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China's Choice: India or Pakistan? Which country is more important for China’s future?

And that is why I keep saying China is not as bad as pakistan.. There is no ceasefire voilation from both sides..
We can be a good friend.
Depends what china is looking for
A friend or a puppet
If thats true then some day India and Pakistan will turn into frens....lets be sanguine about it. :devil:

A lot of work needs to be done if national interests coincide enough for the two countries to have better bilateral relations.
Whatever. The most hilarious part is, U only picked 2 words which were in context and without any racist intent, ignoring whole post of mine. All ur comment responding to me are only about those 2 words and not caring bout the whole post. So much for a matured member. Kool.
Brother why don't you edit your post if it has offended a Chinese?
A lot of work needs to be done if national interests coincide enough for the two countries to have better bilateral relations.
The issue is that national interest has been put on the back burners for last 67yrs. Its for the triumphism of ego that our men are firing at each other on the borders.
How difficult it is for our countries to accept LOC as the international border??
Brother why don't you edit your post if it has offended a Chinese?
I wud have. But doesnt matter as I have already got a negative rating. So I will live with it and Chinese guy will too. And as far as baning is concerned, it was never an issue for me. I have been the most banned person in minimum timespan in history of PDF. :D

A lot of work needs to be done if national interests coincide enough for the two countries to have better bilateral relations.
Basic issue is ur Army. It will always try to keep its agenda over civilian unlike India. How will u deal with this?
According to India's previous Defence Minister George Fernandes: "China is India's number one enemy".

So there is your answer. :cheesy:

you are talking with jealousy. you view has no value. your government and country men's hold different view about india. the writer of the OP is a Chinese.

India is assuming a very important role in china's geo political interests.
you are talking with jealousy. you view has no value. your government and country men's hold different view about india. the writer of the OP is a Chinese.

India is assuming a very important role in china's geo political interests.

I am quoting India's own Defence Minister. :lol:
With a 7 times larger population and 7 times larger economy, I think the answer is obvious.
But at the same time, India is also a rival, which makes Pakistan a useful client for China.
They can use Pakistan to hedge against India.

But overall, India is obviously more important than Pakistan.
The issue is that national interest has been put on the back burners for last 67yrs. Its for the triumphism of ego that our men are firing at each other on the borders.
How difficult it is for our countries to accept LOC as the international border??

It is not the ego that is the issue, it is just that the system serves only a minority, and their interests replace the national interests so as to lead to the policies that are being followed.
Basic issue is ur Army. It will always try to keep its agenda over civilian unlike India. How will u deal with this?

This cannot be cured, but it will be endured until the economy collapses completely. Then things will be forced to change.
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