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China's drive for military supremacy: Beijing's armoury of weapons and the terrifying missiles so high-tech that they are almost impossible to stop

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I'll tell you what, that cardboard tank is more capable than Arjunk.

At least it doesn't weight 80 tons. They can actually move it to the frontlines pretty easily. However the model is so badly made that it probably can't even fool a third grader so it is useless for decoy.
LOl, who do you think that you can speak for US generals?

China’s military closing technology gap with the US, says American air force chief
Pentagon: China Is 'Closing the Gap' in Air Power with U.S.
New missile gap leaves U.S. scrambling to counter China

Once a musician played for a king. the king was so enchanted he kept telling the musician he will give him riches...and then said he will give him more riches...and then said he will give even more riches. The musician went home and waited for his reward but got none. he went back to the court and asked the king why. The king said ' you did things that pleased my ears so i also said things that pleased yours.....'
sorry to burst your bubble but don't hold your breath. America has a working 6th gen fighter while these people haven't even matched them in 5th fighters (anyone who thinks the J series matches f22 needs a shrink). These guys are huffing and puffing for a trip to the moon 60 years after then yanks- and they're trying to go to mars. Far from reducing the gap, the gap is actually increasing.

When $hit hits the fan, and there is a swarm of hypersonic nukes headed america's way. All that 5th, 6th and 10th generation fighters won't help you. Might as well burrow yourself in them Cold War era nuclear bunkers now, before it's too late .... hobbit!!
When $hit hits the fan, and there is a swarm of hypersonic nukes headed america's way. All that 5th, 6th and 10th generation fighters won't help you. Might as well burrow yourself in them Cold War era nuclear bunkers now, before it's too late .... hobbit!!

america has more and better hypersonic nukes. And they have 1000s of them on last count. In a battle against the US, China is toast, today and a 100 years form now.
america has more and better hypersonic nukes. And they have 1000s of them on last count. In a battle against the US, China is toast, today and a 100 years form now.

Really? We all thought india had better weapons technology than america. Especially with what the indians on PDF have been saying.
All American gernerals believe China is fast closing the gap and Indians believe the gap is widenning, who should we believe...?

US Generals want to increase their budgets, gain influence, power and have more "employees". US Generals have a vested interest in having a supposedly powerful boogie man China to frighten everyone.
Indians who are being threatened by China will lose out by saying China is weak since the Indian military will not obtain as many new weapons.
Believe who you want. I will believe those who are impartial.
US Generals want to increase their budgets, gain influence, power and have more "employees". US Generals have a vested interest in having a supposedly powerful boogie man China to frighten everyone.
Indians who are being threatened by China will lose out by saying China is weak since the Indian military will not obtain as many new weapons.
Believe who you want. I will believe those who are impartial.

don't burst his bubble. Don't you see he's happy that US Genral said he is rising?
Really? We all thought india had better weapons technology than america. Especially with what the indians on PDF have been saying.

So when you lose an argument you turn to cheapshots.
don't burst his bubble. Don't you see he's happy that US Genral said he is rising?

Chinese, the CCP and military have a 270+ million woke soon to have no jobs and thus VERY angry migrant workers problem.

China needs a boogie man as much as the USA does.
Give me example of a combat proven Chinese weapon system..

I am putting forward F15 with a 120 to nill kill ratio

I agree. According to your statistic, let's just say that F-16 is half as effective as F-15. That means just 5 Pakistani F-16s can shoot down the entire Indian Air Force, since it is All American (R).
'I have convinced myself that my weapons are high tech and difficult to stop'

Well, typical Indian thinking.

India is not a "supapowa" for nothing. Let's see on how many things Indians are superior in the world. According to your typical thinking.

1- Teja is a world beater aircraft. Shame the world has rejected it. Must be a conspiracy against India, right!!
2- There is "Arjun MBT", the junkyard junkie. Once again even IA initially rejected it, must be a conspiracy by IA against India. :-)
3- The missiles which fizzle more than hit their targets.

Yeah, that is typical India superiority complex.
I am an Indian Australian, can speak for anyone 😀😀

Oh no sh*t, an Indian and a convict, deadly combination.
Two big mouths , sure can spout any kind of filth.
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Painful truth for some here. The only way enemies of china will stop it is by developing capabilities to punish china the same way..

Hypothetically, China with its 300 nuclear warheads can destroy every urban population centers in North America, but US with its 5000 warheads can destroy every village in China. What does China have to stop any US weapons?
There are way more than 5000 villages in China, and US arsenal will not be enough to any much damage major industrial centres.

More than a half of US warheads on standby are 100kt w76 on Ohios, 20 missiles, and 80 heads per boat. Certainly less than half of Ohios on raid are in Pacific, and 4 to 2 are nearly always in repair, and maintanance.

US plan is to have 2 raids per boat per year. And we know that 8 Ohio's are having port in Bangor, unless US really hates us so much to circumnavigate more Ohios from another coast in secret.

They can attack 160 cities at maximum, spreading 4 warheads over a maximum of 20-25km in a first strike scenario.

More realistically, only 4 to 6 of Bangor's Ohios are on the raid, and at least some of them will not fire because they are too up north, and they are afraid of triggering Russians.

Only full salvo of Ohios + followup from the mainland + land operation can genuinely threaten China's existence as a state.

In such scenario, Russia will not lose such a golden opportunity for as long as somebody like Putin would be in power there.
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