?bcoz i keep hearing north east ppl are fighting india for separate country (to be honest nothing wrong in it since indian govts dont give much importance to NE.but i love everyone who loves india)
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mate just curious to know
do sikkim ppl harbour any love for chinese since you have mongoloid features like them and speak a language which is of the same family as chinese(sino tibetan)
do ppl in sikkim love india?bcoz i keep hearing north east ppl are fighting india for separate country (to be honest nothing wrong in it since indian govts dont give much importance to NE.but i love everyone who loves india)

People of North-East belong separate group called Tibeto-Burman different from Chinese. Mahabharat mentions people of North-East and Nepal as Kirata while Chinese had been referred as Cina.
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People of North-East belong separate group called Tibeto-Burman different from Chinese. Mahabharat mentions people of North-East and Nepal as Kirata while Chinese had been referred as Cina.

so china got its name from mahabharat?i didnt know that.thanks for the information mate
Is there a better reason why Indian ave IQ is 82?

tell us how the name China originated and who were first to use the word. Mahabharat is one of the most ancient books in the world.
mate just curious to know do sikkim ppl harbour any love for chinese since you have mongoloid features like them and speak a language which is of the same family as chinese(sino tibetan)

Are you kidding me?! :blink:

The whole reason why we signed up to join the Union was because of the problem with the commies.

Why'd we like them?

And we don't look like them really. People think that having oriental features means all are Chinese.

It isn't like that.

We have probably the same relations with PRC from here that Tamil Nadu has with Sri Lanka down south and Punjab has with Pakistan up north. :D

do ppl in sikkim love india?bcoz i keep hearing north east ppl are fighting india for separate country (to be honest nothing wrong in it since indian govts dont give much importance to NE.but i love everyone who loves india)

Name me ONE group that fights against the country from Sikkim. :)

We and Arunachal have been asking the Army for the last two decades to volunteer for Indian Army as distinct and proud units and it took the babus 20 years to allow us to form our own Regiments.

We ask the government to arm the state to teeth but that puppet PM won't listen calling it 'against peace'.

We and this time specifically Arunachalis have been asking the Centre to build roads and transport infrastructure for better logistical supply route in times of conflict, the idiots sitting in Delhi ignore our request.

Three of my brothers and four of my cousin brothers serve our country with their lives daily. Even after this you say, that we're fighting against the country. :(

How many times do you hear about what is happening in daily life in my state or from Arunachal or Manipur or Mizoram or Nagaland or Meghalaya or Tripura? The maximum news that the Hindi and English news channels cover in north India are upto Assam and that too because of that fool Gogoi mismanaging the whole state of Assam.

It took any PM 12 years to visit Arunachal and a massive earthquake for the Puppet to take note of us Sikkimese.

Thanks to the Army, IAF and civil authorities here that my people were saved.

Even after such neglect, we are still the most dedicated Indians you'll find.

My state is one of the fastest growing states in the country, the MOST peaceful state in the entire eastern portion of India.

What people? Those lunatic terrorist groups are not the entire people of NE.

Come here and ask what a common office going Manipuri, Naga, Assamese or from Meghalaya or anyone wants: They will answer you only one thing:

Infrastructure, jobs, safety and peace of mind.

Sickos like NSCN and NSCM is funded by CCP. Heck! The Osama of NSCN i.e. Anthony Shimray is sitting in China half the time!

The local fundamentalist groups are backed by the Baptist Church, which the Secoolar media will never show you (when was the last time the media showed anything of relevance? it was always busy with Film stars and Cricket matches all the time to fool entire India).

Other AK-wielding idiots are more of a menace to the locals, by organizing bandhs, disrupting daily work, drug trafficking, human trafficking and making problems for everyone locally.

There are a fringe element of dissatisfied youth and I won't hide the fact that my region is neglected. But not to the extent of terrorism.
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so china got its name from mahabharat?i didnt know that.thanks for the information mate

I don't know about any earlier reference to Chinese people apart from Mahabharat but you will find Chinese won't agree to Indian origin of the word China from Cina.
tell us how the name China originated and who were first to use the word. Mahabharat is one of the most ancient books in the world.

Man, I think you're referring to the Sanskrit term "Cina". Which is pronounced as 'Chee-na'.

In Chinese language, there is no 'China'.

They refer to themselves as something Zhonghuo, which (Chinese folks can correct me if I am wrong) is something like the 'Middle Kingdom'.

Just like there is no 'India' and it is a colonial term whereas officially our country is Bharat, China seems more like a colonial imposition.

But it is possible that the Brits might have got the idea from those who spoke local languages here because mostly China is referred to as 'Cheen' in Hindi.
Are you kidding me?! :blink:

The whole reason why we signed up to join the Union was because of the problem with the commies.

Why'd we like them?

And we don't look like them really. People think that having oriental features means all are Chinese.

It isn't like that.

We have probably the same relations with PRC from here that Tamil Nadu has with Sri Lanka down south and Punjab has with Pakistan up north. :D

I was watching an old video from Sikkim by a British journalist from 1960s where Sikkim's Emperor was fearing constant threat from China and they were even training kids in school how to hide in trenches in the case of Chinese invasion of Sikkim.
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