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China's nuclear arsenal is one of the most advanced in the world

Now we need to increase to 10000000 nuclear warheads and proliferate to America's enemies and freedom fighters.
Now we need to increase to 10000000 nuclear warheads and proliferate to America's enemies and freedom fighters.

Between 3000-5000 nukes is enough as we develop more reliable multilayer missile defence system, thus we can throw more nukes at enemy's territory than the other way around.

Most Indians don't have anything to eat. This is a fact.

Frankly, i won't mind if India has its own ICBM, since US is the one who will have more headache. :coffee:
ICBM/SLBM and miniaturized thermonuclear warhead.

yes dude these are all really good platforms. but what i asked was i china developing any tactical nukes like ASMP or B61 or any other stealth cruise missiles to launch miniaturized tactical nukes etc.,
The US has the best Nuke tech
this is a little to much nothing but boasting & also Russia has very advanced Nuke system too
^So does that mean India tech is stone age????
He is right, developing that tech did send India into stone age :lol:

Burn... :flame:

How about Pakistan's technology. I heard that China supplied your nation with nuclear warhead tech and guidance for missile.
China's nuclear theory come from US, Europe , I must talk about three people:
Qian Sanqiang(1913-1992): in 1937 he study in France, his teacher is Curie couple(Irène Joliot-Curie and her husband), He got Doctorate there and studied in Collège de Sorbonne and Collège de France, doing research under Frédéric Joliot-Curie and Irène Joliot-Curie. He returned to China in 1948.

Deng Jiaxian:He was a nuclear physics expert, October 1948 he went to US and completed his PhD in physics at Purdue University in 1950, only 2 years got required credits, that year he was only 26 years old. Just 9 days after graduation, he decided to return to China to contribute to the scientific development of the newly founded People's Republic. From 1958 on, Deng spent over 20 years working secretly with a team of young scientists on the development of the nuclear and hydrogen bomb for China, culminating in success in 1964 and 1967.
Wang Jincang:A nuclear physics, in 1930, he study at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, his teacher is Lise Meitner.

China's missile theory come from one person:
Qian Xueshen:Qian Xuesen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
was a scientist who made important contributions to the missile and space programs of both the United States and People's Republic of China. In 1943, Qian and two others in the Caltech rocketry group drafted the first document to use the name Jet Propulsion Laboratory; it was a proposal to the Army for developing missiles in response to Germany's V-2 rocket. This led to the Private A, which flew in 1944, and later the Corporal, the WAC Corporal, and other designs.

After World War II he served under von Kármán as a consultant to the United States Army Air Forces, and commissioned with the assimilated rank of colonel. Von Kármán and Tsien both were sent by the Army to Germany to investigate the progress of wartime aerodynamics research. Qian investigated research facilities and interviewed German scientists including Wernher von Braun and Rudolph Hermann. Von Kármán wrote of Qian, “At the age of 36, he was an undisputed genius whose work was providing an enormous impetus to advances in high-speed aerodynamics and jet propulsion.” The American journal Aviation Week & Space Technology would name Qian its Person of the Year in 2007, and comment on his interrogation of von Braun, "No one then knew that the father of the future U.S. space program was being quizzed by the father of the future Chinese space program."
During this time, Colonel Qian worked on designing an intercontinental space plane. His work would inspire the X-20 Dyna-Soar, which itself would later influence the development of the American Space Shuttle.
don't chest thump with copy paste capacity. you should feel asham of it. there is nothing above keeping the promise. And i know you peoples even don't know the meaning for honesty and promised words but not all chinese friends.

whats up with you Indian and copy, does a copied missile hurts any less?
Did India re-invent everything in Russia?
the only ones who can claim missiles to be original are Germans everyone else just copied it
whats up with you Indian and copy, does a copied missile hurts any less?
Did India re-invent everything in Russia?
the only ones who can claim missiles to be original are Germans everyone else just copied it

well i accept dude. india also gained technologies from others only. but i mentioned about violating the agreements(not copying the tech)signed during weapon procurement. but india never violated these things. And also why those peoples refusing to accept the fact.
well i accept dude. india also gained technologies from others only. but i mentioned about violating the agreements(not copying the tech)signed during weapon procurement. but india never violated these things. And also why those peoples refusing to accept the fact.

Indians are not smart enough to reverse engineer. You act as if reverse engineering is easy. Importing is easy, trying to make your own weapons with indigenous components is very hard and takes alot of time, knowledge and resources.
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