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Chinese & Indians in old Arab travelers' accounts

China's current territory is inherited from the Qing empire (1644 - 1911).

Good for you.

Every country has had empires made and broken.
What are you trying to say?

We had a lot of South Asian countries in our fold too under many a emperor.

So we should invade these countries?

That's a weird logic.

Japanese ruled you. Does it mean that they should again capture you?

No right?

P.S. today only 20% of the Chinese are buddhists.

We all know what went into the cultural revolution.

Anyone at gunpoint could be coaxed to forget.

After all, that is what your Pakistani counterparts did to our community in their country. The only difference was, they asked to convert to an organized religion while you asked to stop believing in whatever they had.

No wonder you and Pakistanis get along well.
Good for you.

Every country has had empires made and broken.

What are you trying to say?

We had a lot of South Asian countries in our fold too under many a emperor.

So we should invade these countries?

That's a weird logic.

Japanese ruled you. Does it mean that they should again capture you?

No right?

Then India should allow Kashmir and all other parts of the country that wants independence go. :coffee:

We all know what went into the cultural revolution.

Anyone at gunpoint could be coaxed to forget.

After all, that is what your Pakistani counterparts did to our community in their country. The only difference was, they asked to convert to an organized religion while you asked to stop believing in whatever they had.

No wonder you and Pakistanis get along well.

These sorts of changes in culture and religion happen throughout history there is nothing new happening here.
Hu Shih was the ROC ambassador, not from the PRC.

The name is written using an old Romanization. It should be Shi.

Regardless, Buddha was born in Nepal (everyone agrees on that) so he was wrong. He probably knew that too, he was just doing his job as an ambassador.

Not really, the fight between Nepalese and Indians between where Buddha was born is world famous :P I found out on a 'funny' website when they posted about Buddha (9gag)
Equally, there was no country known as India back then.

Neither was China. The China of today is the creation of Manchus/Mongols. Han Chinese weren't capable enough. You just grabbed the power once Uncle Sam defeated Japan and gifted it to you. Had that not happened all of China including Taiwan would have become part of Japan. One more thing there were Indian forces in China as well who saved your behinds from Japanese Samurais!!so you must consider thanking the ones who helped you. This may hurt Hans but that's what the truth is!!! Chinese should be extremely thankful to America for their identity and existence.
Well, when it comes to China, in Arab history there is a famous narration of the Muslim Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.W) which says:

"Seek knowledge even as far as China"

At that time it was thought that the Prophet referred to China because may be Arabs considered it a place located very far away and He (S.A.W.W) wanted to stress on the importance of education.
But today the Islamic scholars lay emphasis of the word China obviously marking the success of China in today's world...
Neither was China. The China of today is the creation of Manchus/Mongols. Han Chinese weren't capable enough. You just grabbed the power once Uncle Sam defeated Japan and gifted it to you. Had that not happened all of China including Taiwan would have become part of Japan. One more thing there were Indian forces in China as well who saved your behinds from Japanese Samurais!!so you must consider thanking the ones who helped you. This may hurt Hans but that's what the truth is!!! Chinese should be extremely thankful to America for their identity and existence.

You should be extremely thankful to the Brits without them there will be no modern India. No Brits = No modern India
Neither was China. The China of today is the creation of Manchus/Mongols. Han Chinese weren't capable enough. You just grabbed the power once Uncle Sam defeated Japan and gifted it to you. Had that not happened all of China including Taiwan would have become part of Japan. One more thing there were Indian forces in China as well who saved your behinds from Japanese Samurais!!so you must consider thanking the ones who helped you. This may hurt Hans but that's what the truth is!!! Chinese should be extremely thankful to America for their identity and existence.

How is China a Manchus/Mongol creation when they speak and write in Chinese character? China was an unified state since 220 BC and we fought for our country against the Japs. You fought for the Queen of England. Don't be jealous that you didn't have your own country back then. Look, Somalian, Ethiopian...most Africans didn't have their country too. You are not alone.
China existed only within the Great wall of China. This is real historical China. :cheesy:


The great wall was built only 500 years ago during the Ming dynasty, and when it was built it was built far south of the Ming's maximum northern borders. Keep trolling.

And also the Great wall is only on the northern side, there is no wall on the west.
What a load of BS, its historical fact that Arabs described current day Pakistan when it used to be Hindu/Bhuddist and not current day India. Dont know which part of China they described if anyone can help.
Hu Shih, former Ambassador of China to USA: "India conquered and dominated China culturally for 20 centuries without ever having to send a single soldier across her border."

Hu Shih was a member of the May Fourth Movement which advocated destroying traditional Chinese culture and language and replacing it with western culture.

And funny how no Indian can provide the original source for that forged quote in the original publication it was published in. As someone on this forum said, no ambassador would use a metaphor like "conquered" unless the original fabricator had a massive chip on his shoulder, because we all know who got their b u t t s spanked in 1962.
What a load of BS, its historical fact that Arabs described current day Pakistan when it used to be Hindu/Bhuddist and not current day India. Dont know which part of China they described if anyone can help.

The Persian words Hind and Chin (both of which later borrowed into Arabic, English etc) actually meant respectivly Sindh region and East Turkestan back then.
What a load of BS, its historical fact that Arabs described current day Pakistan when it used to be Hindu/Bhuddist and not current day India. Dont know which part of China they described if anyone can help.

Arabs had trade relations with Indians across Konkan and Malabar coast, they learnt the use of spices in food from Indians. Many translated manuscript of Indian discoveries were once preserved in the house of wisdom.
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