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China's Choice: India or Pakistan? Which country is more important for China’s future?

Modi is an ultra right wing nationalist who was elected on a platform to be aggressive with neighbouring countries.

The current shelling that is occuring between India and Pakistan could have been halted long time ago but it wont be due to Modi's right wing credientials being damaged if he eased up on Pakistan.

In short, India elected a Hitler.

Sure dude, all the election manifesto, public opinions, election campaigns, debates etc are all lie. India didn't elect him to perform better, but just to fight a needless war. And it is always India that has to back down and stop, it is the right of Pakistan to fire the first and the last bullet. All the Indian demands of maintaining ceasefire and stopping crossborder terrorism are just for show!

LOL, stop with the word games. Who is the "Enemy that is screaming" in Modi's quote above?

And you guys consider the Pakistani Army to be the de facto representative of the Pakistani state in any case.

Well, I won't say that the de facto representative is the problem and not the democratic govt. I will leave that to your imagination.
That's what your own internal military report (the Henderson-Brooks report) said.

Do you think you know more than your own generals and soldiers who actually fought on the ground in 1962?
Anyway that was defeat of our policy planners not men in uniforms. Our men in uniform paid the price of miscalculation ( of government) by their blood.
1. about 1962 the Chinese army moved artillery and ammunition men and other logistics to the border in large amounts. Similar thing was seen in 1971 done by India against Pakistan. So sure India may have attacked first, but guess who provoked it. We are seeing exactly same tactics being used in Indo-China sea.
2. India is OK with the status quo, China is the one that's pushing to expand.
3. PV Narasimha Rao , one of the greatest PM of India ( in my opinion) , said if India has to choose between US and China we should choose China. And I completely agree with him. We only have one problem that of border. Both our nations have shown that we can resolve such issues by dialogue. The fact that there is a committee on that which met last week working on those issues.
I also believe China uses that issue to pinch or needle India and put it into its place. The Dalai Lama issue and Tibetans in India is a worry for China too.
But again these issues can be dealt with. China also seems aware of this and the BCIM Corridor which is being spearheaded by China is a recognition of that. So also is the maritime silk route. The sino-indian trade and cooperation in various fields like defense and space which is improving slowly but steadily indicate the direction of the relationship.
Both India and China are pragmatic Nations. Indians are realistic about their place and progress as compared to China. Also to quite an extent they are seen as a role model to success by energizing vast population. When Indians talk about China they do talk about the progress in infrastructure and manufacturing. The reason why Modi has got the mandate he has is because he promised similar improvements in India.
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And that is why I keep saying China is not as bad as pakistan.. There is no ceasefire voilation from both sides..
We can be a good friend.

I hate to disagree!!! On what basis?

China prefers an India with which it has an enormous Trade Deficit.

The last thing they want is for Indians to "Make In India" and be just another competitor for China. It is a known Chinese policy to keep Indian borders on the boil so that all our developmental budget is diverted to "Mountain Strike Corpse"!

Look at how they undermined the peaceful borders by repeated excursions which were totally unnecessary and easily avoidable.

And don't ever forget - China permanently harmed our interests by arming Pakistan with Nuclear weapons! How would they like India to arm Vietnam with nuclear weapons?

On the contrary, I think we may one day, be able to reduce Pakistan to a much lesser nuisance than they are today!

But overall, India is obviously more important than Pakistan.

Important only as long as India continues to run huge Trade Deficits with them.

The moment India reaches some semblance of trade balance with China, India will be considered a rival and the relationship will come off the seams even further. Make no mistake about it!
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A silly thread we all know the answer to your question .... Pak - China friendship / interest forever india is no where in the story ever simple as that.
China prefers an India with which it has an enormous Trade Deficit.

The last thing they want is for Indians to "Make In India" and be just another competitor for China. It is a known Chinese policy to keep Indian borders on the boil so that all our developmental budget is diverted to "Mountain Strike Corpse"!

Even the low end manufacturing that is leaving China due to our rising wages, is not going to India.

It's going to Southeast Asia, because they have much better infrastructure and much less red tape than India does.
Even the low end manufacturing that is leaving China due to our rising wages, is not going to India.

It's going to Southeast Asia, because they have much better infrastructure and much less red tape than India does.

That is clearly beside the point!

What I am saying is that China will prefer an India which runs trade deficit with it. China will try to do anything in its capacity to make sure that India's focus is diverted to border conflicts and not on "Make In India"!

Whether India can still attract any kind of manufacturing or not, is another discussion, got it Mr. Think Tank?
That is clearly beside the point!

What I am saying is that China will prefer an India which runs trade deficit with it. China will try to do anything in its capacity to make sure that India's focus is diverted to border conflicts and not on "Make In India"!

Whether India can still attract any kind of manufacturing or not, is another discussion, got it Mr. Think Tank?

China spent 4 decades building a national manufacturing base, with efficient infrastructure, a strong local supply chain, low input costs, everything to make our manufacturing the most competitive in the world.

When is India going to start building up a national manufacturing base?

That is a process that takes many decades to achieve.
China spent 4 decades building a national manufacturing base, with efficient infrastructure, a strong local supply chain, low input costs, everything to make our manufacturing the most competitive in the world.

When is India going to start building up a national manufacturing base?

That is a process that takes many decades to achieve.

How is that relevant to the topic at hand? Why do you need to beat your own drums in every single thread -- even at the risk of going off topic? We all know what China did and we simply don't have to admire China at every given opportunity!!!

What we are discussing here is if China would like an India on equal terms or just as somebody to run high trade deficits against!

Stick to the topic, please!
How is that relevant to the topic at hand? Why do you need to beat your own drums in every single thread -- even at the risk of going off topic? We all know what China did and we simply don't have to admire China at every given opportunity!!!

What we are discussing here is if China would like an India on equal terms or just as somebody to run high trade deficits against!

Stick to the topic, please!
He only knows how to dodge questions.
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